
HANDLE CreateIoCompletionPort(
    HANDLE FileHandle,
    HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort,
    DWORD CompletionKey,
    DWORD NumberOfConcurrentThreads

BOOL GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
    HANDLE CompletionPort,
    LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
    LPDWORD CompletionKey,
    LPOVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped,
    DWORD dwMiillisecondTimeout

CompletionKey = handle 的 ID(用户自定义)

IpOverlapped = 重叠结构(一个重叠结构对应一个IO操作)

struct PerIoData {

    OVERLAPPED overlapped;

    SOCKET sockAccept;

    OperationType op;

    char buff [ BUFF_SIZE ];










Completion Port Internals

A call to the Win32 API CreateIoCompletionPort with a NULL completion port handle results in the execution of the native API functionNtCreateIoCompletion, which invokes the corresponding kernel-mode system service of the same name. Internally, completion ports are based on an undocumented executive synchronization object called a Queue. Thus, the system service creates a completion port object and initializes a queue object in the port's allocated memory (a pointer to the port also points to the queue object since the queue is at the start of the port memory). A queue object has (coincidentally) a concurrency value that is specified when a thread initializes one, and in this case the value that is used is the one that was passed toCreateIoCompletionPort. KeInitializeQueue is the function thatNtCreateIoCompletion calls to initialize a port's queue object.

When an application calls CreateIoCompletionPort to associate a file handle with a port the Win32 API invokes the native functionNtSetInformationFile with the file handle as the primary parameter. The information class that is set isFileCompletionInformation and the completion port's handle and theCompletionKey parameter fromCreateIoCompletionPort are the data values.NtSetInformationFile dereferences the file handle to obtain the file object and allocates a completion context data structure, which is defined in NTDDK.H as:

typedef struct _IO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT {
    PVOID Port; 
    ULONG Key; 

Finally, NtSetInformationFile sets the CompletionContext field in the file object to point at the context structure. When an I/O operation completes on a file object the internal I/O manager functionIopCompleteRequest executes and, if the I/O was asynchronous, checks to see if theCompletionContext field in the file object is non-NULL. If its non-NULL the I/O Manager allocates a completion packet and queues it to the completion port by callingKeInsertQueue with the port as the queue on which to insert the packet (remember that the completion port object and queue object are synonymous).

When GetQueuedCompletionStatus is invoked by a server thread, it calls the native API functionNtRemoveIoCompletion, which transfers control to theNtRemoveIoCompletion system service. After validating parameters and translating the completion port handle to a pointer to the port,NtRemoveIoCompletion callsKeRemoveQueue.

As you can see, KeRemoveQueue and KeInsertQueue are the engine behind completion ports and are the functions that determine whether a thread waiting for an I/O completion packet should be activated or not. Internally, a queue object maintains a count of the current number of active threads and the maximum active threads. If the current number equals or exceeds the maximum when a thread calls KeRemoveQueue, the thread will be put (in LIFO order) onto a list of threads waiting for a turn to process a completion packet. The list of threads hangs off the queue object. A thread's control block data structure has a pointer in it that references the queue object of a queue that it is associated with; if the pointer is NULL then the thread is not associated with a queue.

So how does NT keep track of threads that become inactive because they block on something other than the completion port? The answer lies in the queue pointer in a thread's control block. The scheduler routines that are executed in response to a thread blocking (KeWaitForSingleObject, KeDelayExecutionThread, etc.) check the thread's queue pointer and if its not NULL they will callKiActivateWaiterQueue, a queue-related function.KiActivateWaiterQueue decrements the count of active threads associated with the queue, and if the result is less than the maximum and there is at least one completion packet in the queue then the thread at the front of the queue's thread list is woken and given the oldest packet. Conversely, whenever a thread that is associated with a queue wakes up after blocking the scheduler executes the functionKiUnwaitThread, which increments the queue's active count.

Finally, the PostQueuedCompletionStatus Win32 API calls upon the native functionNtSetIoCompletion. As with the other native APIs in the completion port group, this one invokes a system service bearing the same name, which simply inserts that packet onto the completion port's queue usingKeInsertQueue.
