Investment and return is always unbalance.

Sometimes Aoki will think the relationship between the people is different,we always look forward to getting the same feedback from others.But it is not right.Man is selflish.We stand on our own.We get involed in a relationship or job,or something in life.Equivalent to this,we are expecting we gain the same kind of them or more than we put into.But things go contray to one's wishes.

As Aoki the feeling right now...

Her father is going to have an operation.Even everybody said it is just a piece of little case.Not a big deal and don't worry about it.But she is still worried about it.Just can't ignore it.Maybe it is not a big deal of it.At this time,she really want someone to help her or ...just need someone accompany her.A little disappoint about it, one.Including someone very closed.The whole night,he just playing the moblie game and watching tv with his families.If for the extreme point,maybe he just did not want to close the negative energy.Even the girl is his fere.Even she think she do the best for him or his families.No matter for the life or changing herself and her life.

Is there really equality in the world?Aoki is not sure right now,maybe the words on the desk for the dinner,for some precious food for the little girl.She was confused about the relationship weather really she want?Or that is really she need?

Or maybe we should not to ask for obtaining.That will be good for her,and she will feel better.Try to readjusting the mindset and do yourself in your life.It will be better.

Good night,hope you won't lose no sleep on that.

你可能感兴趣的:(Investment and return is always unbalance.)