经常用到的 ES6/7 新特性

ES6/7 新特性

  • 字符串模版
  • let
  • const
  • 箭头函数(默认参数)
  const action = (num = 10)=> console.log(num)
  • 对象初始化简写
  var name = "dukai"
  var age = 28
  var person = {name, age}
  • 对象方法简写
  • Object.assign()这个方法来实现浅复制
  • 解构
    const people = {
        name: 'dukai',
        age: 28
    const { name, age } = people
    console.log(`${name}: ${age}`)
    const color = ['red', 'blue']
    const [first, second] = color
    console.log(first, second) 
  • Spread Operator 展开运算符
    // 数组
    const color = ['red', 'yellow']
    const colorful = [...color, 'green', 'pink']
    console.log(colorful) //[red, yellow, green, pink]

    // 对象
    const child = { fist: 'a', second: 'b'}
    const parent = { ...child, third: 'c' }

    // 获取其中的一部分
    // 数组
    const number = [1,2,3,4,5]
    const [one, ...part] = number
    console.log(one)  //1
    console.log(part) //2,3,4,5
    // 对象
    const user = {
        username: 'dk',
        gender: 'male',
        age: 28,
        address: 'Beijing'
    const { username, ...part } = user
    console.log(part) //{ "gender": "male,  "age": 19,"address": "Beijing"}

    // 合成新对象,当重名时,**后覆盖前**
    const first = {
        a: 1,
        b: 2,
        c: 6,
    const second = {
        c: 3,
        d: 4
    const total = { ...first, ...second }
    console.log(total) // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }
  • import导入模块、export导出模块
  1. 当用export default people导出时,就用 import people 导入(不带大括号)

  2. 一个文件里,有且只能有一个export default。但可以有多个export3. 当用export name 时,就用import { name }导入(记得带上大括号)

  4. 当一个文件里,既有一个export default people, 又有多个export name 或者 export age时,导入就用 import people, { name, age } 

  5. 当一个文件里出现n多个 export 导出很多模块,导入时除了一个一个导入,也可以用import * as example
  • Promise
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 0);

    new Promise(function executor(resolve) {
      for( var i=0 ; i<10000 ; i++ ) {
        i == 9999 && resolve();
    }).then(function() {

  • Generators – 生成器, 是能返回一个迭代器的函数

  • 有点难度的来了 async 返回一个 Promise 对象(比 Generators 语义性更好)

  async function reqApis(name) {
    var user = await req.getUser(name);
    var articles = await req.getArticles(user.id);
    // it is real article list here, but if returned it'll be a Promise 
    return articles;
  // Becuase of the 'async' the result is Promise,
  // so we should use it like this
  reqApis('dukai').then((articles)=> {
  • Class 关于类的使用
  class Person {
    constructor(type) {
        this.type = type;
    says(say) {
        console.log(`${this.type} says ${say}`);
  let person = new Person("person");

  class Man extends Person {
    constructor(type, age) {
      this.type = type;
      this.age = age

    says(say) {
      console.log(`${this.type} says ${say},  I'm ${this.age} years old.`);
  let jack = new Man("dukai", 28);
  • 对象深拷贝的奇技淫巧 非 ES6/7专属,但属性中有方法或者循环引用,你就老实用循环递归吧

    var new_arr = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(arr) );
