1. Get & Build & Install Boost
download boost from http://www.boost.org/
./bootstrap.sh --prefix=path/to/installation
./b2 install
leave Boost binaries in the lib/ subdirectory of your installation prefix. You will also find a copy of the Boost headers in theinclude/ subdirectory of the installation prefix, so you can henceforth use that directory as an #include path in place of the Boost root directory.
2. Use Boost
1) Header-Only Libraries
Most Boost libraries are header-only: they consist entirely of header files containing templates and inline functions, and require no separately-compiled library binaries or special treatment when linking.
#include#include #include #include int main() { using namespace boost::lambda; typedef std::istream_iterator in; std::for_each( in(std::cin), in(), std::cout << (_1 * 3) << " " ); }
c++ -I path/to/boost_1_47_0 example.cpp -o example
echo 1 2 3 | ./example
2) Separately-Compiled Binary
#include#include #include int main() { std::string line; boost::regex pat( "^Subject: (Re: |Aw: )*(.*)" ); while (std::cin) { std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::smatch matches; if (boost::regex_match(line, matches, pat)) std::cout << matches[2] << std::endl; } }
g++ -I /home/bin.jinb/usr/local/boost/include/ test.cc -o test \ -L /home/bin.jinb/usr/local/boost/lib/ -lboost_regex
g++ -I /home/bin.jinb/usr/local/boost/include/ test.cc -o test \ /home/bin.jinb/usr/local/boost/lib/libboost_regex.a