
Windows ———————— Ubuntu
Internet Explorer —————-Firefox, Opera
Microsoft Office —————- OpenOffice.org, 永中office
Winamp ————————- Xmms,beep-media-player(BMP), Audacious(将来会替代bmp的东东)
Photoshop ———————– Gimp
AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, Jabber, IRC instant messaging ——— Gaim, amsn
Word Pad (or notepad) ——— Gedit, nano, vim
Windows Media Player ——— Totem, Mplayer, Gxine
iTunes ————————for playing music:
——————————–for iPod Syncing
ID3 tag editor ———————– easytag
MIRC ———————————-Xchat
Premiere (Movie Editing) ———– kino
Bittorado —————————– Bittorado (don’t you love native ports)
Dreamweaver ————————- Nvu
CDex ———- Sound Juicer
Nero ——– Gnomebaker
Outlook Express ——— Evolution, Thunderbird
Snood ———- Frozen-bubble
Partition Magic ——— Gparted
eMule ———– aMule, mldonkey
Soulseek ————- Nicotine
DC++ ————– Valknut
any multitorrent client ———— Azureus, BitTyrant
any download manager ————— D4X, Gwget, Multiget
regedit ——————– gconf
Adobe Illustrator ———— Inkscape
Remote Desktop Connection ———— Terminal Server Client
Windows Explorer ————- Nautilus
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer ———— Image Viewer (Eye of GNOME)
Paint ————- Jdraw

