


I ran into this today and after some searching around I found this thread on the microsoft site.

The last post contained the solution that worked for me - I've copied the material below. I did this for both Word (.DOC) and Excel (.XLS).



------- Begin quote -------
Go to the Control Panel, Folder Options, File Types. Highlight XLS
extension and then click Advanced. Click Open from the list, and then click
Edit. Add "%1" (quotes are needed) to the end of the Application used
string (which will be /e for the Excel XLS extension.) Also uncheck the DDE
box. This strategy resolved my problems for Excel and for Word. I did not
come up with this solution myself...I found it on the Excel 2007 forum and I
have included a copy of that post below. Thanks Starksnet!

Best Wishes,

23 Jan 2007, 10:48 PM UTC



So open explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types
got to the .XL?? extension click Advanced select the bold action -> Edit and in the box under "Application used..." go to the end and add the "%1" after the /e
就是说双击"我的电脑后,->点击菜单栏里的工具,->然后点文件夹属性-> 选中文件属性那个tab ->找到对应的office文件后缀->再在高级选项里面选编辑
改成这样就可以了: .......\EXCEL.EXE /e "%1" /n
