说说如何在项目中引入 jBPM4 工作流框架以及遇到的坑儿

由于各种原因,我们需要在项目中引入 jBPM4 工作流框架,遇到了不少问题,今记录如下O(∩_∩)O

1 引入步骤

1.1 加入依赖包

  1. 非 Maven 项目,在 lib 包中加入 jbpm.jar。
  2. Maven 项目,加入以下配置:


如果私服上没有,可以自行作为第三方库上传到私服后,再配置 pom.xml。

1.2 集成到 Spring


名为 springHelper 的 Bean 中可以配置一个 jbpmCfg 参数,用于自定义 jbpm 配置文件。该文件名为 jbpm.cfg.xml,默认放置在 classpath 路径下。

1.3 配置 Hibernate

因为 jBPM4 使用的是 Hibernate 进行持久化操作,所以我们必须在此配置 jBPM4 持久化映射文件:



一般来说,通过以上步骤就可以通过注入,获取到 jBPM4 的 processEngine 引擎啦O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

1.4 执行脚本

在下载的 jbpm-4.4 包中,打开 install\jdbc\ 文件夹,依据实际的数据库类型,选择相应的脚本,初始化 jBPM 库表:

说说如何在项目中引入 jBPM4 工作流框架以及遇到的坑儿_第1张图片

2 兼容 Hibernate4+

jBPM4 默认适配 Hibernate3,所以如果框架使用的是高版本的 Hibernate,那么就必须修改 jBPM4 的源代码做适配。

下面以 Hibernate4 为例,我们需要修改 jBPM4 这 SpringProcessEngine 与 HibernateSessionDescriptor 两个类。

修改后的 jBPM4 源代码如下:


public class SpringProcessEngine extends ProcessEngineImpl {

  private static final Log log = Log.getLog(SpringProcessEngine.class.getName());

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

  public static ProcessEngine create(ConfigurationImpl configuration) {
    SpringProcessEngine springProcessEngine = null;

    ApplicationContext applicationContext = null;
    if (configuration.isInstantiatedFromSpring()) {
      applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) configuration.getApplicationContext();

      springProcessEngine = new SpringProcessEngine();
      springProcessEngine.applicationContext = applicationContext;

      LocalSessionFactoryBean localSessionFactoryBean = springProcessEngine.get(LocalSessionFactoryBean.class);
      Configuration hibernateConfiguration = localSessionFactoryBean.getConfiguration();
          .addDescriptor(new ProvidedObjectDescriptor(hibernateConfiguration, true));


    } else {
      String springCfg = (String) configuration.getProcessEngineWireContext().get("spring.cfg");
      if (springCfg==null) {
        springCfg = "applicationContext.xml";
      applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(springCfg);
      springProcessEngine = (SpringProcessEngine) applicationContext.getBean

    return springProcessEngine;

  public EnvironmentImpl openEnvironment() {
    PvmEnvironment environment = new PvmEnvironment(this);

    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
      log.trace("opening jbpm-spring" + environment);

    environment.setContext(new SpringContext(applicationContext));


    return environment;

  public  T get(Class type) {
    T candidateComponent = super.get(type);

    if (candidateComponent != null) {
      return candidateComponent;

    String[] names = applicationContext.getBeanNamesForType(type);

    if (names.length >= 1) {

      if (names.length > 1 && log.isWarnEnabled()) {
        log.warn("Multiple beans for type " + type + " found. Returning the first result.");

      return (T) applicationContext.getBean(names[0]);

    return null;

  public Object get(String key) {
    if (applicationContext.containsBean(key)) {
      return applicationContext.getBean(key);

    return super.get(key);


public class HibernateSessionDescriptor extends AbstractDescriptor {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final Log log = Log.getLog(HibernateSessionDescriptor.class.getName());

    protected String factoryName;
    protected boolean useCurrent = false;
    protected boolean tx = true;
    protected boolean close = true;
    protected String standardTransactionName;
    protected String connectionName;

    public Object construct(WireContext wireContext) {
        EnvironmentImpl environment = EnvironmentImpl.getCurrent();
        if (environment == null) {
            throw new WireException("no environment");

        // get the hibernate-session-factory
        SessionFactory sessionFactory = null;
        if (factoryName != null) {
            sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) wireContext.get(factoryName);
        } else {
            sessionFactory = environment.get(SessionFactory.class);
        if (sessionFactory == null) {
            throw new WireException("couldn't find hibernate-session-factory " + (factoryName != null ? "'" + factoryName + "'" : "by type ") + "to open a hibernate-session");

        // open the hibernate-session
        Session session = null;
        if (useCurrent) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("getting current hibernate session");
            session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

        } else if (connectionName != null) {
            Connection connection = (Connection) wireContext.get(connectionName);
            if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                log.trace("creating hibernate session with connection " + connection);
            session = (Session)sessionFactory.openStatelessSession(connection);
        } else {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("creating hibernate session");
            session = sessionFactory.openSession();

        StandardTransaction standardTransaction = environment.get(StandardTransaction.class);
        if (standardTransaction != null) {
            HibernateSessionResource hibernateSessionResource = new HibernateSessionResource(session);

        return session;

    public Class getType(WireDefinition wireDefinition) {
        return SessionImpl.class;

    public void setFactoryName(String factoryName) {
        this.factoryName = factoryName;

    public void setTx(boolean tx) {
        this.tx = tx;

    public void setStandardTransactionName(String standardTransactionName) {
        this.standardTransactionName = standardTransactionName;

    public void setConnectionName(String connectionName) {
        this.connectionName = connectionName;

    public void setUseCurrent(boolean useCurrent) {
        this.useCurrent = useCurrent;

    public void setClose(boolean close) {
        this.close = close;

3 兼容 Activiti5+

你没有看错,有的项目就是这么奇葩,已经有 Activiti5 咯,还需要集成进 jBPM4……

这两套框架都是同一个架构师 Tom Baeyens 负责的,可谓是一脉相承,所以一些基本 Bean 的命名都是相同的,比如流程引擎 Bean 都叫做 processEngine。因此如果直接按照上述配置,就会出现 Spring Bean 命名冲突的问题。

1、重命名 jBPM 工作流引擎 Bean

2、在 注入时使用该名称(比如这里取名为 jbpmProcessEngine)

4 非 Spring 环境

是的,有的项目非常老,连 Spring 框架都没有用,纳尼……


public class WorkflowUtils {

    private static ProcessEngine PROCESS_ENGINE;
    public static final String SPRING_CONFIG_PREFIX = "classpath:resources/";

     * 获取工作流引擎
     * @return
    public static ProcessEngine getProcessEngine() {
        if (PROCESS_ENGINE == null) {
            ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
                    (SPRING_CONFIG_PREFIX + "spring-hibernate.xml",
                            SPRING_CONFIG_PREFIX + "spring-jbpm" +

            PROCESS_ENGINE = (ProcessEngine) applicationContext.getBean
        return PROCESS_ENGINE;

在此,我们利用 ApplicationContext 加载与 jBPM4 相关的配置文件,然后初始化 ProcessEngine,并设置为常量。这样,以后直接使用这个常量引擎对象就可以啦O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


你可能感兴趣的:(说说如何在项目中引入 jBPM4 工作流框架以及遇到的坑儿)