愉快的学习就从翻译开始吧_8-Time Series Forecasting with the Long Short-Term Memory Network in Python

Complete LSTM Example/完整的LSTM示例

In this section, we will fit an LSTM to the Shampoo Sales dataset and evaluate the model.


This will involve drawing together all of the elements from the prior sections. There are a lot of them, so let’s review:

这将涉及将前面各节的所有内容汇总在一起。 有很多,所以让我们来回顾一下:

  1. Load the dataset from CSV file.
  2. Transform the dataset to make it suitable for the LSTM model, including:
    1. Transforming the data to a supervised learning problem.
    2. Transforming the data to be stationary.
    3. Transforming the data so that it has the scale -1 to 1(将数据转换到-1到1范围内).
  3. Fitting a stateful LSTM network model to the training data.
  4. Evaluating the static LSTM model on the test data.
  5. Report the performance of the forecasts.

Some things to note about the example:


  • The scaling and inverse scaling behaviors have been moved to the functions scale() and invert_scale() for brevity.
  • The test data is scaled using the fit of the scaler on the training data, as is required to ensure the min/max values of the test data do not influence the model.
  • The order of data transforms was adjusted for convenience to first make the data stationary, then a supervised learning problem, then scaled.
  • Differencing was performed on the entire dataset prior to splitting into train and test sets for convenience. We could just as easily collect observations during the walk-forward validation and difference them as we go. I decided against it for readability.
    为了方便起见,在对整个数据集进行差分处理,先于将数据分成训练和测试集。 我们可以在向前验证过程中轻松收集观察结果,并随着时间推移对它们进行区分。 为了可读性,我决定反对这样做。
The complete example is listed below.
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import Series
from pandas import concat
from pandas import read_csv
from pandas import datetime
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import LSTM
from math import sqrt
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy
# date-time parsing function for loading the dataset
def parser(x):
	return datetime.strptime('190'+x, '%Y-%m')
# frame a sequence as a supervised learning problem
def timeseries_to_supervised(data, lag=1):
	df = DataFrame(data)
	columns = [df.shift(i) for i in range(1, lag+1)]
	df = concat(columns, axis=1)
	df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
	return df
# create a differenced series
def difference(dataset, interval=1):
	diff = list()
	for i in range(interval, len(dataset)):
		value = dataset[i] - dataset[i - interval]
	return Series(diff)
# invert differenced value
def inverse_difference(history, yhat, interval=1):
	return yhat + history[-interval]
# scale train and test data to [-1, 1]
def scale(train, test):
	# fit scaler
	scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1))
	scaler = scaler.fit(train)
	# transform train
	train = train.reshape(train.shape[0], train.shape[1])
	train_scaled = scaler.transform(train)
	# transform test
	test = test.reshape(test.shape[0], test.shape[1])
	test_scaled = scaler.transform(test)
	return scaler, train_scaled, test_scaled
# inverse scaling for a forecasted value
def invert_scale(scaler, X, value):
	new_row = [x for x in X] + [value]
	array = numpy.array(new_row)
	array = array.reshape(1, len(array))
	inverted = scaler.inverse_transform(array)
	return inverted[0, -1]
# fit an LSTM network to training data
def fit_lstm(train, batch_size, nb_epoch, neurons):
	X, y = train[:, 0:-1], train[:, -1]
	X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])
	model = Sequential()
	model.add(LSTM(neurons, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, X.shape[1], X.shape[2]), stateful=True))
	model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
	for i in range(nb_epoch):
		model.fit(X, y, epochs=1, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0, shuffle=False)
	return model
# make a one-step forecast
def forecast_lstm(model, batch_size, X):
	X = X.reshape(1, 1, len(X))
	yhat = model.predict(X, batch_size=batch_size)
	return yhat[0,0]
# load dataset
series = read_csv('shampoo-sales.csv', header=0, parse_dates=[0], index_col=0, squeeze=True, date_parser=parser)
# transform data to be stationary
raw_values = series.values
diff_values = difference(raw_values, 1)
# transform data to be supervised learning
supervised = timeseries_to_supervised(diff_values, 1)
supervised_values = supervised.values
# split data into train and test-sets
train, test = supervised_values[0:-12], supervised_values[-12:]
# transform the scale of the data
scaler, train_scaled, test_scaled = scale(train, test)
# fit the model
lstm_model = fit_lstm(train_scaled, 1, 3000, 4)
# forecast the entire training dataset to build up state for forecasting
train_reshaped = train_scaled[:, 0].reshape(len(train_scaled), 1, 1)
lstm_model.predict(train_reshaped, batch_size=1)
# walk-forward validation on the test data
predictions = list()
for i in range(len(test_scaled)):
	# make one-step forecast
	X, y = test_scaled[i, 0:-1], test_scaled[i, -1]
	yhat = forecast_lstm(lstm_model, 1, X)
	# invert scaling
	yhat = invert_scale(scaler, X, yhat)
	# invert differencing
	yhat = inverse_difference(raw_values, yhat, len(test_scaled)+1-i)
	# store forecast
	expected = raw_values[len(train) + i + 1]
	print('Month=%d, Predicted=%f, Expected=%f' % (i+1, yhat, expected))
# report performance
rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(raw_values[-12:], predictions))
print('Test RMSE: %.3f' % rmse)
# line plot of observed vs predicted

Running the example prints the expected and predicted values for each of the 12 months in the test dataset.


The example also prints the RMSE of all forecasts. The model shows an RMSE of 71.721 monthly shampoo sales, which is better than the persistence model that achieved an RMSE of 136.761 shampoo sales.

该示例还打印所有预测的RMSE。 该模型显示每月洗发水销售额的均方根误差为71.721,优于持续性模型,该类型的洗发水销售额的均方根误差为136.761。

Random numbers are used in seeding the LSTM, and as a result, you may have a different result from a single run of the model. We cover this further in the next section.

随机数用于初始化LSTM中,因此,您可能会从模型的单次运行获得不同的结果。 我们在下一节进一步介绍这一点


keras.layers.core.Dense(units, activation=None, use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer='zeros', 
kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None, activity_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None)



Glorot均匀分布初始化方法,又成Xavier均匀初始化,参数从[-limit, limit]的均匀分布产生,其中limit为sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out))。fan_in为权值张量的输入单元数,fan_out是权重张量的输出单元数。

  • seed:随机数种子




Month=1, Predicted=351.582196, Expected=339.700000
Month=2, Predicted=432.169667, Expected=440.400000
Month=3, Predicted=378.064505, Expected=315.900000
Month=4, Predicted=441.370077, Expected=439.300000
Month=5, Predicted=446.872627, Expected=401.300000
Month=6, Predicted=514.021244, Expected=437.400000
Month=7, Predicted=525.608903, Expected=575.500000
Month=8, Predicted=473.072365, Expected=407.600000
Month=9, Predicted=523.126979, Expected=682.000000
Month=10, Predicted=592.274106, Expected=475.300000
Month=11, Predicted=589.299863, Expected=581.300000
Month=12, Predicted=584.149152, Expected=646.900000
Test RMSE: 71.721

A line plot of the test data (blue) vs the predicted values (orange) is also created, providing context for the model skill.


愉快的学习就从翻译开始吧_8-Time Series Forecasting with the Long Short-Term Memory Network in Python_第1张图片

Line Plot of LSTM Forecast vs Expected Values

As an afternote, you can do a quick experiment to build your trust in the test harness and all of the transforms and inverse transforms.


Comment out the line that fits the LSTM model in walk-forward validation:


yhat = forecast_lstm(lstm_model, 1, X)

and replace it with the following:

yhat = y

This should produce a model with perfect skill (e.g. a model that predicts the expected outcome as the model output).


The results should look as follows, showing that if the LSTM model could predict the series perfectly, the inverse transforms and error calculation would show it correctly.


Month=1, Predicted=339.700000, Expected=339.700000
Month=2, Predicted=440.400000, Expected=440.400000
Month=3, Predicted=315.900000, Expected=315.900000
Month=4, Predicted=439.300000, Expected=439.300000
Month=5, Predicted=401.300000, Expected=401.300000
Month=6, Predicted=437.400000, Expected=437.400000
Month=7, Predicted=575.500000, Expected=575.500000
Month=8, Predicted=407.600000, Expected=407.600000
Month=9, Predicted=682.000000, Expected=682.000000
Month=10, Predicted=475.300000, Expected=475.300000
Month=11, Predicted=581.300000, Expected=581.300000
Month=12, Predicted=646.900000, Expected=646.900000
Test RMSE: 0.000

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