高性能TcpServer(C#) - 3.命令通道(处理:掉包,粘包,垃圾包)

高性能TcpServer(C#) - 1.网络通信协议

高性能TcpServer(C#) - 2.创建高性能Socket服务器SocketAsyncEventArgs的实现(IOCP)

高性能TcpServer(C#) - 3.命令通道(处理:掉包,粘包,垃圾包)

高性能TcpServer(C#) - 4.文件通道(处理:文件分包,支持断点续传)

高性能TcpServer(C#) - 5.客户端管理

高性能TcpServer(C#) - 6.代码下载










    /// 缓存数据类


    public class CByteBuffer


        // 默认1k

        int m_iBufferSize = 1024 * 1;


        // 数据解析

        byte[] m_abyBuf;

        int m_iPosition = 0;

        int m_iRecvLength = 0;

        bool bWaitRecvRemain;// 数据未接收完等待接收

        object m_lock = new object(); // 内部同步锁


        public int Position


            get { return m_iPosition; }

            set { m_iPosition = value; }



        public int RecvLength


            get { return m_iRecvLength; }

            set { m_iRecvLength = value; }



        public bool WaitRecvRemain


            get { return bWaitRecvRemain; }

            set { bWaitRecvRemain = value; }



        public CByteBuffer(int buffSize)


            m_iBufferSize = buffSize;

            m_abyBuf = new byte[m_iBufferSize];



        public int GetPosition()


            return m_iPosition;



        public int GetRecvLength()


            return m_iRecvLength;



        public void Put(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)


            int iLength = e.BytesTransferred;

            if (m_iRecvLength + iLength >= m_iBufferSize)






            lock (m_lock)


                Array.Copy(e.Buffer, e.Offset, m_abyBuf, m_iRecvLength, iLength);

                m_iRecvLength += iLength;




        public byte GetByte()


            bWaitRecvRemain = false;


            if (m_iPosition >= m_iRecvLength)


                bWaitRecvRemain = true;

                return 0;



            byte byRet;

            lock (m_lock)


                byRet = m_abyBuf[m_iPosition];




            return byRet;



        public byte[] GetByteArray(int Length)


            bWaitRecvRemain = false;


            if (m_iPosition + Length > m_iRecvLength)


                bWaitRecvRemain = true;

                return null;



            byte[] ret = new byte[Length];


            lock (m_lock)


                Array.Copy(m_abyBuf, m_iPosition, ret, 0, Length);


                m_iPosition += Length;



            return ret;



        public bool HasRemaining()


            return m_iPosition < m_iRecvLength;



        public int Remaining()


            return m_iRecvLength - m_iPosition;



        public void Clear()


            m_iPosition = 0;

            m_iRecvLength = 0;

            bWaitRecvRemain = false;





            m_abyBuf = null;




        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)


            if (disposing)






        public void Dispose()






        public void Process(CByteBuffer bBuffer, CProtocolAnalysis analysis, string sn)


            analysis.BagStatus = CProtocolAnalysis.EBagStatus.BagNone;

            analysis.WhetherToSend = false;


            int iPosition = bBuffer.Position;

            byte head1 = 0; byte head2 = 0; byte head3 = 0; byte head4 = 0; byte head5 = 0; byte head6 = 0; bool headok = false;


            if (!bBuffer.HasRemaining()) return;


            while (bBuffer.HasRemaining())


                head1 = bBuffer.GetByte(); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

                if (HEAD1 == head1)


                    iPosition = bBuffer.Position - 1;

                    head2 = bBuffer.GetByte(); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

                    head3 = bBuffer.GetByte(); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

                    head4 = bBuffer.GetByte(); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

                    head5 = bBuffer.GetByte(); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

                    head6 = bBuffer.GetByte(); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

                    if (HEAD2 == head2 && HEAD3 == head3 && HEAD4 == head4 && HEAD5 == head5 && HEAD6 == head6)


                        headok = true;





                        CLogHelp.AppendLog("Error,Unable to parse the data2:Position=" + iPosition.ToString() + ",Index=" + (bBuffer.GetPosition()).ToString() + ",Head2=" + head2.ToString());





                    CLogHelp.AppendLog("Error,Unable to parse the data1:Position=" + iPosition.ToString() + ",Index=" + (bBuffer.GetPosition()).ToString() + ",Head1=" + head1.ToString());




            if (!bBuffer.HasRemaining())


                if (headok)


                    if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;





            byte[] arrlen = bBuffer.GetByteArray(4); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;

            int len = CCommonFunc.String2Int(CCommonFunc.ByteToString(arrlen)); if (-1 == len) return;

            byte[] source = bBuffer.GetByteArray(len); if (!analysis.IsRemainData(iPosition, bBuffer, analysis)) return;


            if (!bBuffer.HasRemaining())






                analysis.BagStatus = CProtocolAnalysis.EBagStatus.BagStick;



            // #WaterMeter-001#01##

            string data = CCommonFunc.ByteToString(source);

            if (null == data || 0 == data.Length || data.Length - 1 != data.LastIndexOf(SPLIT1))




            data = data.Substring(1, data.Length - 2);

            string[] item = data.Split(SPLIT1);

            if (null == item || 4 != item.Length)




            string uid = item[0];

            string taskid = item[1];

            int cmd = CCommonFunc.String2Int(item[2]);

            string content = item[3];

            Program.AddMessage("R: [" + sn + "] cmd=" + cmd.ToString() + " data=" + data);


            analysis.Cmd = cmd;

            analysis.Uid = uid;

            analysis.TaskId = taskid;


            if (cmd == 1 || cmd == 2 || cmd == 3 || cmd == 4 || cmd == 5 || cmd == 6 || cmd == 7)


                analysis.WhetherToSend = true;



            string softtype = "";  




                switch (cmd)


                    case 1:

                        analysis.Msg = "ok";


                    case 2:

                        analysis.Msg = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");


                    case 3:

                        // HTEMP=0263#WaterMeter-001#1520557004#03#buildid=44@edmid=37@meterid=1228@senddate=2018-02-05 17:36:22@[{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}+{132,0.0000}]#

                        analysis.Msg = "ok";


                    case 4:


                            // 获取版本信息

                            softtype = content.Split(SPLIT2)[1];

                            StorageFile(softtype, System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\test.zip");

                            analysis.Msg = "2";// version



                    case 5:

                        // 获取包数


                            softtype = content.Split(SPLIT2)[1];

                            if (!dicSoft.ContainsKey(softtype))


                                StorageFile(softtype, System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\test.zip");


                            // 获取包数

                            int count = 0;

                            FileCut entity = null;

                            dicSoft.TryGetValue(softtype, out entity);

                            if (null != entity) count = entity.Count;

                            analysis.Msg = count.ToString();



                    case 6:

                        // 执行更新动作


                            string[] items = content.Split(SPLIT2);

                            softtype = items[1];

                            int downindex = CCommonFunc.String2Int(items[2]);

                            if (!dicSoft.ContainsKey(softtype))


                                analysis.Msg = "error@" + softtype + " 未找到更新文件,请先获取包数";




                                FileCut entity = null;

                                dicSoft.TryGetValue(softtype, out entity);

                                if (null != entity)


                                    string filedata = "";

                                    entity.Data.TryGetValue(downindex, out filedata);

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filedata))

                                        analysis.Msg = "error@" + softtype + " 第" + downindex + "包的数据为空";


                                        analysis.Msg = filedata;





                    case 7:

                        // 更新版本信息(update sql)

                        analysis.Msg = "ok";




            catch (Exception ex)


                analysis.Msg = "error@" + ex.Message;


            Program.AddMessage("S: [" + sn + "] cmd=" + cmd.ToString() + " data=" + analysis.Msg);





 高性能TcpServer(C#) - 3.命令通道(处理:掉包,粘包,垃圾包)_第1张图片





高性能TcpServer(C#) - 3.命令通道(处理:掉包,粘包,垃圾包)_第2张图片





 高性能TcpServer(C#) - 3.命令通道(处理:掉包,粘包,垃圾包)_第3张图片


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