stm32的中断分为 1.抢占优先级。 2.子优先级。
其实,子优先级主要给出了一种响应的优先队列。假设中断的抢占优先级都相同。如果有多个相同抢占优先级的中断来了 ,那么他们不会互相打断,但是他们后续的排队会按照子优先级排队。也就是说,在第一个中断没有执行完的期间内,后续的最高级的子优先级是被安排到最高等待位处理的。
static void EXTI_NVIC_Config(void)
NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStruct;
// 先设置中断优先级分组
NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI0_IRQn;
NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 1;
NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 1;
NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void)
// 判断是否发生中断
// 与函数FlagStatus EXTI_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t EXTI_Line);功能相同
if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line0) != RESET)
// 清除标志位,往EXTI_PR寄存器写1,与函数void EXTI_ClearFlag(uint32_t EXTI_Line)功能相同
// 之所有一个功能有两个一样的函数,是为了兼容旧的固件库
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t ISER[8]; /*!< Offset: 0x000 Interrupt Set Enable Register */
uint32_t RESERVED0[24];
__IO uint32_t ICER[8]; /*!< Offset: 0x080 Interrupt Clear Enable Register */
uint32_t RSERVED1[24];
__IO uint32_t ISPR[8]; /*!< Offset: 0x100 Interrupt Set Pending Register */
uint32_t RESERVED2[24];
__IO uint32_t ICPR[8]; /*!< Offset: 0x180 Interrupt Clear Pending Register */
uint32_t RESERVED3[24];
__IO uint32_t IABR[8]; /*!< Offset: 0x200 Interrupt Active bit Register */
uint32_t RESERVED4[56];
__IO uint8_t IP[240]; /*!< Offset: 0x300 Interrupt Priority Register (8Bit wide) */
uint32_t RESERVED5[644];
__O uint32_t STIR; /*!< Offset: 0xE00 Software Trigger Interrupt Register */
} NVIC_Type;
// 优先级分组
void NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(uint32_t NVIC_PriorityGroup);
// NVIC初始化
void NVIC_Init(NVIC_InitTypeDef* NVIC_InitStruct);
// 设置中断向量表
void NVIC_SetVectorTable(uint32_t NVIC_VectTab, uint32_t Offset);
// 设置系统进入低功耗模式
void NVIC_SystemLPConfig(uint8_t LowPowerMode, FunctionalState NewState);
// 设置内核时钟来源,72M或72M/8=9M(8分频)
void SysTick_CLKSourceConfig(uint32_t SysTick_CLKSource);
* @brief NVIC Init Structure definition
typedef struct
uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannel; /*!< Specifies the IRQ channel to be enabled or disabled.
This parameter can be a value of @ref IRQn_Type
(For the complete STM32 Devices IRQ Channels list, please
refer to stm32f10x.h file) */
uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority; /*!< Specifies the pre-emption priority for the IRQ channel
specified in NVIC_IRQChannel. This parameter can be a value
between 0 and 15 as described in the table @ref NVIC_Priority_Table */
uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority; /*!< Specifies the subpriority level for the IRQ channel specified
in NVIC_IRQChannel. This parameter can be a value
between 0 and 15 as described in the table @ref NVIC_Priority_Table */
FunctionalState NVIC_IRQChannelCmd; /*!< Specifies whether the IRQ channel defined in NVIC_IRQChannel
will be enabled or disabled.
This parameter can be set either to ENABLE or DISABLE */
} NVIC_InitTypeDef;
* @}
/** @defgroup NVIC_Priority_Table
* @{
The table below gives the allowed values of the pre-emption priority and subpriority according
to the Priority Grouping configuration performed by NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig function
NVIC_PriorityGroup | NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority | NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority | Description
NVIC_PriorityGroup_0 | 0 | 0-15 | 0 bits for pre-emption priority
| | | 4 bits for subpriority
NVIC_PriorityGroup_1 | 0-1 | 0-7 | 1 bits for pre-emption priority
| | | 3 bits for subpriority
NVIC_PriorityGroup_2 | 0-3 | 0-3 | 2 bits for pre-emption priority
| | | 2 bits for subpriority
NVIC_PriorityGroup_3 | 0-7 | 0-1 | 3 bits for pre-emption priority
| | | 1 bits for subpriority
NVIC_PriorityGroup_4 | 0-15 | 0 | 4 bits for pre-emption priority
| | | 0 bits for subpriority
1 注意:中断的使能有两扇大门,第一个是外设的中断使能,比如串口发送完成中断,则TCIE位要置1,这是一扇小门;然后要设置NVIC总开关,来接受外设的中断请求,这个大门就是NVIC的中断使能寄存器NVIC_ISER。
2 因为会存在多个中断,所以要设置优先级分组。
3 配置好优先级分组后,就要初始化NVIC结构体,包括中断源,主优先级,子优先级和中断使能。
typedef struct
uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannel; /*!< Specifies the IRQ channel to be enabled or disabled.
This parameter can be a value of @ref IRQn_Type
(For the complete STM32 Devices IRQ Channels list, please
refer to stm32f10x.h file) */
uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority; /*!< Specifies the pre-emption priority for the IRQ channel
specified in NVIC_IRQChannel. This parameter can be a value
between 0 and 15 as described in the table @ref NVIC_Priority_Table */
uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority; /*!< Specifies the subpriority level for the IRQ channel specified
in NVIC_IRQChannel. This parameter can be a value
between 0 and 15 as described in the table @ref NVIC_Priority_Table */
FunctionalState NVIC_IRQChannelCmd; /*!< Specifies whether the IRQ channel defined in NVIC_IRQChannel
will be enabled or disabled.
This parameter can be set either to ENABLE or DISABLE */
} NVIC_InitTypeDef;
4 编写中断服务函数