

/* binary.c -- prints integer in binary form */
/* films2.c -- using a linked list of structures */
#include       /* has the malloc prototype      */
#include       /* has the strcpy prototype      */
#define TSIZE    45      /* size of array to hold title   */

struct film {
    char title[TSIZE];
    int rating;
    struct film * next;  /* points to next struct in list */

int main(void)
    struct film * head = NULL;
    struct film * prev=NULL, *current=NULL;
    char input[TSIZE];

    /* Gather  and store information          */
    puts("Enter first movie title:");
    while (gets(input) != NULL && input[0] != '\0')
        current = (struct film *) malloc(sizeof(struct film));
        if (head == NULL)       /* first structure       */
            head = current;
        else                    /* subsequent structures */
            prev->next = current;

        current->next = NULL;

        strcpy(current->title, input);

        puts("Enter your rating <0-10>:");
        scanf("%d", ¤t->rating);
        while (getchar() != '\n')

        puts("Enter next movie title (empty line to stop):");

        prev = current;

    /* Show list of movies                    */
    if (head == NULL)
        printf("No data entered. ");
        printf("Here is the movie list:\n");
    current = head;
    while (current != NULL)
        printf("Movie: %s  Rating: %d\n",
            current->title, current->rating);
        current = current->next;

    /* Program done, so free allocated memory */
    current = head;
    while (current != NULL)//这里注意释放顺序
        struct film * tmp;
        tmp = current->next;
        current = tmp;

    return 0;



/* list.h -- header file for a simple list type */
#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
#include      /* C99 feature         */

/* program-specific declarations */

#define TSIZE      45    /* size of array to hold title  */
struct film
    char title[TSIZE];
    int rating;

/* general type definitions */

typedef struct film Item;

typedef struct node
    Item item;
    struct node * next;
} Node;

typedef Node * List;

/* function prototypes */

/* operation:        initialize a list                          */
/* preconditions:    plist points to a list                     */
/* postconditions:   the list is initialized to empty           */
void InitializeList(List * plist);

/* operation:        determine if list is empty                 */
/*                   plist points to an initialized list        */
/* postconditions:   function returns True if list is empty     */
/*                   and returns False otherwise                */
bool ListIsEmpty(const List *plist); 

/* operation:        determine if list is full                  */
/*                   plist points to an initialized list        */
/* postconditions:   function returns True if list is full      */
/*                   and returns False otherwise                */
bool ListIsFull(const List *plist);

/* operation:        determine number of items in list          */
/*                   plist points to an initialized list        */
/* postconditions:   function returns number of items in list   */
unsigned int ListItemCount(const List *plist);

/* operation:        add item to end of list                    */
/* preconditions:    item is an item to be added to list        */
/*                   plist points to an initialized list        */
/* postconditions:   if possible, function adds item to end     */
/*                   of list and returns True; otherwise the    */
/*                   function returns False                     */
bool AddItem(Item item, List * plist);

/* operation:        apply a function to each item in list      */
/*                   plist points to an initialized list        */
/*                   pfun points to a function that takes an    */
/*                   Item argument and has no return value      */
/* postcondition:    the function pointed to by pfun is         */
/*                   executed once for each item in the list    */
void Traverse (const List *plist, void (* pfun)(Item item) );

/* operation:        free allocated memory, if any              */
/*                   plist points to an initialized list        */
/* postconditions:   any memory allocated for the list is freed */
/*                   and the list is set to empty               */
void EmptyTheList(List * plist);



/* list.c -- functions supporting list operations */
#include "list.h"

/* local function prototype */
static void CopyToNode(Item item, Node * pnode);

/* interface functions   */
/* set the list to empty */
void InitializeList(List * plist)
    *plist = NULL;

/* returns true if list is empty */
bool ListIsEmpty(const List * plist)
    if (*plist == NULL)
        return true;
        return false;

/* returns true if list is full */
bool ListIsFull(const List * plist)
    Node * pt;
    bool full;

    pt = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    if (pt == NULL)
        full = true;
        full = false;

    return full;

/* returns number of nodes */
unsigned int ListItemCount(const List * plist)
    unsigned int count = 0;
    Node * pnode = *plist;    /* set to start of list */

    while (pnode != NULL)
        pnode = pnode->next;  /* set to next node     */

    return count;

/* creates node to hold item and adds it to the end of */
/* the list pointed to by plist (slow implementation)  */
bool AddItem(Item item, List * plist)
    Node * pnew;
    Node * scan = *plist;

    pnew = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    if (pnew == NULL)
        return false;     /* quit function on failure  */

    CopyToNode(item, pnew);
    pnew->next = NULL;
    if (scan == NULL)          /* empty list, so place */
        *plist = pnew;         /* pnew at head of list */
        while (scan->next != NULL)
            scan = scan->next;  /* find end of list    */
        scan->next = pnew;      /* add pnew to end     */

    return true;

/* visit each node and execute function pointed to by pfun */
void Traverse(const List * plist, void(*pfun)(Item item))
    Node * pnode = *plist;    /* set to start of list   */

    while (pnode != NULL)
        (*pfun)(pnode->item); /* apply function to item */
        pnode = pnode->next;  /* advance to next item   */

/* free memory allocated by malloc() */
/* set list pointer to NULL          */
void EmptyTheList(List * plist)
    Node * psave;

    while (*plist != NULL)
        psave = (*plist)->next; /* save address of next node */
        free(*plist);           /* free current node         */
        *plist = psave;         /* advance to next node      */

/* local function definition  */
/* copies an item into a node */
static void CopyToNode(Item item, Node * pnode)
    pnode->item = item;  /* structure copy */


/* films3.c -- using an ADT-style linked list */
/* compile with list.c                        */
#include     /* prototype for exit() */
#include "list.h"      /* defines List, Item   */
void showmovies(Item item);

int main(void)
    List movies;
    Item temp;

    /* initialize       */
    if (ListIsFull(&movies))
        fprintf(stderr, "No memory available! Bye!\n");

    /* gather and store */
    puts("Enter first movie title:");
    while (gets_s(temp.title,20) != NULL && temp.title[0] != '\0')
        puts("Enter your rating <0-10>:");
        scanf_s("%d", &temp.rating,10);
        while (getchar() != '\n')
        if (AddItem(temp, &movies) == false)
            fprintf(stderr, "Problem allocating memory\n");
        if (ListIsFull(&movies))
            puts("The list is now full.");
        puts("Enter next movie title (empty line to stop):");

    /* display          */
    if (ListIsEmpty(&movies))
        printf("No data entered. ");
        printf("Here is the movie list:\n");
        Traverse(&movies, showmovies);
    printf("You entered %d movies.\n", ListItemCount(&movies));

    /* clean up         */
    return 0;

void showmovies(Item item)
    printf("Movie: %s  Rating: %d\n", item.title,
