Ruby Fiber


Ruby 1.9 带来了Fiber:





Subroutine VS Coroutine




Subroutine Coroutine

The lifespan of subroutines is dictated by last in, first out (the last subroutine called is the first to return)

The lifespan of coroutines is dictated entirely by their use and need.
The start of a subroutine is the only point of entry The start of a coroutine is the first point of entry and subsequent points of entry are following yield commands.
Subroutines can return only once coroutines can return (yield) several times


Practically, yielding returns the result to the calling coroutine and gives it back control, like a usual subroutine. However, the next time the coroutine is called, the execution does not start at the beginning of the coroutine but just after the yield call.


那什么是semi-coroutine:Semi-Coroutines are asymmetric Coroutines which are limited in their choice of transfer of control. Asymmetric Coroutines can only transfer control back to their caller, where Coroutines are free to transfer control to any other Coroutine, as long as they have a handle to it.


Fiber VS Thread



Fiber Thread
not concurrency concurrency
resume, suspend(call Fiber.yield或者等到block结束) resume, suspend
return and give control back to caller not return or give control back unless join it


Fiber VS Closure




fib = do
   f1 = f2 = 1
   loop do
     Fiber.yield f1 (每次resume,在遇到Fiber.yield或者block结尾时结束)
     f1, f2 = f2, f1 + f2 (第二次resume,从这里开始)

10.times { puts fib.resume }




def local_proc
    f1 = f2 = 1
    return {f1, f2 = f2, f1 + f2; p f1;}

proc1 = local_proc

10.times {}



上面两个方法的实现方式是很不相同的。Fiber方式通过 enable the automatic conversion of internal iterators, such as each, to enumerator or external iterators来实现。

Fiber::Core VS Fiber


相较于Fiber,Fiber::Core是真正的coroutine -- 一种可以实现userspace thread的轻量级线程。


Next to implementing control structures, Coroutines provide a way to use lightweight concurrency . In effect, they allow to implement userspace threads with cooperative scheduling. The Coroutines can either yield control to each other, or have centralized scheduling by handing off control to one scheduler Coroutine which then decides who gets scheduled next.


Ruby1.9实现了kernal threads(sometimes too heavy),所以提供一种轻量级的并行化方式是必要的。


Nevertheless, creating a lot of kernel threads still has a lot of overhead, or might simply cause problems on OSes that have hard thread limits or struggle with large numbers of threads. It's in these cases, when a lightweight alternative is useful. It allows the code to be split among threads, if that is the logic, straightforward solution, but keeps the overhead down.


Fiber for JRuby




If Fibers get adopted in Ruby, this will create headaches for Ruby implementations targeting the JVM or CLR, such as JRuby, XRuby, Ruby.NET or IronRuby. None of them currently support Continuations because manipulating or reading the callstack is hard or impossible to do in these VMs . The lack of Continuations is a controversial issue, but doesn't seem to have caused problems with e.g. JRuby, because they are not widely used in Ruby. The only use of them in the Ruby 1.8 standard library is the Generator implementation, but, for instance, JRuby 1.0, solved this by implementing the same functionality without using Continuations.




While it's certainly possible to implement these features using workarounds, the question is whether these workaround will cause performance regressions. If, for instance, call stacks must be emulated on the heap, instead of using the VM's stack, this can lead to lower performance or prevent (JIT) compiler optimizations from being applied. Workarounds for asymmetric Coroutines would be easier to do, as they could make use of the VM's stack for method invocations.




Coroutines are well-suited for implementing more familiar program components such as cooperative tasks , iterators , infinite lists and pipes .。







