BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步






 1. net.sf.ehcache.management包下类具体如下图:

BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第1张图片

2. Ehcache MBeans

CacheManager: Cache管理,可以对应多个Cache。

Cache: Cache的状态,类型等等。

CacheConfiguration: Cache的配置

CacheStatistics: Cache的统计信息


3. 使用Ehcache的jmx监控:

(1) 加入方法:
CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance(BaseTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("ehcache.xml"));
MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
ManagementService.registerMBeans(cacheManager, mBeanServer, true, true, true, true);


(2) ManagementService示意图:


BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第2张图片

(3) ManagementService.registerMBeans参数说明:
* @param cacheManager the CacheManager to listen to : 要监听的CacheManager
* @param mBeanServer the MBeanServer to register MBeans to: MBeans要注册的MBeanServer
* @param registerCacheManager Whether to register the CacheManager MBean: 是否注册CacheManager MBean
* @param registerCaches Whether to register the Cache MBeans: 是否注册Cache MBean
* @param registerCacheConfigurations Whether to register the CacheConfiguration MBeans: 是否注册CacheConfiguration MBeans 
* @param registerCacheStatistics Whether to register the CacheStatistics MBeans: 是否注册CacheStatistics MBeans


* This method causes the selected monitoring options to be be registered 
* with the provided MBeanServer for caches in the given CacheManager. 
* While registering the CacheManager enables traversal to all of the other 
* items, this requires programmatic traversal. The other options allow entry 
* points closer to an item of interest and are more accessible from JMX 
* management tools like JConsole. Moreover CacheManager and Cache are not 
* serializable, so remote monitoring is not possible for CacheManager or 
* Cache, while CacheStatistics and CacheConfiguration are. 
* Finally, CacheManager and Cache enable management operations to be performed. 
* Once monitoring is enabled caches will automatically added and removed from the 
* MBeanServer as they are added and disposed of from the CacheManager. When the 
* CacheManager itself shutsdown all registered MBeans will be unregistered. 
* @param cacheManager the CacheManager to listen to 
* @param mBeanServer the MBeanServer to register MBeans to 
* @param registerCacheManager Whether to register the CacheManager MBean 
* @param registerCaches Whether to register the Cache MBeans 
* @param registerCacheConfigurations Whether to register the CacheConfiguration MBeans 
* @param registerCacheStatistics Whether to register the CacheStatistics MBeans 
public static void registerMBeans( 
   net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager cacheManager, 
   MBeanServer mBeanServer, 
   boolean registerCacheManager, 
   boolean registerCaches, 
   boolean registerCacheConfigurations, 
   boolean registerCacheStatistics) throws CacheException


4. 实际效果


BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第3张图片

5. 附赠一张jmx基本架构图:

BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第4张图片

6. JMX监控内容详细说明:

详见:BigMemroy系列文章--5. Ehcache配置和统计数据


二、Ehcache节点同步(转自: 第11节)



第一种方案:Terracotta Active/Mirror Replication

BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第5张图片


第二种方案:Transactional Cache Manager Replication

BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第6张图片
这种方案下,数据读取不需要经过WAN,写入数据时写入两份,分别由两个cache manager处理,一份在本地Server,一份到其他Server去。这种方案下读的吞吐量较高而且延迟较低;但是需要引入一个XA事务管理器,两个cache manager写两份数据导致写开销较大,而且过WAN的写延迟依然可能导致系统响应的瓶颈。


第三种方案:Messaging based (AMQ) replication

BigMemroy系列文章--6. Ehcache扩展功能--Jmx、同步_第7张图片
这种方案下,引入了批量处理和队列,用以减缓WAN的瓶颈出现,同时,把处理读请求和复制逻辑从Server Array物理上就剥离开,避免了WAN情况恶化对节点读取业务的影响。这种方案要较高的吞吐量和较低的延迟,读/复制的分离保证了可以提供完备的消息分发保证、冲突处理等特性;但是它较为复杂,而且还需要一个消息总线。
