一直以来,eweb4j framework新版本都没有发布,因为忙工作、忙毕业、忙答辩。
文件上传下载?这要涉及到文件IO流吧。或者,用第三方组件?例如Apache 的common-upload, 不不不,咱都不用,咱直接在控制器里声明一个 File 对象就行了。什么?这么简单?先看看代码吧~
public class UploadControl{ private File file; public String doAtPost(){ FileUtil.copy(file, new File("c://"+file.getName())); } public void setFile(File file){ this.file = file; } }
PS:注意表单文件input的name要和控制器声明的File对象名一致(实质上是和setter方法名相关)。另外注意 enctype
public class UploadControl { final static String path = ConfigConstant.ROOT_PATH + "/WEB-INF/uploads/"; private File tmpFile1; private UploadFile tmpFile2; private File[] tmpFile3; private UploadFile[] tmpFile4; public String doAtGet() { return "fmt:Upload/upload.html"; } public String doAtPost() { //为了查看临时文件,当前线程睡眠10秒钟 //Thread.sleep(10*1000); FileUtil.copy(tmpFile1, new File(path + tmpFile1.getName())); FileUtil.copy(tmpFile2.getTmpFile(), new File(path + tmpFile2.getFileName())); for (File f : tmpFile3) FileUtil.copy(f, new File(path + f.getName())); for (UploadFile f : tmpFile4) FileUtil.copy(f.getTmpFile(), new File(path + f.getFileName())); return StringUtil.getNowTime()+"上传成功!" ; } //别忘记setter方法哦 }
EWeb4J Framework File Upload Demo
public class DownloadControl { final static String path = ConfigConstant.ROOT_PATH + "/WEB-INF/uploads/"; final File file = new File(path+"just4download.jpg"); public File doAtGet(){ return file; } public File[] doArrayAtGet(){ return new File[]{file}; } }
response.setContentType("application/zip"); response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=xxx");
/** * 宠物 模型 * @author weiwei * */ @Entity @Table(name="t_pet") public class Pet extends Model{ public final static Pet inst = new Pet(); /* 宠物名字 */ @Column(unique=true) private String name; /* 宠物性别 1公 0母*/ private boolean gender; /* 物种 */ private String species; /* 宠物价格 */ private float price; /* 宠物年龄 单位 月*/ private int age; /* 是否已上架 */ @Column(name="is_up") private boolean isUp; /* 所属主人 */ @Column(nullable=false) @ManyToOne private Member master; /* 所属分类 */ @ManyToOne private Category category; @Transient public long count; //setter and getter } /** * 购物车 模型 * * @author weiwei * */ @Entity @Table(name = "t_cart") public class Cart extends Model { @ManyToMany @JoinTable(name = "t_cart_pet", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "cart_id"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "pet_id")) private Listpets = new ArrayList (); @Column(nullable=false) private String description; //setter and getter }
public static void main(String[] args){ String CONF_DIR = FileUtil.getTopClassPath(EWeb4JConfig.class)+"/conf/"; EWeb4JConfig.setCONFIG_BASE_PATH(CONF_DIR); EWeb4JConfig.start("start.xml"); /* 框架根据模型类生成数据库pet_store_db建表脚本文件 */ Model2Table.write("pet_store_db"); }
执行之后会生成 ${ClassPath}/conf/mysql-create.sql文件,内容如下:
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pet_store_db; CREATE DATABASE pet_store_db DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; USE pet_store_db; -- ---------------------------- -- Created by EWeb4J Framework 1.9-SNAPSHOT -- at 2012-06-09 11:59:53 -- Models of models.Pet -- Records of t_pet -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_pet; CREATE TABLE t_pet( id bigint (20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , name varchar (255) NOT NULL , gender boolean NOT NULL , species varchar (255) NOT NULL , price float (8) NOT NULL , age tinyint (4) NOT NULL , is_up boolean NOT NULL , master_id bigint (20) , category_id bigint (20) NOT NULL , UNIQUE KEY name (name), PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY master_id (master_id), CONSTRAINT master_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES t_member (id), KEY category_id (category_id), CONSTRAINT category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES t_category (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Created by EWeb4J Framework 1.9-SNAPSHOT -- at 2012-06-09 11:59:54 -- Models of models.Cart -- Records of t_cart -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_cart; CREATE TABLE t_cart( id bigint (20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , description varchar (255) , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Created by EWeb4J Framework 1.9-SNAPSHOT -- at 2012-06-09 11:59:54 -- Records of t_cart_pet -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_cart_pet; CREATE TABLE t_cart_pet( id bigint (20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, cart_id bigint (20) , pet_id bigint (20) , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY cart_id (cart_id), CONSTRAINT t_cart_pet_cart_id FOREIGN KEY (cart_id) REFERENCES t_cart (id), KEY pet_id (pet_id), CONSTRAINT t_cart_pet_pet_id FOREIGN KEY (pet_id) REFERENCES t_pet (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;