On Writing Well 11.15


The best sportswriters know this. They avoid the exhausted synonyms and strive for freshness elsewhere in their sentences.

What keeps most sportswriters from writing good English is the misapprehension that they shouldn't be trying to.

What makes them special is their humanity.

What gives the article its depth is that it's the work of a writer, not a sportswriter.

Remember that athletes are men and women who become part of our lives during the season, acting out our dreams or filling some other need for us, and we want that bond to be honored. Hold the hype and give us heroes who are believable.

Those are the values to look for when you write about sport: people and places, time and transition. Here's an enjoyable list of the kind of people every sport comes furnished with.


体育类文章可以写什么呢?人与运动。归根结底,还是人。好的体育作家与其他人的差别,在于他能够发现运动员普通人的那一面。是所谓humanity。想起来第一次正儿八经听陈滢小姐姐解说羽生的花滑,还是今年四月份的世锦赛上。《hope and legacy》以后羽生获得金牌,陈滢小姐姐的解说词听哭我。又想起来《情热大陆》有一集跟拍羽生,镜头之下的羽生君淡淡笑着,说,有时候也会觉得周围没有人理解自己呢。现在想起来还觉得难过。花滑男单从只能跳两种低级四周跳,到能够跳出除4a以外的全部四周跳,再到今年羽生成功跳出4Lz——打破藩篱撞得头破血流的人啊,希望你能够一切都好。【我都在说些啥】【但就是超级喜欢他啊】【一个迷妹的碎碎念_(:зゝ∠)_】


1.Southpaws were always lanky, portsiders always chunky.

southpaw: a person who prefers to use their left hand rather than their right, especially in a sport such as boxing.

lanky:If you describe someone as lanky, you mean that they are tall and thin and move rather awkwardly.


chunky: 1)A chunky person is broad and heavy.

2)A chunky object is large and thick.

2.I could rhapsodize about the old pigskin.

rhapsodize:If you rhapsodize about someone or something, you express great delight or enthusiasm about them.

3.It has a certain mounting hilarity.

hilarity:Hilarity is great amusement and laughter.

你可能感兴趣的:(On Writing Well 11.15)