Hero - by Daniel Song

I think a hero is someone that cares about all people.

A hero is somebody who gives their love to someone or their time.

A hero will never give up.

A hero is the best version of yourself.

Everybody could be a hero if they try.

I think heroes are kind, strong and brave.

I think heroes are people that save us.

My hero is a courageous, caring and helpful person.

I think a hero is very kind and very brave to do the things and very strong.

I think a hero is a person who attempting to help someone without thinking about their own profit, mostly.

A hero is a person that helps other people.

Heroes are people who who care about animals and people.

Heroes may inspire people to act bravely.

I think a hero will never give up.

Hero - by Daniel Song_第1张图片

-- Written and artwork by Daniel Song, written in Grade four in UOI unit on Hero.

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