这个slashdot 评论牛(转寄)

发信人: armor (铠甲), 信区: ITExpress
标 题: 这个slashdot 评论牛
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Apr 9 09:37:54 2007), 站内

In fact, we liberated data quite freely from any resource we could obtain.
I made it a policy that each dictionary term had to come from at least two
independent sources (sources unlikely to have stolen from each other). The
singletons had to be manually reviewed by a qualified linguist. It's like
that old saying: stealing from one source is plagiarism, stealing from
multiple sources is research.
※ 修改:・utopiazh 于 Apr 9 18:30:42 修改本信・[FROM: 202.38.73.*]

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