在根据刘增辉老师编写的《Mybatis从入门到精通》一书中, "4.4 foreach用法"一节中, 对于foreach标签与Map
在这里,为了节省时间,关于pojo层的 SysUser.java文件、 test层的 BaseMapperTest.java文件,我就不做展示。对于这2个文件的代码,可参见我上一篇博客: Mybatis/Ibatis框架--动态SQL, foreach标签与List、数组参数案例
* foreach标签,Map参数,更新用户信息.
* @param userMap
* @return
* @author moon 2019/02/16 21:07
Integer updateSysUserByUserMap(Map userMap);
* foreach标签,Map参数,批量插入用户信息.
* @param userMap
* @return
* @author moon 2019/02/16 17:37
Integer insertSysUserMap4(@Param(value = "userMaps") Map userMap);
* foreach标签,Map参数,批量插入用户信息.
* @param userMap
* @return
* @author moon 2019/02/16 17:37
Integer insertSysUserMap2(@Param(value = "userMaps") Map userMap);
* foreach标签,Map参数,批量插入用户信息.
* @param userMap
* @return
* @author moon 2019/02/16 17:37
Integer insertSysUserMap(@Param(value = "userMaps") Map userMap);
* foreach标签, foreach标签实现in集合(或数组)动态查询SysUser信息.
* 根据用户id集合查询
* @param idMap
* @param userNameMap
* @return
* @author moon 2019/02/16 16:07
List selectSysUserByIdMapAndUsernameMap(@Param(value="idMaps") Map idMap, @Param(value = "userNameMaps") Map userNameMap);
* foreach标签, foreach标签实现in集合(或数组)动态查询SysUser信息.
* 根据用户id集合查询
* @param idMap
* @return
* @author moon 2019/02/16 16:02
List selectSysUserByIdMap(@Param(value = "idMaps") Map idMap);
// List selectSysUserByIdMap(Map idMap); // 没有通过 @Param注解指定参数名,则在xml配置中,collection中默认填写什么,我暂时未知! @moon 2019/02/16 17:52
UPDATE sys_user
WHERE id=#{id}
INSERT INTO sys_user
INSERT INTO sys_user
INSERT INTO sys_user
在SysUserMapper.xml文件中,updateSysUserByUserMap 更新语句SQL可知, 使用foreach标签,传递的参数为Map
package com.moon.mybatis.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.moon.mybatis.mapper.SysUserMapper;
import com.moon.mybatis.pojo.SysUser;
* 测试类,集中进行验证Mybatis的动态SQL功能。
* @author moon 2019/02/15 10:39
public class UserMapperTest extends BaseMapperTest {
* foreach标签,Map参数, 更新用户信息.
* @author moon 2019/02/16 21:11
public void testUpdateUserByUserMap() {
// 创建sqlSession
SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession();
try {
SysUserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(SysUserMapper.class);
Map userMap = new HashMap();
// userMap.put("idd", 1006L); // 这种写法报错,通过该测试可知 foreach标签+Map参数 更新信息时,有缺陷! @moon 2019/02/16 21:27
userMap.put("id", 1006L);
userMap.put("user_email", "[email protected]");
userMap.put("user_password", "12345678");
// 更新 SysUser信息.
Integer result = userMapper.updateSysUserByUserMap(userMap);
System.out.println("result值为: " + result);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(1), result);
// 查询更新后的SysUser信息
SysUser sysUser = userMapper.selectSysUserById(1006L);
System.out.println("sysUser值为: " + sysUser.toString());
Assert.assertEquals("12345678", sysUser.getUserPassword());
} finally {
// 提交事务
// sqlSession.commit();
// 对事务进行回滚
// 关闭 sqlSession
* foreach标签,List集合参数,实现批量插入用户信息.
* foreach标签,Map集合 参数,实现插入用户信息.
* @author moon 2019/02/16 18:29
public void testInsertSysUserByUser() {
// 创建sqlSession
SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession();
try {
SysUserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(SysUserMapper.class);
System.out.println("------------------------------------ foreach标签,单参数Map集合批量插入用户信息测试 ------------------------------------");
Map userMap = new HashMap();
userMap.put("user_name", "王安石");
userMap.put("user_password", "123456");
userMap.put("user_email", "[email protected]");
userMap.put("user_info", "Map参数,插入数据测试.");
userMap.put("head_img", new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3});
Integer result2 = userMapper.insertSysUserMap(userMap);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(1), result2);
SysUser sysUser2 = new SysUser();
System.out.println("验证是否插入了数据:" + userMapper.selectSysUserByIdOrUserName(sysUser2));
System.out.println("------------------------------- Map参数,另一种INSERT传值方式--insertSysUserMap2(...)函数. -------------------------------");
Map userMap2 = new HashMap();
userMap2.put("user_name", "王小二");
userMap2.put("user_password", "123456");
userMap2.put("user_email", "[email protected]");
userMap2.put("user_info", "Map参数,插入数据测试.");
userMap2.put("head_img", new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3});
Integer result3 = userMapper.insertSysUserMap2(userMap2);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(1), result3);
SysUser sysUser3 = new SysUser();
System.out.println("验证是否插入了数据:" + userMapper.selectSysUserByIdOrUserName(sysUser3));
System.out.println("------------------------------- Map参数,另一种INSERT传值方式--insertSysUserMap4(...)函数. -------------------------------");
Map userMap4 = new HashMap();
userMap4.put("user_name", "李时珍");
userMap4.put("user_password", "123456");
userMap4.put("user_email", "[email protected]");
userMap4.put("user_info", "Map参数,插入数据测试.");
userMap4.put("head_img", new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3});
Integer result5 = userMapper.insertSysUserMap4(userMap4);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(1), result5);
SysUser sysUser5 = new SysUser();
System.out.println("验证是否插入了数据:" + userMapper.selectSysUserByIdOrUserName(sysUser5));
} finally {
// 提交事务
// sqlSession.commit();
// 对事务进行回滚
// 关闭sqlSession
* foreach标签,List集合、 Map集合、Array[]数组 参数,测试动态SQL查询功能.
* @author moon 2019/02/16 16:35
public void testSelectSysUserByParams() {
// 创建sqlSession
SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession();
try {
SysUserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(SysUserMapper.class);
System.out.println("--------------------------- foreach标签,单参数Map集合测试 ---------------------------");
// 创建 Map idMap集合
Map idMap = new HashMap();
idMap.put("id1", 1L);
idMap.put("id2", 1005L);
List sysUserMap = userMapper.selectSysUserByIdMap(idMap);
System.out.println("sysUserMap值为: " + sysUserMap.toString());
// 创建 Map userNameMap集合
Map userNameMap = new HashMap();
System.out.println("--------------------------- foreach标签,多参数Map集合测试 ---------------------------");
userNameMap.put("userName1", "test");
userNameMap.put("userName2", "李四");
userNameMap.put("userName3", "test01");
List sysUserMap2 = userMapper.selectSysUserByIdMapAndUsernameMap(idMap, userNameMap);
System.out.println("sysUserMap2值为: " + sysUserMap2.toString());
System.out.println("sysUserMap2的数量为: " + sysUserMap2.size());
} finally {
// 提交事务
// sqlSession.commit();
// 回滚事务
// 关闭 sqlSession
--------------------------- foreach标签,单参数Map集合测试 ---------------------------
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name userName, user_password userPassword, user_email userEmail, user_info userInfo, head_img headImg, create_time createTime FROM sys_user WHERE id IN ( ? , ? )
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 1005(Long), 1(Long)
TRACE [main] - <== Columns: id, userName, userPassword, userEmail, userInfo, headImg, createTime
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1, admin, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2016-04-01 17:00:58.0
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1005, 张三, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2019-02-15 17:40:41.0
DEBUG [main] - <== Total: 2
sysUserMap值为: [SysUser [id=1, userName=admin, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=管理员, headImg=null, createTime=Fri Apr 01 17:00:58 CST 2016], SysUser [id=1005, userName=张三, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=普通用户, headImg=[1, 2, 3], createTime=Fri Feb 15 17:40:41 CST 2019]]
--------------------------- foreach标签,多参数Map集合测试 ---------------------------
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name userName, user_password userPassword, user_email userEmail, user_info userInfo, head_img headImg, create_time createTime FROM sys_user WHERE id IN ( ? , ? ) OR user_name IN ( ? , ? , ? )
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 1005(Long), 1(Long), 李四(String), test01(String), test(String)
TRACE [main] - <== Columns: id, userName, userPassword, userEmail, userInfo, headImg, createTime
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1, admin, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2016-04-01 17:00:58.0
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1001, test, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2016-04-01 17:00:58.0
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1004, test01, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2019-01-28 15:39:16.0
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1005, 张三, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2019-02-15 17:40:41.0
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1006, 李四, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, 2019-02-15 17:40:41.0
DEBUG [main] - <== Total: 5
sysUserMap2值为: [SysUser [id=1, userName=admin, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=管理员, headImg=null, createTime=Fri Apr 01 17:00:58 CST 2016], SysUser [id=1001, userName=test, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=测试用户, headImg=null, createTime=Fri Apr 01 17:00:58 CST 2016], SysUser [id=1004, userName=test01, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=test info, headImg=[1, 2, 3, 4], createTime=Mon Jan 28 15:39:16 CST 2019], SysUser [id=1005, userName=张三, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=普通用户, headImg=[1, 2, 3], createTime=Fri Feb 15 17:40:41 CST 2019], SysUser [id=1006, userName=李四, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=普通用户, headImg=[1, 2, 3], createTime=Fri Feb 15 17:40:41 CST 2019]]
sysUserMap2的数量为: 5
------------------------------------ foreach标签,单参数Map集合批量插入用户信息测试 ------------------------------------
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO sys_user ( user_password , user_email , user_info , user_name , head_img ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 123456(String), [email protected](String), Map参数,插入数据测试.(String), 王安石(String), [B@76a4d6c(byte[])
DEBUG [main] - <== Updates: 1
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name userName, user_password userPassword, user_email userEmail, user_info userInfo, head_img headImg, create_time createTime FROM sys_user WHERE 1=1 and user_name = ?
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 王安石(String)
TRACE [main] - <== Columns: id, userName, userPassword, userEmail, userInfo, headImg, createTime
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1035, 王安石, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, null
DEBUG [main] - <== Total: 1
验证是否插入了数据:SysUser [id=1035, userName=王安石, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=Map参数,插入数据测试., headImg=[0, 1, 2, 3], createTime=null]
------------------------------- Map参数,另一种INSERT传值方式--insertSysUserMap2(...)函数. -------------------------------
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO sys_user ( user_password , user_email , user_info , user_name , head_img ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 123456(String), [email protected](String), Map参数,插入数据测试.(String), 王小二(String), [B@10b48321(byte[])
DEBUG [main] - <== Updates: 1
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name userName, user_password userPassword, user_email userEmail, user_info userInfo, head_img headImg, create_time createTime FROM sys_user WHERE 1=1 and user_name = ?
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 王小二(String)
TRACE [main] - <== Columns: id, userName, userPassword, userEmail, userInfo, headImg, createTime
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1036, 王小二, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, null
DEBUG [main] - <== Total: 1
验证是否插入了数据:SysUser [id=1036, userName=王小二, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=Map参数,插入数据测试., headImg=[0, 1, 2, 3], createTime=null]
------------------------------- Map参数,另一种INSERT传值方式--insertSysUserMap4(...)函数. -------------------------------
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO sys_user ( user_password , user_email , user_info , user_name , head_img ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 123456(String), [email protected](String), Map参数,插入数据测试.(String), 李时珍(String), [B@49e202ad(byte[])
DEBUG [main] - <== Updates: 1
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name userName, user_password userPassword, user_email userEmail, user_info userInfo, head_img headImg, create_time createTime FROM sys_user WHERE 1=1 and user_name = ?
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 李时珍(String)
TRACE [main] - <== Columns: id, userName, userPassword, userEmail, userInfo, headImg, createTime
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1038, 李时珍, 123456, [email protected], <>, <>, null
DEBUG [main] - <== Total: 1
验证是否插入了数据:SysUser [id=1038, userName=李时珍, userPassword=123456, [email protected], userInfo=Map参数,插入数据测试., headImg=[0, 1, 2, 3], createTime=null]
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: UPDATE sys_user SET user_email=? , user_password=? , id=? WHERE id=?
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: [email protected](String), 12345678(String), 1006(Long), 1006(Long)
DEBUG [main] - <== Updates: 1
result值为: 1
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name userName, user_password userPassword, user_email userEmail, user_info userInfo, head_img headImg, create_time createTime FROM sys_user WHERE id = ?
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 1006(Long)
TRACE [main] - <== Columns: id, userName, userPassword, userEmail, userInfo, headImg, createTime
TRACE [main] - <== Row: 1006, 李四, 12345678, [email protected], <>, <>, 2019-02-15 17:40:41.0
DEBUG [main] - <== Total: 1
sysUser值为: SysUser [id=1006, userName=李四, userPassword=12345678, [email protected], userInfo=普通用户, headImg=[1, 2, 3], createTime=Fri Feb 15 17:40:41 CST 2019]
祝各位小伙伴学习愉快. Lucky........