对于应用规则引擎网络上著名的有两篇文章:《 Java规则引擎与其API应用详解》和《 企业平台中的业务规则引擎》
我以为《Business Rules Applied》一书对Business Rule的分类比较合理:
Constraint |
A constraint can be a mandatory restriction or suggested restriction on the behavior of the business event. A mandatory constraint is a complete statement that expresses an unconditional circumstance that must be true or not true for the business event to complete with integrity. Examples of mandatory constraints are: A customer must not have more than 10 open orders at one time. The total dollar amount of a customer order must not be greater than the customer’s single order credit limit amount. |
Guideline |
A guideline is a complete statement that expresses a warning about a circumstance that should be true or not true. A guideline does not force the circumstance to be true or not true, but merely warns about it, allowing the human to make the decision. Because a guideline only warns and does not reject, it provides a freedom of choice. An example of a guideline is: A customer should not have more than 10 open orders at one time. |
Action enabler |
A complete statement that tests conditions and upon finding them true, initiates another business event, message, or other activity. That is, an action enabler initiates a new action external to the scope of the system or increment under study. Examples of action enablers are: If a customer order is valid, then initiate the Place Order process. If a customer is high risk, then notify the customer services manager. Action-enabler rules can be used in some commercial rules products to create an event-oriented sequence of workflow steps. It may be helpful to think of mandatory constraints and action enablers as opposites. Mandatory constraints stop an event from completing. Action enablers start an event. |
Computation |
A complete statement that provides an algorithm for arriving at the value of a term where such algorithms may include sum, difference, product, quotient, count, maximum, minimum, average. An example of a computation rule is: The total-amount-due for an order is computed as the sum of the lineitem amount(s) for the order plus tax. |
Inference |
A complete statement that tests conditions and upon finding them true, establishes the truth of a new fact. Examples of inferences are: If a customer has no outstanding invoices, then the customer is of preferred status. If a customer is of preferred status, then the customer’s order qualifies for a 20 percent discount. |
A. 不在规则中更新Domain Object的属性;
B. 不访问Dao对象的创建,更新和删除的持久化工作;
C. 不访问Domain Service中任何涉及Domain Object更新、网络访问、文件操作和邮件操作等方法;
D. 只产生提供控制信息或者状态信息等runtime数据,由业务流程来完成A,B和C限制的行为。
根据引擎,又可以分为脚本系统和推理系统。如JRule就同时支持两种技术:checklist和forward chain,当用checklist时就是一个脚本系统。BTW:Ajoo同学的 JASKELL是一个不错的脚本系统。
规则系统or脚本系统,自然语言,DSL or Java语言
一旦使用了DSL 的规则系统,我们关心的就不是程序,而是一个问题描述。虽然类DSL规则系统最终将生成程序代码(利用代码生成技术),但是很明显,我们所关心的更接近于Use Case(User Story)。无论是开发人员还是客户都将更容易理解系统的行为。
同样,因为采用的是代码生产技术—— 产生式编程(又拔了一个高度,hoho),综合效益显然(这个……广告语)。更多请参考《产生式编程》一书