转载自【Softeware MyZone】原文链接: http://www.firedragonpzy.com.cn/index.php/archives/475
#coding:utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'will_paginate/array' describe "admin/roles/index" do before(:each) do @ability = Object.new @ability.extend(CanCan::Ability) controller.stub(:current_ability) { @ability } view.stub(:current_ability) { @ability } assign(:roles, Role.paginate(:page => params[:page],:per_page => 10).order("updated_at DESC")) end it "has a create link for that role inside admin" do @ability.can :create, Role render if Role.count > 0 rendered.should have_selector("div") do |new_a| new_a.should have_selector "a", :href => new_admin_role_path, :content => "添加" end end end it "has a destroy link for that role inside admin" do @ability.can :destroy, Role render if Role.count > 0 rendered.should have_selector("tr td") do |destroy_a| destroy_a.should have_selector "a", :href => admin_role_path(Role.first), :"data-method" => "delete", :"data-confirm" => "删除之后,该角色下的用户将无该角色下的权限。确定删除吗?", :rel => "nofollow", :content => "删除" end end end it "has a update link for that role inside admin" do @ability.can :update, Role render if Role.count > 0 rendered.should have_selector("tr td") do |update_a| update_a.should have_selector "a", :href => "/admin/roles/"+Role.first.id+"/edit", :content => "修改" end end end it "renders a list of admin/roles" do role = Role.first @ability.can :destroy, Role @ability.can :update, Role render # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat matchers allow_message_expectations_on_nil assigns[:roles].stub!(:total_pages).and_return(1) assert_select "tr>td", :text => role.name.to_s, :count => 1 assert_select "tr td", :text => role.description.to_s, :count => 1 mycount = Role.count assert_select "a", :html => "修改",:count => mycount < 10?mycount:10 assert_select "a", :html => "删除", :count => mycount < 10?mycount:10 end end