@TableId 遇到的一个小坑,; Field 'LOG_ID' doesn't have a default value; nested exception is java.sql.SQLExc

; Field 'LOG_ID' doesn't have a default value; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Field 'LOG_ID' doesn't have a default value

public class PsSyslogRdEntity implements Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private Long logId;
	private Long loginId;
	private String loginNo;
	private String loginName;
	private String userIp;
	private String userPort;
	private String serviceIp;
	private String serviceSport;
	private String funcCode;
	private String opType;
	private String opDesc;
	private Date startTime;
	private Date endTime;
	private String serviceName;
	private String contactId;
	 * 0-成功 1-失败
	private String successFlag;
	private Date createTime;


由于我的Etity实体 中 logId 存在注解 @TableId,因此 我通过 mybatis-plus 默认的


时,logId 即使赋值也不会拼入sql中

INSERT INTO PS_SERVICEPARAM_RD   ( in_param,  out_param )  VALUES   ( ?,  ? )

去除 @table 后

==>  Preparing: INSERT INTO PS_SERVICEPARAM_RD ( log_id, in_param, out_param ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? ) 


