如果直接使用sudo apt-get install jde,一般是会报错的,原因是文件/usr/share/doc-base/jde有一个小错误,注意下面内容中的Section节:
Section: Apps/Programming Document: jde Title: JDEE JDE User's Guide Author: Paul Kinnucan Abstract: This guide explains how to use the JDE to develop Java applications and applets. The Java Development Environment (JDE) is an Emacs Lisp package that interfaces Emacs to third-party Java application development tools, such as those provided by JavaSoft's Java Development Kit (JDK). The result is an integrated development environment (IDE) comparable in power to many commercial Java IDEs. Format: HTML Index: /usr/share/doc/jde/html/jde-ug/jde-ug.html Files: /usr/share/doc/jde/html/jde-ug/*.html
Document: jde Title: JDEE JDE User's Guide Author: Paul Kinnucan Abstract: This guide explains how to use the JDE to develop Java applications and applets. The Java Development Environment (JDE) is an Emacs Lisp package that interfaces Emacs to third-party Java application development tools, such as those provided by JavaSoft's Java Development Kit (JDK). The result is an integrated development environment (IDE) comparable in power to many commercial Java IDEs. Section: Apps/Programming Format: HTML Index: /usr/share/doc/jde/html/jde-ug/jde-ug.html Files: /usr/share/doc/jde/html/jde-ug/*.html
sudo apt-get install ant checkstyle libtomcat5.5-java jde
安装好jde后,打开java文件只能启用cc-mode,并没有启动jde-mode,查看*Message*会发现Error while loading 50jde这样的错误提示。
(setq jde-doc-directory "/usr/share/doc/jde") ; Workaround for JDK 1.6 ;;加上以下一行 (require 'beanshell) (require 'jde-compile) (defclass jde-compile-javac-16 (jde-compile-javac-15) () "Class of J2SDK 1.6 javac compilers.") (defmethod initialize-instance ((this jde-compile-javac-16) &rest fields) ;; Call parent initializer. (call-next-method) ;; Set compiler version. (oset this version "1.6")) (add-to-list 'jde-compile-javac-compilers (jde-compile-javac-16 "javac 1.6.x") t) ;;加上以下两行 (autoload 'jde-mode "jde" "Java Development Environment" t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.java$" . jde-mode))
这一修改参考自 http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/JavaDevelopmentEnvironment,但emacswiki上的内容有一些笔误,按上面的修改,测试通过。