SDE面试技巧之一:OOA & OOD

OOA & OOD is also a big area in interview.

这里不讨论OOA和OOD的具体技术,这里只是讨论面试过程中如何问、如何答。在掌握了OOD的具体技术后,要想面试成功,还需要掌握面试技巧。OOD的面试的时要特别注意Clarify the ambiguity,以避免你的设计既可以满足需求,又不会over design。


How To Ask This Question
If you want to know how comfortable a candidate is with OO, ask them the question in a way that resembles real-life OOP a bit more closely. Start simple, by providing a single simple requirement. Though the candidate won’t be able to write and run tests, the requirement serves as a driver for the design.
A good indicator that the question is taking you and the candidate off-track is if the boxes he or she draws on the whiteboard lack method names. If there are no methods, there are no behaviors, which means the candidate is designing first, regardless of requirements. Steer the candidate back by asking them to write method names.
For example, ask the candidate to design the object model for a simple bookshelf. A bookshelf is so simple that there’s virtually no way to overcomplicate it, so you can say that you simply need to be able to add a book to the bookshelf, nothing else. Once they have done this, give the candidate another “test”, by adding a requirement. Now say that you want the bookshelf to be a “smart” bookshelf, where you can look up a book by title and get a reference to the book. The candidate will make some changes to their design. Continue adding requirements to the thing until you’re satisfied with the evolution of the candidate’s design.

  • Modify the design to allow me to search the bookshelf by Title, Author, or ISBN.
  • Allow me to use the bookshelf as an ad-hoc library, so I can “check out” a book, removing it from the bookshelf. Make it possible to look up books that have been “borrowed”.
  • Require a user provide their name when checking out a book. Give them a return date.
  • Make it so the bookshelf can generate a list of overdue books and who has them. Where does that method belong? Should it be on its own object that Bookshelf uses?Make the bookshelf more concrete, so that there is only a certain number of books that can fit on any given shelf in the overall bookshelf. Make it possible to ask which shelf a book is on. Make it possible to add a new shelf.

You can obviously pick your own model (Car, Elevator, Fridge, etc) and drive the direction the design should go using requirements. Have the candidate write method names (but not implementations) where appropriate. Keep asking if the method is on the right object, or it belongs on another one.
How To Answer This Question
Of course, not everyone reads this blog, so if you’re in an interview you may get the “design an object model for a x” question. If you find yourself in this situation, you essentially want to ask questions of your interviewer to pull requirements out of them. The reality is, they probably DO have a particular kind of system in mind when they ask the question, so you need to find out what that is.
If you’re supposed to design the Car class, ask if there are other types of vehicles in the system. If not, don’t make a Vehicle parent class, and explain that you see no need unless the system required additional vehicles. Before you draw a box named Tire, ask if the car needs to be able to support snow tires or some other kind of interchangeable tire. If not, why would you make a class or interface for them? Start as simply as you can and only draw a new box when you’ve extracted enough information from the interviewer to deem it warranted. If you jump up to the whiteboard and draw two or three boxes before asking any questions, you’re placing your interview at risk because the interviewer may be picturing a completely different usage of this system than you are.
Of course, it’s always possible that the interviewer will keep asking for the same information, arguing that you should show your OO skills off without requirements that drive that design out. If you want the job, your best bet there is to take a random stab at the appropriate level of complexity and hope that you strike somewhere near what the interviewer wants. In that situation, however, I’d imagine your interviewer doesn’t know much about designing good software, and their codebase might be an over-engineered mess, so you may not want that job.



设计类图来描述 deck of cards。首先搞清楚啥是deck of cards,是一张牌还是一副牌,不确定就问下吧,尤其在英文面试的时候,难免出现这种情况。OK,问过后我们知道是一副牌。一副牌由多个牌构成,先得把一张牌描述清楚了,下面是用C#的一个定义:

    public  class Card
        public  enum Suit
            CLUBS = 1, SPADES = 2, HEARTS = 3, DIAMONDS = 4

        private  int card;
        private Suit suit;
        public Card( int r, Suit s)
            card = r;
            suit = s;

        public  int value() { return card; }
        public Suit Suit
                return suit;


