Mac OS X Mail应用配置hotmail,outlook.com邮箱


Mac OS X Mail应用配置hotmail,outlook.com邮箱_第1张图片


之所以放上这篇文章,主要是配置outlook.com帐户时候,有个要点就是在要求输入帐户名的时候一定要紧跟。比如,你的邮箱全地址是[email protected], Mail在配置的时候会自动剪切出来first.last作为默认输入的账户名,如果按照这个名字输入就无法连接outlook.com邮件服务器。并且报错:

"Logging in to the Hotmail POP server “” failed. Make sure the user name and password you entered are correct, then click Continue. If the information isn’t correct, you cannot receive messages."

如果改为[email protected],即可解决此问题。

Microsoft recently unveiled as a free email service, it’s primarily web based as some sort of Hotmail rebranding, but because of the new domain you can still get fairly decent email addresses if you want one. As webmail you can obviously use any browser to check mail, but you can also use it with the Mac OS X Mail app or any other standard POP3 email client. Setting it up is pretty easy but there can be a hiccup or two with the automated process from Mail app, so we’ll walk through the manual settings to make sure everything works. Mail Servers

If you’ve set up mail accounts before and just want incoming (pop3) and outgoing (smtp) mail server addresses for, here’s what you’re looking for:

  • Incoming Mail Server (POP3):
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
  • IMAP server:

For the outgoing server, use SSL, and port 25, 465, or 587. I’m not sure why Microsoft is using Live IP’s for Outlook, but whatever.

Setting Up with Mail App

We’ll assume you already signed up for a free email address, if not head over to and make one.

  1. Launch Mail app and pull down the “Mail” menu to select “Preferences”
  2. Click on “Accounts” tab and then click the + icon to add a new account
  3. Enter the full name you want attached to the mail account, enter the email address, and password, click “Continue” to start the automatic setup
  4. For the incoming mail server, choose “POP” as account type, and set the incoming mail server to
  5. For the outgoing mail server, use SMTP outgoing mail server, and set to default ports

With the setup finished, create and send a new email message to verify that everything works.

You could also set this up in iOS using the same outbound and inbound mail servers, though unless you want a new address there isn’t much reason to choose Outlook over any existing account setup through Gmail, Yahoo, etc.


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