Google Java Developer Tools Downloads


WindowBuilder Pro原来叫WindowBuilder最近被Google收购之后改成现在的名称,原来是商业需要Money的但Google收购之后大家可以免费使用了。它是一个非常强大并且易于使用的双向Java GUI设计器。它由SWT Designer、Swing Designer和GWT Designer三个设计器组成,它能够无缝集成到任何基于Eclipse的Java开发环境中。借助于其拖拽功能,开发者可以轻松添加众多组件并迅速创建复杂的窗口,同时会自动生成Java代码。该产品包含了可视化的设计器、向导、智能布局工具、本地化等功能。该工具需要安装Eclipse3.4,3.5或3.6。
  • GWT Designer
    强大的基于Eclipse的开发工具,可以让Java开发者使用Google Web Toolkit(GWT)快速地创建Ajax用户界面。
  • CodePro AnalytiX
  • WindowBuilder Pro
    用于Swing、SWT、GWT、RCP和XWT UI框架的Java图形用户界面设计器。
  • WindowTester Pro

Java Tools for Java Applications

WindowBuilder Pro

Develop Java graphical user interfaces in minutes for Swing, SWT, RCP, XWT and GWT with WindowBuilder Pro’s WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop interface. Use wizards, editors and intelligent layout assist to automatically generate clean Java code, with the visual design and source always in sync.
Download WindowBuilder Pro

WindowTester Pro

Streamline testing of Java rich client applications with WindowTester Pro, including tools for automated recording, test generation, code coverage and playback of GUI interactions that can occur within an application. WindowTester Pro includes support for SWT and Swing.
Download WindowTester Pro

CodePro AnalytiX

Employ the comprehensive automated software code quality and security analysis toolkit CodePro AnalytiX to automatically improve software quality, reliability, and maintainability in developer applications.
Download CodePro AnalytiX

Java Tools for Web Applications

Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google Wave and Google AdWords. It's open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world.
Download Web Toolkit


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