Running a Simulation ~Using the Scenario List-2

| Section(部分)| Attribute(属性)| Description(描述)| ** Tab(选项卡)|
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
Controller(控制器)| Attribute(属性)| 控制器属性有:

Controller(控制器) | Control Status(控制状态) | 控制器的操作模式:
• Standby(挂起)– SMOCPro处于观察并测试过程模型控制状态;• Control(控制)– SMOCPro处于控制过程模型状态;•Optimize(优化)– SMOCPro将优化选定的经济函数(当可用时)。| General(普通)|
|| Initialization(初始化)| 用于初始化控制器内部变量的事件。| General(普通)|
|| Kernel Debug(内核调试)| 启动写出调试文件事件。同时还定义了调试步骤的数量。|General(普通)|
|| Calculation Status(计算状态)| 计算引擎的工作模式:
• On – 执行所有的计算;• Off – 不执行计算。| General(普通)|
Ext Input Tag(外部输入标签) || 从PCTP 2009 Build 1开始, 用户可以通过仿真方案的外部输入标签部分引入和仿真外部输入标签。就像干扰变量一样,外部输入标签具有以下三个属性:
POV |Disconnected(断开连接) | 忽略变量过程测量的标签(True/False)。使用内部预测代替。
|Sub- controller(子控制器)|
|| Operating Point(操作点) |变量的参考值。 |Sub- controller(子控制器)|
|| Impulse Factor(脉冲因子)| 变量预测误差的离散滤波器。其值介于0(bias更新)~1(测量噪声设定)之间。| Sub- controller(子控制器)|
CV | Setrange High(设定高限)| 约束上限。| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Setrange Low(设定低限) |约束下限。| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Setpoint Tracking Filter(设定点追踪滤波)| 设定范围限制改变时期望轨迹的时间常数(以时间为单位)。 |Sub-controller(子控制器)|
Remove(移除)** |关闭控制变量的标签(True/False)。
|| Weight(权重)| 与变量相关联的权重值。改变(固定初始值)将在线调整控制器。|Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Priority(优先级)| 变量的静态排名(1~100)。静态不可行性的平衡在同一次序执行。|Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| RTO Target(RTO目标)|为仿真指定一个远程目标。默认值为0.| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| RTO Target Removed(RTO目标移除)|用于指示使用或忽略RTO目标的标签(True/False)。默认值为True。
|| RTO Target Weight(RTO目标权重)| 为RTO目标指定一个权重(用于静态优化)。默认值为0.| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
| MV | Control Status(控制状态)| 用于指示变量控制有效性的标签(Remote /Local(远程/本地))。| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Feed forward(前馈)| 忽略变量设定值回读的标签(False/True)。使用内部设定值替代。| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Operating Point(操作点)| 变量的参考值。| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Maximum Move Size(最大步幅)|变量在每个控制周期内所允许的最大移动。| Sub-controller(子控制器)|
|| Weight(权重)| 与变量相关联的权重值。改变(固定初始值)将在线调整控制器。|Sub-controller(子控制器)|


|Section| Attribute| Description|Tab|
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
|Controller| Attribute| The controller attributes are:

| Controller | Control Status| Mode of operation of the controller:
• Standby – SMOCPro observes and tests the process model control• Control – SMOCPro controls the process model• Optimize – SMOCPro optimizes the selected economic function (when available).| General|
|| Initialization| Event to initialize the internal variables of the controller.| General|
||** Kernel Debug | Event to start writing out a debug file. The number of debug steps is also defined.|General
|| Calculation Status| Mode of operation of the Calculation Engine:
• On – All calculations are executed.• Off – No calculation is executed. |General|
Ext Input Tag** | |Starting with PCTP 2009 Build 1, the user now was the capability of introducing and simulating external input tags via the Ext Input Tag Section of the Simulation Scenario. Just like a disturbance variable the Ext Input Tag has the following three possible attributes:
| POV| Disconnected| Flag (True/False) to disregard the process measurement of the variable. The internal prediction is used instead.
| Sub- controller|
|| Operating Point |Reference value of the variable. |Sub-controller|
|| Impulse Factor| Discrete filter of the prediction error of the variable. Value between 0.0 (bias update) and 1.0 (measurement noise setting).| Sub-controller|
| Setrange High |Constraint upper limit. |Sub-controller|
|| Setrange Low| Constraint lower limit.| Sub-controller|
|| Setpoint Tracking Filter |Time constant (in time units) of the desired trajectory of setrange limit changes. |Sub-controller|
||** Remove | Flag (True/False) to turn off the control of the variable.
|| Weight| Value of the weight associated with the variable. A change (fixed starting value) starts online tuning of the controller.| Sub-controller|
Priority | Static ranking (1 to 100) of the variable. Balancing of static infeasibilities is performed in the same rank.| Sub-controller|
|| RTO Target |Specify a remote target for simulation. The default value is zero.| Sub-controller|
|| RTO Target Removed| Flag (True/False) to indicate if the RTO Target is to be used or ignored. The default value is True.
|| RTO Target Weight| Specify a weight for the RTO target (for static optimization). The default is zero. |Sub-controller|
MV | Control Status |Flag (Remote/Local) to indicate the availability of the variable for control.| Sub-controller
Feed forward** |Flag (False/True) to disregard the setpoint readback of the variable. The internal setpoint is used instead.| Sub-controller|
|| Operating Point |Reference value of the variable. |Sub-controller|
||** Maximum Move Size**| Absolute maximum move allowed for the variable per control period.| Sub-controller|
|| **Weight **|Value of the weight associated with the variable. A change (fixed starting value) starts online tuning of the controller. |Sub-controller|


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