1: echo %time%2:3:4: rem ** ipc and mapping5: c:6: net use x: /del7: net use y: /del8: net use \\\ipc$ /del9: echo ==============================================10: net use \\\ipc$ "Sqa-2006" /user:"RND\mpsvr"11: net use x: \\\BigBandNetworks12: net use y: \\\PublicViews13: echo ==============================================14:15: subst t: /d16: subst t: D:\PublicViews\Automation_Framework\SQA_ATE_DEV17:18:19: rem ** rar local files
20: t:21: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\22: cd "t:\Official Release\Bin"
23: del *.rar;*.zip
24: winrar a -r rel.rar25: winrar d rel *.pdb26:27:28: rem ** build the menu
29: x:30: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\31: cd "X:\ATS"
32: if not exist "_update_record" mkdir "_update_record"33: cd _update_record34: set updatetime=%date:~6,4%%date:~0,2%%date:~3,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%35: md %updatetime%36: cd %updatetime%37:38: rem ** update dll and xml files39: xcopy /F /R /Y /E /EXCLUDE:t:\EXCLUDE.txt "t:\Official Release\Bin" "X:\ATS" >__log.txt40: rem winrar x -o+ "t:\Official Release\Bin\rel.rar" "X:\ATS\"41: type __log.txt42:43: rem ** md5 three dll files
44: x:45: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\46: cd "X:\Automation\DLLS"
47: copy /Y "t:\Reference Assemblies\TSSBMSimulator.dll" "X:\Automation\DLLS\TSSBMSimulator.dll"48: t:\_MyTool\md5.exe -n "t:\Reference Assemblies\TSSBMSimulator.dll" >TSSBMSimulator.md5.txt
49: x:50: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\51: copy /Y "t:\Reference Assemblies\SBMComAPI.dll" "X:\SBMComAPI.dll"52: t:\_MyTool\md5.exe -n "t:\Reference Assemblies\SBMComAPI.dll" >SBMComAPI.md5.txt
53: x:54: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\55: cd "X:\SessionManager"
56: copy /Y "t:\Reference Assemblies\TSSMW.dll" "X:\SessionManager\TSSMW.dll"57: t:\_MyTool\md5.exe -n "t:\Reference Assemblies\TSSMW.dll" >TSSMW.md5.txt
58:59: copy /Y "t:\_Configuration\TestManager.xml" "X:\ATS\Configuration\TestManager.xml"60:61: rem ** backup dll
62: xcopy "t:\Official Release\Bin\rel.rar" "X:\ATS\_update_record\%updatetime%\"63: t:64: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\65: cd "t:\Official Release\Bin"
66: del *.rar;*.zip
67: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\68: cd "t:\Reference Assemblies"
69: t:\_MyTool\md5.exe -n "t:\Reference Assemblies\TSSBMSimulator.dll" >_TSSBMSimulator.md5.txt
70: t:\_MyTool\md5.exe -n "t:\Reference Assemblies\SBMComAPI.dll" >_SBMComAPI.md5.txt
71: t:\_MyTool\md5.exe -n "t:\Reference Assemblies\TSSMW.dll" >_TSSMW.md5.txt
72:73:74: rem ** display all results75: x:76: cd ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\77: cd "X:\ATS"
78: rem dir /a
79:80:81: rem ** clean
82: c:83: net use x: /del84: net use y: /del85: net use \\\ipc$ /del86: subst t: /d87: pause88:89:
1: .rar2: .zip3: .pdb4: .config5: .manifest6: \Report