

#define OVECCOUNT 30 /* should be a multiple of 3 */
#define EBUFLEN 128
#define BUFLEN 1024

int main_adfs()
    pcre *reCM, *reUN, *reTC, *reCDMA;
    const char *error;
    int erroffset;
    int ovector[OVECCOUNT];
    int rcCM, rcUN, rcTC, rcCDMA, i;

            CDMA :133,153
    char src[22];
    char pattern_CM[] = "^1(3[4-9]|5[012789]|8[78])\\d{8}$";
    char pattern_UN[] = "^1(3[0-2]|5[56]|8[56])\\d{8}$";
    char pattern_TC[] = "^18[09]\\d{8}$";
    char pattern_CDMA[] = "^1[35]3\\d{8}$";

    printf("please input your telephone number \n");
    scanf("%s", src);
    printf("String : %s\n", src);
    printf("Pattern_CM: \"%s\"\n", pattern_CM);
    printf("Pattern_UN: \"%s\"\n", pattern_UN);
    printf("Pattern_TC: \"%s\"\n", pattern_TC);
    printf("Pattern_CDMA: \"%s\"\n", pattern_CDMA);

    reCM = pcre_compile(pattern_CM, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
    reUN = pcre_compile(pattern_UN, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
    reTC = pcre_compile(pattern_TC, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
    reCDMA = pcre_compile(pattern_CDMA, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);

    if (reCM==NULL && reUN==NULL && reTC==NULL && reCDMA==NULL) {
        printf("PCRE compilation telephone failed at offset %d: %s\n", erroffset, error);
        return 1;

    rcCM = pcre_exec(reCM, NULL, src, strlen(src), 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
    rcUN = pcre_exec(reUN, NULL, src, strlen(src), 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
    rcTC = pcre_exec(reTC, NULL, src, strlen(src), 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
    rcCDMA = pcre_exec(reCDMA, NULL, src, strlen(src), 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);

    if (rcCM<0 && rcUN<0 && rcTC<0 && rcCDMA<0) {
            printf("Sorry, no match ...\n");
        else {
            printf("Matching error %d\n", rcCM);
            printf("Matching error %d\n", rcUN);
            printf("Matching error %d\n", rcTC);
            printf("Matching error %d\n", rcCDMA);
        return 1;
    printf("\nOK, has matched ...\n\n");
    if (rcCM > 0) {
        printf("Pattern_CM: \"%s\"\n", pattern_CM);
        printf("String : %s\n", src);
    if (rcUN > 0) {
        printf("Pattern_UN: \"%s\"\n", pattern_UN);
        printf("String : %s\n", src);
    if (rcTC > 0) {
        printf("Pattern_TC: \"%s\"\n", pattern_TC);
        printf("String : %s\n", src);
    if (rcCDMA > 0) {
        printf("Pattern_CDMA: \"%s\"\n", pattern_CDMA);
        printf("String : %s\n", src);
    return 0;

#define OVECCOUNT 30 /* should be a multiple of 3 */
#define EBUFLEN 128
#define BUFLEN 1024

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    pcre *re;
    const char *error;
    int  erroffset;
    int  ovector[OVECCOUNT];
    int  rc, i;

    char src[] = "|";
    char pattern[] = "(\\d*.\\d*.\\d*.\\d*):(\\d*)";

    printf("String : %s\n", src);
    printf("Pattern: \"%s\"\n", pattern);

    re = pcre_compile(pattern, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
    if (re == NULL) {
        printf("PCRE compilation failed at offset %d: %s\n", erroffset, error);
        return 1;

    char *p = src;
    while ( ( rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, p, strlen(p), 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT)) != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH )
        printf("\nOK, has matched ...\n\n");

        for (i = 0; i < rc; i++)
            char *substring_start = p + ovector[2*i];
            int substring_length = ovector[2*i+1] - ovector[2*i];
            char matched[1024];
            memset( matched, 0, 1024 );
            strncpy( matched, substring_start, substring_length );

            printf( "match:%s\n", matched );

        p += ovector[1];
        if ( !p )

    return 0;

*           PCRE DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM           *

/* This is a demonstration program to illustrate the most straightforward ways
of calling the PCRE regular expression library from a C program. See the
pcresample documentation for a short discussion ("man pcresample" if you have
the PCRE man pages installed).

In Unix-like environments, if PCRE is installed in your standard system
libraries, you should be able to compile this program using this command:

gcc -Wall pcredemo.c -lpcre -o pcredemo

If PCRE is not installed in a standard place, it is likely to be installed with
support for the pkg-config mechanism. If you have pkg-config, you can compile
this program using this command:

gcc -Wall pcredemo.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs libpcre` -o pcredemo

If you do not have pkg-config, you may have to use this:

gcc -Wall pcredemo.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib \
  -R/usr/local/lib -lpcre -o pcredemo

Replace "/usr/local/include" and "/usr/local/lib" with wherever the include and
library files for PCRE are installed on your system. Only some operating
systems (e.g. Solaris) use the -R option.

Building under Windows:

If you want to statically link this program against a non-dll .a file, you must
define PCRE_STATIC before including pcre.h, otherwise the pcre_malloc() and
pcre_free() exported functions will be declared __declspec(dllimport), with
unwanted results. So in this environment, uncomment the following line. */

/* #define PCRE_STATIC */


#define OVECCOUNT 30    /* should be a multiple of 3 */

int main2(int argc, char **argv)
    pcre *re;
    const char *error;
    char *pattern;
    char *subject;
    unsigned char *name_table;
    unsigned int option_bits;
    int erroffset;
    int find_all;
    int crlf_is_newline;
    int namecount;
    int name_entry_size;
    int ovector[OVECCOUNT];
    int subject_length;
    int rc, i;
    int utf8;

* First, sort out the command line. There is only one possible option at  *
* the moment, "-g" to request repeated matching to find all occurrences,  *
* like Perl's /g option. We set the variable find_all to a non-zero value *
* if the -g option is present. Apart from that, there must be exactly two *
* arguments.                                                              *

    find_all = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-g") == 0) find_all = 1;
        else break;

    /* After the options, we require exactly two arguments, which are the pattern,
and the subject string. */

    if (argc - i != 2)
        printf("Two arguments required: a regex and a subject string\n");
        return 1;

    pattern = argv[i];
    subject = argv[i+1];
    subject_length = (int)strlen(subject);

* Now we are going to compile the regular expression pattern, and handle *
* and errors that are detected.                                          *

    re = pcre_compile(
                pattern,              /* the pattern */
                0,                    /* default options */
                &error,               /* for error message */
                &erroffset,           /* for error offset */
                NULL);                /* use default character tables */

    /* Compilation failed: print the error message and exit */

    if (re == NULL)
        printf("PCRE compilation failed at offset %d: %s\n", erroffset, error);
        return 1;

* If the compilation succeeded, we call PCRE again, in order to do a     *
* pattern match against the subject string. This does just ONE match. If *
* further matching is needed, it will be done below.                     *

    rc = pcre_exec(
                re,                   /* the compiled pattern */
                NULL,                 /* no extra data - we didn't study the pattern */
                subject,              /* the subject string */
                subject_length,       /* the length of the subject */
                0,                    /* start at offset 0 in the subject */
                0,                    /* default options */
                ovector,              /* output vector for substring information */
                OVECCOUNT);           /* number of elements in the output vector */

    /* Matching failed: handle error cases */

    if (rc < 0)
        case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH: printf("No match\n"); break;
    Handle other special cases if you like
        default: printf("Matching error %d\n", rc); break;
        pcre_free(re);     /* Release memory used for the compiled pattern */
        return 1;

    /* Match succeded */

    printf("\nMatch succeeded at offset %d\n", ovector[0]);

* We have found the first match within the subject string. If the output *
* vector wasn't big enough, say so. Then output any substrings that were *
* captured.                                                              *

    /* The output vector wasn't big enough */

    if (rc == 0)
        rc = OVECCOUNT/3;
        printf("ovector only has room for %d captured substrings\n", rc - 1);

    /* Show substrings stored in the output vector by number. Obviously, in a real
application you might want to do things other than print them. */

    for (i = 0; i < rc; i++)
        char *substring_start = subject + ovector[2*i];
        int substring_length = ovector[2*i+1] - ovector[2*i];
        printf("%2d: %.*s\n", i, substring_length, substring_start);

* That concludes the basic part of this demonstration program. We have    *
* compiled a pattern, and performed a single match. The code that follows *
* shows first how to access named substrings, and then how to code for    *
* repeated matches on the same subject.                                   *

    /* See if there are any named substrings, and if so, show them by name. First
we have to extract the count of named parentheses from the pattern. */

                re,                   /* the compiled pattern */
                NULL,                 /* no extra data - we didn't study the pattern */
                PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT,  /* number of named substrings */
                &namecount);          /* where to put the answer */

    if (namecount <= 0) printf("No named substrings\n"); else
        unsigned char *tabptr;
        printf("Named substrings\n");

        /* Before we can access the substrings, we must extract the table for
  translating names to numbers, and the size of each entry in the table. */

                    re,                       /* the compiled pattern */
                    NULL,                     /* no extra data - we didn't study the pattern */
                    PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE,      /* address of the table */
                    &name_table);             /* where to put the answer */

                    re,                       /* the compiled pattern */
                    NULL,                     /* no extra data - we didn't study the pattern */
                    PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE,  /* size of each entry in the table */
                    &name_entry_size);        /* where to put the answer */

        /* Now we can scan the table and, for each entry, print the number, the name,
  and the substring itself. */

        tabptr = name_table;
        for (i = 0; i < namecount; i++)
            int n = (tabptr[0] << 8) | tabptr[1];
            printf("(%d) %*s: %.*s\n", n, name_entry_size - 3, tabptr + 2,
                   ovector[2*n+1] - ovector[2*n], subject + ovector[2*n]);
            tabptr += name_entry_size;

* If the "-g" option was given on the command line, we want to continue  *
* to search for additional matches in the subject string, in a similar   *
* way to the /g option in Perl. This turns out to be trickier than you   *
* might think because of the possibility of matching an empty string.    *
* What happens is as follows:                                            *
*                                                                        *
* If the previous match was NOT for an empty string, we can just start   *
* the next match at the end of the previous one.                         *
*                                                                        *
* If the previous match WAS for an empty string, we can't do that, as it *
* would lead to an infinite loop. Instead, a special call of pcre_exec() *
* is made with the PCRE_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART and PCRE_ANCHORED flags set.    *
* The first of these tells PCRE that an empty string at the start of the *
* subject is not a valid match; other possibilities must be tried. The   *
* second flag restricts PCRE to one match attempt at the initial string  *
* position. If this match succeeds, an alternative to the empty string   *
* match has been found, and we can print it and proceed round the loop,  *
* advancing by the length of whatever was found. If this match does not  *
* succeed, we still stay in the loop, advancing by just one character.   *
* In UTF-8 mode, which can be set by (*UTF8) in the pattern, this may be *
* more than one byte.                                                    *
*                                                                        *
* However, there is a complication concerned with newlines. When the     *
* newline convention is such that CRLF is a valid newline, we want must  *
* advance by two characters rather than one. The newline convention can  *
* be set in the regex by (*CR), etc.; if not, we must find the default.  *

    if (!find_all)     /* Check for -g */
        pcre_free(re);   /* Release the memory used for the compiled pattern */
        return 0;        /* Finish unless -g was given */

    /* Before running the loop, check for UTF-8 and whether CRLF is a valid newline
sequence. First, find the options with which the regex was compiled; extract
the UTF-8 state, and mask off all but the newline options. */

    (void)pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_OPTIONS, &option_bits);
    utf8 = option_bits & PCRE_UTF8;

    /* If no newline options were set, find the default newline convention from the
build configuration. */

    if (option_bits == 0)
        int d;
        (void)pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_NEWLINE, &d);
        /* Note that these values are always the ASCII ones, even in
  EBCDIC environments. CR = 13, NL = 10. */
        option_bits = (d == 13)? PCRE_NEWLINE_CR :
                                 (d == 10)? PCRE_NEWLINE_LF :
                                            (d == (13<<8 | 10))? PCRE_NEWLINE_CRLF :
                                                                 (d == -2)? PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF :
                                                                            (d == -1)? PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY : 0;

    /* See if CRLF is a valid newline sequence. */

    crlf_is_newline =
            option_bits == PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY ||
            option_bits == PCRE_NEWLINE_CRLF ||
            option_bits == PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF;

    /* Loop for second and subsequent matches */

    for (;;)
        int options = 0;                 /* Normally no options */
        int start_offset = ovector[1];   /* Start at end of previous match */

        /* If the previous match was for an empty string, we are finished if we are
  at the end of the subject. Otherwise, arrange to run another match at the
  same point to see if a non-empty match can be found. */

        if (ovector[0] == ovector[1])
            if (ovector[0] == subject_length) break;

        /* Run the next matching operation */

        rc = pcre_exec(
                    re,                   /* the compiled pattern */
                    NULL,                 /* no extra data - we didn't study the pattern */
                    subject,              /* the subject string */
                    subject_length,       /* the length of the subject */
                    start_offset,         /* starting offset in the subject */
                    options,              /* options */
                    ovector,              /* output vector for substring information */
                    OVECCOUNT);           /* number of elements in the output vector */

        /* This time, a result of NOMATCH isn't an error. If the value in "options"
  is zero, it just means we have found all possible matches, so the loop ends.
  Otherwise, it means we have failed to find a non-empty-string match at a
  point where there was a previous empty-string match. In this case, we do what
  Perl does: advance the matching position by one character, and continue. We
  do this by setting the "end of previous match" offset, because that is picked
  up at the top of the loop as the point at which to start again.

  There are two complications: (a) When CRLF is a valid newline sequence, and
  the current position is just before it, advance by an extra byte. (b)
  Otherwise we must ensure that we skip an entire UTF-8 character if we are in
  UTF-8 mode. */

        if (rc == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
            if (options == 0) break;                    /* All matches found */
            ovector[1] = start_offset + 1;              /* Advance one byte */
            if (crlf_is_newline &&                      /* If CRLF is newline & */
                    start_offset < subject_length - 1 &&    /* we are at CRLF, */
                    subject[start_offset] == '\r' &&
                    subject[start_offset + 1] == '\n')
                ovector[1] += 1;                          /* Advance by one more. */
            else if (utf8)                              /* Otherwise, ensure we */
            {                                         /* advance a whole UTF-8 */
                while (ovector[1] < subject_length)       /* character. */
                    if ((subject[ovector[1]] & 0xc0) != 0x80) break;
                    ovector[1] += 1;
            continue;    /* Go round the loop again */

        /* Other matching errors are not recoverable. */

        if (rc < 0)
            printf("Matching error %d\n", rc);
            pcre_free(re);    /* Release memory used for the compiled pattern */
            return 1;

        /* Match succeded */

        printf("\nMatch succeeded again at offset %d\n", ovector[0]);

        /* The match succeeded, but the output vector wasn't big enough. */

        if (rc == 0)
            rc = OVECCOUNT/3;
            printf("ovector only has room for %d captured substrings\n", rc - 1);

        /* As before, show substrings stored in the output vector by number, and then
  also any named substrings. */

        for (i = 0; i < rc; i++)
            char *substring_start = subject + ovector[2*i];
            int substring_length = ovector[2*i+1] - ovector[2*i];
            printf("%2d: %.*s\n", i, substring_length, substring_start);

        if (namecount <= 0) printf("No named substrings\n"); else
            unsigned char *tabptr = name_table;
            printf("Named substrings\n");
            for (i = 0; i < namecount; i++)
                int n = (tabptr[0] << 8) | tabptr[1];
                printf("(%d) %*s: %.*s\n", n, name_entry_size - 3, tabptr + 2,
                       ovector[2*n+1] - ovector[2*n], subject + ovector[2*n]);
                tabptr += name_entry_size;
    }      /* End of loop to find second and subsequent matches */

    pcre_free(re);       /* Release memory used for the compiled pattern */
    return 0;

/* End of pcredemo.c */


int main_split(int argc, char **argv)
    pcre *re;
    const char *error;
    int errorOffset, i = 0;
     * pcre_exec匹配的结果
     * ovector的结构为
     * {匹配结果1的起始位置,匹配结果1的结束位置,匹配结果2的起始位置,...匹配结果N的结束位置}
    int oveccount = 2;
    int ovector[2];

     * rc是pcre_exec匹配到的结果数量
    int rc;
     * pcre_exec执行的偏移量
     * 从匹配到的结果的结束位置开始下一次匹配
    int exec_offset = 0;

    const char *captured_string;
    char *subject = "1t  2t  3t  4t    5t  6t7t8t9t0ta tbtct f1024 t 96t";
    char *pattern = "[^ ]+[^ ]";

    re = pcre_compile( pattern, PCRE_CASELESS, &error, &errorOffset, NULL );

    if ( re == NULL ) {
        printf("compilation failed at offset%d: %s\n", errorOffset, error);
        return 0;

    do {
        // exec_offset偏移量 默认从1开始,然后循环的时候从匹配到的结果开始
        rc = pcre_exec( re, NULL, subject, strlen(subject), exec_offset, 0, ovector, oveccount );
        if ( rc > 0 ) {
            // 获取到匹配的结果
            pcre_get_substring( subject, ovector, rc, 0, &captured_string );
            printf("captured string : [%s]\n", captured_string);
            // 设置偏移量
            exec_offset = ovector[1];
    } while ( rc > 0 );

    printf("match %d\n", i);

    return 0;

#define OVECCOUNT 30 /* should be a multiple of 3 */
#define EBUFLEN 128
#define BUFLEN 1024

int main002()
    pcre  *re;
    const char *error;
    int  erroffset;
    int  ovector[OVECCOUNT];
    int  rc, i;
    char  src [] = "111 Hello World 222";   // 要被用来匹配的字符串
    char  pattern [] = "(.*)</(tit)le>";              // 将要被编译的字符串形式的正则表达式
    printf("String : %s\n", src);
    printf("Pattern: \"%s\"\n", pattern);
    re = pcre_compile(pattern,       // pattern, 输入参数,将要被编译的字符串形式的正则表达式
                      0,            // options, 输入参数,用来指定编译时的一些选项
                      &error,       // errptr, 输出参数,用来输出错误信息
                      &erroffset,   // erroffset, 输出参数,pattern中出错位置的偏移量
                      NULL);        // tableptr, 输入参数,用来指定字符表,一般情况用NULL
    // 返回值:被编译好的正则表达式的pcre内部表示结构
    if (re == NULL) {                 //如果编译失败,返回错误信息
        printf("PCRE compilation failed at offset %d: %s\n", erroffset, error);
        return 1;
    rc = pcre_exec(re,            // code, 输入参数,用pcre_compile编译好的正则表达结构的指针
                   NULL,          // extra, 输入参数,用来向pcre_exec传一些额外的数据信息的结构的指针
                   src,           // subject, 输入参数,要被用来匹配的字符串
                   strlen(src),  // length, 输入参数, 要被用来匹配的字符串的指针
                   0,             // startoffset, 输入参数,用来指定subject从什么位置开始被匹配的偏移量
                   0,             // options, 输入参数, 用来指定匹配过程中的一些选项
                   ovector,       // ovector, 输出参数,用来返回匹配位置偏移量的数组
                   OVECCOUNT);    // ovecsize, 输入参数, 用来返回匹配位置偏移量的数组的最大大小
    // 返回值:匹配成功返回非负数,没有匹配返回负数
    if (rc < 0) {                     //如果没有匹配,返回错误信息
        if (rc == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
            printf("Sorry, no match ...\n");
            printf("Matching error %d\n", rc);
        return 1;
    printf("\nOK, has matched ...\n\n");   //没有出错,已经匹配
    for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {             //分别取出捕获分组 $0整个正则公式 $1第一个()
        char *substring_start = src + ovector[2*i];
        int substring_length = ovector[2*i+1] - ovector[2*i];

        printf("$%2d: %.*s\n", i, substring_length, substring_start);

    pcre_free(re);                     // 编译正则表达式re 释放内存
    return 0;
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package thread;

public class ThreadTest {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Thread1 t1 = new Thread1(</div>
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扩展标记语言 (Extensible Markup Language, XML) ,用于标记电子文件使其具有结构性的标记语言,可以用来标记数据、定义数据类型,是一种允许用户对自己的标记语言进行定义的源语言。 XML使用DTD(document type definition)文档类型定义来组织数据;格式统一,跨平台和语言,早已成为业界公认的标准。 
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using namespace std;

template<class T>
void mySwap(T &x, T &y){
	T temp = x;
	x = y;
	y = temp;

const int size = 10;

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                                    <div>     这是我写的一款app软件,耗时三个月,是一个根据央视节目开门大吉改变的,提供音调,猜歌曲名。1、手机拥有者在android手机市场下载本APP,同意权限,安装到手机上。2、游客初次进入时会有引导页面提醒用户注册。(同时软件自动播放背景音乐)。3、用户登录到主页后,会有五个模块。a、点击不胫而走,用户得到开门大吉首页部分新闻,点击进入有新闻详情。b、</div>
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                                    <span class="text-muted">被触发</span>
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                                    <div>awk是行处理器: 相比较屏幕处理的优点,在处理庞大文件时不会出现内存溢出或是处理缓慢的问题,通常用来格式化文本信息 
awk处理过程: 依次对每一行进行处理,然后输出 
awk [-F|-f|-v] ‘BEGIN{} //{command1; command2} END{}’ file 
 [-F|-f|-v]大参数,-F指定分隔符,-f调用脚本,-v定义变量 var=val</div>
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                                    <div>public void updateKpiStatus(String kpiStatus,String taskId){
	Connection dbc=null;
	Statement stmt=null;
	PreparedStatement ps=null;
	try {
		dbc = new DBConn().getNewConnection();
		//stmt = db</div>
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本文介绍的 Zookeeper 是以 3.2.2 这个稳定版本为基础,最新的版本可以通过官网 http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/来获取,Zookeeper 的安装非常简单,下面将从单机模式和集群模式两</div>
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 JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface,Java命名和目录接口)是一组在Java应用中访问命名和目录服务的API。 
03.  Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");  
04.  conn</div>
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cat /proc/cpuinfo 
1、lspci 列出所有PCI 设备; 
lspci - list all PCI devices:列出机器中的PCI设备(声卡、显卡、Modem、网卡、USB、主板集成设备也能</div>
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                                    <div>1.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory   添加包common-logging.jar2.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.transaction.Synchronization    </div>
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2. 反序列化时,把日期字符串序列化为Date对象,也需要考虑日期格式问题 
3. Date A -> str -> Date B,A和B对象是否equals 
import com</div>
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 * A Discretized Stream (DStream), the basic abstraction in Spark Streaming, is a continuous
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                                    <div>1. 提取整个的Cookies内容到一个变量,然后可以在需要时引用,比如记录到日志里面, 
  if ( $http_cookie ~* "(.*)$") { 
          set $all_cookie $1; 
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public class Print_1_To_NDigit {

	 * Q65.输入数字n,按顺序输出从1最大的n位10进制数。比如输入3,则输出1、2、3一直到最大的3位数即999
	 * 1.使用字符串</div>
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public class IntegerH</div>
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import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transa</div>
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1、执行单个命令:su - user -c "command" 
[root@slave19 /data]# su - test -c "mkdir /data/test123" </div>
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                                    <div>别再这样写了:public boolean foo() {    if (true) {         return true;     } else {          return false;    </div>
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	public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
			View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main, container, fals</div>
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<asp:ListBox runat="server" ID="lbKeleyiFolder" /> 
string[] m_sub</div>
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                                    <div>   判断一个人的编程水平,就看他用键盘多,还是鼠标多。用键盘一是为了输入代码(当然了,也包括注释),再有就是熟练使用快捷键。       曾有人在豆瓣评
程序员图书列表,目的也就是通过读书,让程序员变懒。     写道   程序员作为特殊的群体,有的人可以这么懒,懒到事情都交给机器去做,而有的人又可</div>
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using namespace std; 
int main(){ 
     int a=-1,b=4,k; 
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