DWR 1.x 升级 到3 错误

最近需要从1.X 升级到3,很多页面失效,查找错误原因是DWRUtils找不到,查找DWR官方升级文档后发现是 DWREngine  DWRUtil  变更造成,修改后正常。

Upgrading from DWR version 2.0 to DWR version 3.0

DWR 3.0 has not been officially released yet. This pages tracks the changes that we see as being required when the final release comes.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.0, see the full upgrade notes.

These are the changes that you must make to upgrade from version 2.0 to version 3.0:

For DWR 1.x the Javascript libraries had the prefixes DWREngine and DWRUtil. These were deprecated in version 2.0 in favor of dwr.engine and dwr.util. In version 3.0, the prefixes DWREngine and DWRUtil have been removed. The best way to upgrade is to change all code to use the new method. Alternatively you can use the two-liner: DWREngine = dwr.engine; DWRUtil = dwr.util[/size]; to re-enable the old behavior.
DWR 3.0 RC2 requires that engine.js is included before the DWR interface JavaScript files.
DWR 3.0 RC2 - If you are using Jetty 6 with reverse AJAX you will need to either upgrade to Jetty 7+ or follow the directions here: http://www.butterdev.com/dwr/2010/01/dwr-3-x-and-jetty-continuations-on-jetty-6-x/. Due to changes in the Jetty Continuation API.
DOMConverters - If you are using a DOMConverter (DOM4JConverter.java, DOMConverter.java, JDOMConverter.java or XOMConverter.java) it will now return either an Element or a Document based on the type of data. Prior to 3.x a DOMConverter always returned a Document.
Spring Schema Change - Creator configuration is no longer allowed inside the dwr:configuration element. Please see this discussion on the mailing list for more information.

