转移 http://aikin.me/2014/02/20/rails-paperclip/
Paperclip是 Rails 的一个上传图片插件,它和ImageMagick联合使用,可以很方便的实现图片上传并切割指定大小的功能,使整个图片上传过程非常简单,还会将上传的图片保存在public文件夹下。
1.下载paperclip gem包
gem 'paperclip'
bundle install
rails g paperclip image_news image
这样就会在原先的 image_news model中增加image属性,同时在app/db/migrate 文件夹下会
新建xxxxxxx_add_attachment_image_to_image_news.rb 文件内容:
class AddAttachmentImageToImageNews < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up change_table :image_news do |t| t.attachment :image end end def self.down drop_attached_file :image_news, :image end end
rake db:migrate
如果你原先的image_news model 中没有其他属性,那么在schema.rb文件中:
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version:xxxxxxx) do create_table "image_news", force: true do |t| t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" t.string "image_file_name" t.string "image_content_type" t.integer "image_file_size" t.datetime "image_updated_at" end end
class ImageNews < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :image, //:styles => { :small => "150x150>"}, :url => '/images/:id/:style/:basename.:extension', :path => ':rails_root/public/images/:id/:style/:basename.:extension' validates_attachment_presence :image validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 5.megabytes validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => %w(image/jpeg image/png) end
上面代码,要使用 :styles 就必须要确认是否有装 imageMagick,如果没装就会报错。
还有 :path :rails_root/public 后面的必须和 :url相同,就像这里的
:rails_root The path to the Rails application.(当前Rails程序的路径,等同于RAILS_PATH的值。) :rails_env The current environment (e.g. development, production)(当前运行环境,如:development,production) :class The class name of the model that the attachment is part of, underscored and pluralised for your convenience.(文件拥有者的类名的复数形式,多个单词间以下划线连接。) :basename The name of the originally uploaded file without its extension.(上传的文件原始的名字,不带扩展名。) :extension The file extension of the originally uploaded file.(上传的文件的扩展名) :id The ID of the model that the attachment is part of.(文件拥有者的id) :id_partition The same as :id but formatted as a string using ID partitioning.(和:id一样,但结果是用ID partitioning格式化过的。) :attachment The name of the attachment attribute (defined in the call to has_attached_file) downcased and pluralised for your enjoyment.(文件作为拥有者的属性的属性名,也就是跟在has_attached_file后面的那个名字,小写、复数形式。) :style The current style of the attachment file being processed (e.g. in the ‘discarding an uploaded image‘ example above the :style would be one of ‘original’ or ‘small’) (文件被以某种样式处理的样式名,该选项用于图片处理。)
(4) 在controller(controllers/image_upload_controller.rb)里写上:
class ImageUploadController < ApplicationController def image_upload_view @image_news = ImageNews.new end def upload @image_news = ImageNews.new @image_news.image = params[:image_news][:image] @image_news.save redirect_to(:action => 'image_show_view', :id => @image_news.id) end def image_show_view @image_news = ImageNews.find(params[:id]) end end
(5) 在view(views/image_upload_view.html.erb)写上:
<%= form_for @image_news, :url =>{:action => 'upload'}, :html => {:multipart => true} do |f| %>请选择图片:
<%= f.file_field :image%> <%= f.submit '上传' %> <% end %>
<%= image_tag @image_news.image.url%>
(7) 安装ImageMagick (Mac OS X 10.8.5) 安装很成功、方便,不过得最先装xcode。
curl -O ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/ImageMagick.tar.gz tar -zxf ImageMagick.tar.gz cd ImageMagick-*/ ./configure --prefix=/opt/local make sudo make install