INT_PTR CDialog::DoModal()

INT_PTR CDialog::DoModal()
    // can be constructed with a resource template or InitModalIndirect
    ASSERT(m_lpszTemplateName != NULL || m_hDialogTemplate != NULL ||
        m_lpDialogTemplate != NULL);

    // load resource as necessary
    LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpDialogTemplate = m_lpDialogTemplate;
    HGLOBAL hDialogTemplate = m_hDialogTemplate;
    HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetResourceHandle();
    if (m_lpszTemplateName != NULL)
        hInst = AfxFindResourceHandle(m_lpszTemplateName, RT_DIALOG);
        HRSRC hResource = ::FindResource(hInst, m_lpszTemplateName, RT_DIALOG);
        hDialogTemplate = LoadResource(hInst, hResource);
    if (hDialogTemplate != NULL)
        lpDialogTemplate = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)LockResource(hDialogTemplate);

    // return -1 in case of failure to load the dialog template resource
    if (lpDialogTemplate == NULL)
        return -1;

    // disable parent (before creating dialog)
    HWND hWndParent = PreModal();
    BOOL bEnableParent = FALSE;
    CWnd* pMainWnd = NULL;
    BOOL bEnableMainWnd = FALSE;
    if (hWndParent && hWndParent != ::GetDesktopWindow() && ::IsWindowEnabled(hWndParent))
        ::EnableWindow(hWndParent, FALSE);
        bEnableParent = TRUE;
        pMainWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
        if (pMainWnd && pMainWnd->IsFrameWnd() && pMainWnd->IsWindowEnabled())
            // We are hosted by non-MFC container
            bEnableMainWnd = TRUE;

        // create modeless dialog
        if (!CreateRunDlgIndirect(lpDialogTemplate, CWnd::FromHandle(hWndParent), hInst) && !m_bClosedByEndDialog)
            // If the resource handle is a resource-only DLL, the dialog may fail to launch. Use the
            // module instance handle as the fallback dialog creator instance handle if necessary.
            CreateRunDlgIndirect(lpDialogTemplate, CWnd::FromHandle(hWndParent), AfxGetInstanceHandle());

        m_bClosedByEndDialog = FALSE;
        TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "Warning: dialog creation failed.\n");
        m_nModalResult = -1;

    if (bEnableMainWnd)
    if (bEnableParent)
        ::EnableWindow(hWndParent, TRUE);
    if (hWndParent != NULL && ::GetActiveWindow() == m_hWnd)

    // destroy modal window

    // unlock/free resources as necessary
    if (m_lpszTemplateName != NULL || m_hDialogTemplate != NULL)
    if (m_lpszTemplateName != NULL)

    return m_nModalResult;
