1. pbc是非线程安全的,解决办法是初始化时为每个线程创建一个pbc_env环境
2. pbc以字符串key作为消息的字段,但erlang的record结构没有key,只是一个存放term的数组,怎么对应起来
3. c层如何构造一个初始的erlang消息结构,然后解完消息之后,返回给erlang层使用
4. 这个初始的erlang结构都是固定的,怎么把这个erlang结构在c层保存起来一直使用
最终做出来效率提升好几倍,而且可以同时支持record和map结构, 代码已提交到github,https://github.com/616050468/erlang_pbc
erlang_pbc is erlang nif of protobuff-c which is developed by cloudwu, want to know protobuff-c more, please see:https://github.com/cloudwu/pbc
erlang_pbc is faster than erlang-protobuff, support record and map. if you use map, you don't need any erlang code.
Quick Example
package msg;
message attriMessage {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional int32 value = 2;
message longMessage {
optional int64 dbID = 1;
optional int32 sceneID = 2;
optional int32 sceneLine = 3;
optional int32 x = 4;
optional int32 y = 5;
optional int32 z = 6;
repeated attriMessage attriList = 7;
optional string name = 8;
optional int32 career = 9;
optional bool sex = 10;
optional string signature = 11;
optional int32 vip_level = 12;
optional string telphone = 13;
Eshell V6.1 (abort with ^G)
1> test_msg:init_pbc().
2> pbc_nif:get_default("msg.attriMessage").
{{'msg.attriMessage',0,0},#{"index" => 0,"value" => 0}}
3> Bin = pbc_nif:encode("msg.attriMessage", {'msg.attriMessage', 100, 100}).
4> pbc_nif:decode("msg.attriMessage", Bin, 0).
5> pbc_nif:decode("msg.attriMessage", Bin, 1).
#{"index" => 100,"value" => 100}
please see test_msg.erl to know more....
test data in personal note-book:
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1231 v3 @3.40GHz
RAM: 8.00GB
OS TYPE: 64-bit
Eshell V6.1 (abort with ^G)
1> test_msg:profile().
begin profile encode
encode_short_erlang (10.0w): 139ms
encode_short_pbc_map (10.0w): 58ms
encode_short_pbc_record (10.0w): 52ms
encode_long_erlang (10.0w): 850ms
encode_long_pbc_map (10.0w): 187ms
encode_long_pbc_record (10.0w): 152ms
encode_big_erlang (10.0w): 13084ms
encode_big_pbc_map (10.0w): 2203ms
encode_big_pbc_record (10.0w): 1739ms
begin profile decode
decode_short_erlang (10.0w): 164ms
decode_short_pbc_map (10.0w): 76ms
decode_short_pbc_record (10.0w): 60ms
decode_long_erlang (10.0w): 1342ms
decode_long_pbc_map (10.0w): 424ms
decode_long_pbc_record (10.0w): 175ms
decode_big_erlang (10.0w): 20312ms
decode_big_pbc_map (10.0w): 6099ms
decode_big_pbc_record (10.0w): 2556ms
Windows: open project use VS and build the project.
Linux: (use premake4 to create makefile)
premake4 gmake