- ZipOutputStream: Zip包的输出流,利用putNextEntry()向包内添加一个文件。
- ZipEntry: 将被压缩到包内的文件实例,在文件名后添加文件分隔符可以压缩目录。
public class FileZipper { private static String INPUT_FPATH = "C:/temp/fileZipper/DropZone/Input_Min"; private static String OUTPUT_ZIP_PATH = "C:/temp/fileZipper/DropZone/Input_Zip"; private static String OUTPUT_ZIP_TSPATH = "/SRE/apps/ican505/sandbox/jerry/filezipper/Output_TS"; private static String ARCHIEVE_ZONE = "C:/temp/fileZipper/ArchiveZone"; private static String INPUT_DELIM = ":"; private static String ZIP_FPATTERN = "I2001_GLB"; private static int AVG_FILENAME_LEN = 45; // Default to length of each entry in MANIFEST private static int BUF_SIZE = 1024; private static int STD_ZIP_ENTRIES = 20; public String zipFilesByJava(String strZipFilePattern, String strFilePath, String strOutputFileList, String strErrorZonePath) { System.out.println("***** Inside zipFilesByJava method *****"); System.out.println("***** Source Location of files: " + strFilePath + ", Zip File Pattern: " + strZipFilePattern + " *****"); String strZipFName = ""; String strEntryFName = ""; String strManifestFName = ""; SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSS"); StringTokenizer strFileList = new StringTokenizer(strOutputFileList, "|"); if (strFileList == null || strFileList.countTokens() == 0) { System.out.println("[ERROR] Input file list is NULL or EMPTY!"); return null; } FileInputStream fin = null; ZipOutputStream zos = null; ZipEntry zipEntry = null; StringBuffer sbZippedEntryList = null; if (STD_ZIP_ENTRIES <= 0) { System.out.println("[WARN] The property STD_ZIP_ENTRIES can NOT be negative or zero! Reset to 100"); STD_ZIP_ENTRIES = 100; } if (BUF_SIZE <= 0) { System.out.println("[WARN] The property BUF_SIZE can NOT be negative or zero! Reset to 1024"); BUF_SIZE = 1024; } byte[] bInputBuf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; int iTotalFiles = strFileList.countTokens(); int iTotalZips = iTotalFiles / STD_ZIP_ENTRIES == 0 ? 1 : iTotalFiles / STD_ZIP_ENTRIES; int iEntryListLen = (iTotalZips == 1) ? AVG_FILENAME_LEN : STD_ZIP_ENTRIES * AVG_FILENAME_LEN; int AVG_FILENAME_LEN = 45; // Length of entry in MANIFEST which contains standard filename and file size. // i.e, I1001_GWM_7360_MAN_20100426000000.txt|1111 StringBuffer sbZipFNameList = new StringBuffer(iTotalZips); String strTS = dateFormatter.format(new Date()); try { System.out.println("[INFO] Current Time in Millis: " + System.currentTimeMillis()); for (int iCntZip = 0; iCntZip < iTotalZips; iCntZip++) { if (iTotalFiles == 1) { strZipFName = strOutputFileList; strZipFName = OUTPUT_ZIP_PATH + File.separatorChar + strZipFName.replaceAll(".txt$", ".zip"); } else { strZipFName = OUTPUT_ZIP_PATH + File.separatorChar + strZipFilePattern + "_" + strTS + ".zip"; } zos = new ZipOutputStream(new CheckedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(strZipFName), new CRC32())); if (zos == null) { System.out.println("[ERROR] ZIPOutputStream for output zip file is NULL!"); return null; } if (iCntZip != 0 && iCntZip == iTotalZips - 1) iEntryListLen = STD_ZIP_ENTRIES * 2 * AVG_FILENAME_LEN; sbZippedEntryList = new StringBuffer(iEntryListLen); int iCntEntry = 0; int iReadSize = 0; int iFileSize = 0; while ((iCntZip != iTotalZips - 1 && iCntEntry < STD_ZIP_ENTRIES) || (iCntZip == iTotalZips - 1 && iCntEntry < 2 * STD_ZIP_ENTRIES) && strFileList.hasMoreTokens()) { strEntryFName = strFileList.nextToken(); if (!(new File(strFilePath + File.separatorChar + strEntryFName).exists())) { System.out.println("[ERROR] The input file " + strFilePath + File.separatorChar + strEntryFName + " does NOT exist!"); return null; } zipEntry = new ZipEntry(strEntryFName); zos.putNextEntry(zipEntry); fin = new FileInputStream(strFilePath + File.separatorChar + strEntryFName); while ((iReadSize = != -1) { zos.write(bInputBuf); iFileSize += iReadSize; bInputBuf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; } iCntEntry++; sbZippedEntryList.append(strEntryFName + "|" + iFileSize + "\n"); iReadSize = 0; iFileSize = 0; System.out.println("[INFO] Entry No. " + iCntEntry + ": " + strEntryFName); fin.close(); if(new File(strFilePath + File.separatorChar + strEntryFName).renameTo(new File(ARCHIEVE_ZONE + File.separatorChar + strEntryFName))) System.out.println("[INFO] Entry file " + strEntryFName + " is already moved to Archieve Zone!"); } strManifestFName = strZipFilePattern + "_" + strTS + ".MANIFEST"; zipEntry = new ZipEntry(strManifestFName); zos.putNextEntry(zipEntry); zos.write(sbZippedEntryList.toString().getBytes()); zos.close(); System.out.println("---------------------------\n[TOTAL] Zip No. " + (iCntZip + 1) + ": " + iCntEntry + " files compressed into zip " + strZipFName + "!\n---------------------------\n"); sbZipFNameList.append(strZipFName); } System.out.println("[END] Finished reading and zipping!"); System.out.println("[INFO] Current Time in Millis: " + System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch(ZipException zipE){ System.out.println("[ERROR] ZipException thrown!"); zipE.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioE) { System.out.println("[ERROR] IOException thrown!"); ioE.printStackTrace(); } return sbZipFNameList.toString(); }
Java文件解压缩需要用到的类包括ZipFile(用文件名实例化一个压缩包)和ZipEntry,ZipEntry实例被从ZipFile实例获取。 利用ZipFile的getOutputStream()(zipEntry实例作为参数)可以获取对zipEntry的输入流,由此读入数据并写出到文件系统。
public class FileUnzipper { public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileUnzipper.class.getName()); public String strErrMsg = ""; void unzip(String strZipFilePath, String strTargetFilePath, String strErrorZone, String strZipPattern, String strClaimsFilePattern, String strArchivePath) { if (!new File(strZipFilePath).exists() || !new File(strTargetFilePath).exists() || strZipPattern == null || strZipPattern.trim().length() <= 0 || strClaimsFilePattern == null || strClaimsFilePattern.trim().length() <= 0){ strErrMsg = "The mandatory location/filename for unzipping is(are) NOT valid!"; logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); return; } File[] fZipArray = new File(strZipFilePath).listFiles(new FileListFilter(strZipPattern, "zip")); if (fZipArray == null || fZipArray.length == 0){ strErrMsg = "No Zip file with pattern " + strZipPattern + " exist in the source path: " + strZipFilePath; logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); return; } ZipFile zipFile = null; ZipEntry zipEntry = null; Enumeration zipAllEntries = null; BufferedReader bufManifestReader = null; Map mapFNameToSize = new HashMap(); InputStream isEntryFile = null; OutputStream osEntryFile = null; OutputStream osEntryArchive = null; String strZipFName = ""; String strManifestFName = ""; String strReadLine = ""; String strEntryFName = ""; long lEntryFSize = 0L; int iEntryCounter = 0; byte[] bReadBuf = new byte[PropSet.FILE_WRITE_BUFSIZE]; boolean bEntryMismatched = false; try{ for (int iZip = 0; iZip < fZipArray.length; iEntryCounter = 0, iZip++){ strZipFName = fZipArray[iZip].getName(); strManifestFName = strZipFName.substring(0, strZipFName.indexOf(".zip")) + ".MANIFEST"; if(!fZipArray[iZip].isFile()){ logger.warn("The zip file " + strZipFName + " is directory or NOT a normal zip file! Moving to ErrorZone..."); if(fZipArray[iZip].renameTo(new File(strErrorZone + File.separator + strZipFName)))"Successfully moved to ErrorZone!"); else logger.error("Failed to move to ErrorZone!"); continue; } zipFile = new ZipFile(fZipArray[iZip]); // process manifest entry zipEntry = zipFile.getEntry(strManifestFName); if(zipEntry == null){ strErrMsg = "The zip file " + strZipFName + " does NOT contain MANIFEST file! Moving the zip file to ErrorZone..."; logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); if(!fZipArray[iZip].renameTo(new File(strErrorZone + File.separator + strZipFName)))"Successfully moved to ErrorZone!"); else logger.error("Failed to move to ErrorZone!"); continue; } bufManifestReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry))); while((strReadLine = bufManifestReader.readLine()) != null){ try{ mapFNameToSize.put(strReadLine.split("[|]")[0], strReadLine.split("[|]")[1]); }catch(Exception exc){ throw new Exception("Failed to add [filename --> filesize] mapping to hashmap from manifest file! Line supposed to be mapped: " + strReadLine); } } mapFNameToSize.put(strManifestFName, Long.toString(zipEntry.getSize())); bufManifestReader.close(); // process data entries zipAllEntries = zipFile.entries(); while(zipAllEntries.hasMoreElements()){ bEntryMismatched = false; zipEntry = (ZipEntry)zipAllEntries.nextElement(); strEntryFName = zipEntry.getName().trim(); lEntryFSize = zipEntry.getSize(); if(zipEntry.isDirectory()){ logger.warn("The entry " + strEntryFName + " IS directory, to ignore it."); continue; } if(!(strEntryFName.startsWith(strClaimsFilePattern) || strEntryFName.trim().equals(strManifestFName))){ bEntryMismatched = true; strErrMsg = "Invalid Zip Entry Name " + strEntryFName + ", Decompressing to ErrorZone..."; logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); }else if(!mapFNameToSize.containsKey(strEntryFName) || !mapFNameToSize.get(strEntryFName).equals(Long.toString(lEntryFSize))){ bEntryMismatched = true; strErrMsg = "Entry-filename: " + strEntryFName + ", Entry-filesize: " + lEntryFSize + " mismatch with the value " + mapFNameToSize.get(strEntryFName) + " in Manifest file! Decompressing to ErrorZone..."; logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); } isEntryFile = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry); osEntryFile = bEntryMismatched ? new FileOutputStream(strErrorZone + File.separator + strEntryFName) : new FileOutputStream(strTargetFilePath + File.separator + strEntryFName); osEntryArchive = new FileOutputStream(strArchivePath + File.separator + strEntryFName); while( != -1){ osEntryFile.write(bReadBuf); osEntryArchive.write(bReadBuf); } isEntryFile.close(); osEntryFile.close(); osEntryArchive.close(); if(!bEntryMismatched){ iEntryCounter++;"Matched Entry No. " + iEntryCounter + " | Entry Name: " + strEntryFName +", Entry File Size: " + lEntryFSize); }else"The mismatched Entry file was Decompressed to ErrorZone and Archived!"); }"Zip No. " + iZip + " | Zip Filename: " + strZipFName + ", Entries contained: " + zipFile.size() + ", Entries decompressed: " + iEntryCounter); zipFile.close(); if(fZipArray[iZip].delete())"Deleted the zip file!"); else logger.warn("Failed to delete the zip file!"); }"Finished process the zip file(s) in location " + strZipFilePath); }catch(IOException ioE){ strErrMsg = "IOException happned with msg: " + ioE.getMessage(); logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); if(fZipArray != null && fZipArray.length > 0){ for(int iZip = 0; iZip < fZipArray.length; iZip++){ if(!fZipArray[iZip].renameTo(new File(strErrorZone + File.separator + fZipArray[iZip].getName()))){ logger.warn("Failed to move the left zip file " + fZipArray[iZip].getName() + " to ErrorZone " + strErrorZone); }else"Moved the zip file " + fZipArray[iZip].getName() + " to ErrorZone " + strErrorZone); } } }catch(Exception exc){ strErrMsg = "Exception happened with msg: " + exc.getMessage(); logger.error("[" + PropSet.GIFInterfaceId + "] " + strErrMsg); } } class FileListFilter implements FilenameFilter { private String name; private String extension; public FileListFilter(String name, String extension) { = name; this.extension = extension; } public boolean accept(File directory, String filename) { boolean fileOK = true; if (name != null) { fileOK &= filename.startsWith(name); } if (extension != null) { fileOK &= filename.endsWith('.' + extension); } return fileOK; } } class PropSet { static int FILE_WRITE_BUFSIZE = 1024; static String GIFInterfaceId = "I2001_GLB"; }
看到 Snowolf对带有压缩算法的压缩/解压缩的研究,在实际应用中需要面对不同的问题和场景,如文件读写同步/目录压缩及解压缩/中文编码等。故本文章也会适时更新。