18- UIBezierPath官方API中文翻译(待校对)
----------------- 华丽的分割线 -----------------
这几天在看kittenYang的那本动画的书.感觉学习一下动画的实现还是有必要的.而说起来做动画,贝塞尔曲线这个东西我们就必须了解了.为此,自己本着好好学习,了解权威的目的,决定翻译一下官方的关于UIBezierPath这部分的 API.
我英语真的不怎么样,这个不是谦虚...大学没过四级,这不是最惨的.... 惨的是我考了三次?四次?....安慰的是最好成绩是424,距离四级及格线只差一分.
继承自: NSObject
符合???: NSCoding,NSObject,NSCopying
Framework: UIKit in iOS 3.0 and later.更多相关项目...
The UIBezierPath class lets you define a path consisting of straight and curved line segments and render that path in your custom views. You use this class initially to specify just the geometry for your path. Paths can define simple shapes such as rectangles, ovals, and arcs or they can define complex polygons that incorporate a mixture of straight and curved line segments. After defining the shape, you can use additional methods of this class to render the path in the current drawing context.
UIBezierPath可以让你定义一条路径,这条路径可以由直线和曲线线段组成,然后渲染到你的自定义的视图中.你最开始可以用这个类来指定路径的几何形状.路径既可以定义一些简单图形,比如说矩形,椭圆形和弧形,又可以定义其它一些复杂的由直线和曲线线段组合成的多边形. 当定义完图形形状之后,你可以用这个类提供的额外方法把路径添加到当前正在绘制的上下文context中.
A UIBezierPath object combines the geometry of a path with attributes that describe the path during rendering. You set the geometry and attributes separately and can change them independent of one another. Once you have the object configured the way you want it, you can tell it to draw itself in the current context. Because the creation, configuration, and rendering process are all distinct steps, Bezier path objects can be reused easily in your code. You can even use the same object to render the same shape multiple times, perhaps changing the rendering options between successive drawing calls.
You set the geometry of a path by manipulating the path’s current point. When you create a new empty path object, the current point is undefined and must be set explicitly. To move the current point without drawing a segment, you use the moveToPoint: method. All other methods result in the addition of either a line or curve segments to the path. The methods for adding new segments always assume you are starting at the current point and ending at some new point that you specify. After adding the segment, the end point of the new segment automatically becomes the current point.
A single Bezier path object can contain any number of open or closed subpaths, where each subpath represents a connected series of path segments. Calling the closePath method closes a subpath by adding a straight line segment from the current point to the first point in the subpath. Calling the moveToPoint: method ends the current subpath (without closing it) and sets the starting point of the next subpath. The subpaths of a Bezier path object share the same drawing attributes and must be manipulated as a group. To draw subpaths with different attributes, you must put each subpath in its own UIBezierPath object.
一个单一的贝塞尔路径对象能够包含任意数量的开放和闭合的子路径,其中每一个子路径代表了一个路径线段的关联系列(??翻译的不太好). 调用closePath方法关闭一个子路径通过增加一条直线线段的方式,这天直线线段从当前(起始)点开始到子路径第一个点结束的(???形成闭合的图形).调用moveToPoint方法结束当前子路径(并没有关闭这个路径)然后把这个点设置成为吓一跳子路径的开始点.一个贝塞尔对象的子路径们必须放到在同一组操作才能共享相同的绘制属性.同样,为了绘制具有不同特性的子路径,你需要把每一个子路径放到他们自己所属的UIBezierPath对象中.
After configuring the geometry and attributes of a Bezier path, you draw the path in the current graphics context using the stroke and fill methods. The stroke method traces the outline of the path using the current stroke color and the attributes of the Bezier path object. Similarly, the fill method fills in the area enclosed by the path using the current fill color. (You set the stroke and fill color using the UIColor class.)
当你配置好贝塞尔路径的形状和属性之后,你可以利用当前创建的图形上下文(graphics context)通过stroke和fill方法绘制这个贝塞尔路径.stroke方法可以利用当前设置的stroke颜色和所属的贝塞尔路径对象的属性来描绘路径的轮廓.近似的,fill方法可以用当前设置的fill颜色填充路径围起来的区域.(你可以利用UIColor这个类来设置stroke颜色和fill颜色.)
In addition to using a Bezier path object to draw shapes, you can also use it to define a new clipping region. The addClip method intersects the shape represented by the path object with the current clipping region of the graphics context. During subsequent drawing, only content that lies within the new intersection region is actually rendered to the graphics context.
除了可以用贝塞尔路径对象去绘制图形,你还可以利用它去定义个新的裁剪区域.addClip方法通过当前图形上下文裁剪的区域的路径对象来表示两个图形的相交. 在随后的绘制过程中,只有处在新的交集区域内的内容实际上是被图形上下文绘制的??
Creating a UIBezierPath Object
- bezierPath
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object.
- (instancetype)bezierPath
返回值(Return Value):
A new empty path object.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathWithRect
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object initialized with a rectangular path.
convenience init(rect rect: CGRect)
+ (instancetype)bezierPathWithRect:(CGRect)rect
rect | The rectangle describing the path to create.
rect | 这个矩形定义了路径的创建
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the rectangular path.
This method creates a closed subpath by starting at the origin of rect and adding line segments in a clockwise direction (relative to the default coordinate system).
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathWithOvalInRect:
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object initialized with an oval path inscribed in the specified rectangle
convenience init(ovalInRect rect: CGRect)
- (instancetype)bezierPathWithOvalInRect:(CGRect)rect
rect | The rectangle in which to inscribe an oval.
rect | 在这个矩形区域内有一个椭圆路径
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the oval path.
This method creates a closed subpath that approximates the oval using a sequence of Bézier curves. The path is created in a clockwise direction (relative to the default coordinate system). If the rect parameter specifies a square, the inscribed path is a circle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathWithRoundedRect:cornerRadius:
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object initialized with a rounded rectangular path.
convenience init(roundedRect rect: CGRect,
cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat)
- (instancetype)bezierPathWithRoundedRect:(CGRect)rect
rect The rectangle that defines the basic shape of the path
cornerRadius The radius of each corner oval. A value of 0 results in a rectangle without rounded corners. Values larger than half the rectangle’s width or height are clamped appropriately to half the width or height.
rect 该矩形定义了路径的基本形状
cornerRadius 每一个圆角的半径.当指定一个值为0时,效果会是一个没有圆角的矩形. 指定的值大于矩形宽度或者高度的一半被适当的夹持于宽度和高度的一半(啥玩意)???
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the rounded rectangular path.
This method creates a closed subpath, proceeding in a clockwise direction (relative to the default coordinate system) as it creates the necessary line and curve segments.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathWithRoundedRect:byRoundingCorners:cornerRadii:
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object initialized with a rounded rectangular path.
convenience init(roundedRect rect: CGRect,
byRoundingCorners corners: UIRectCorner,
cornerRadii cornerRadii: CGSize)
- (instancetype)bezierPathWithRoundedRect:(CGRect)rect
rect The rectangle that defines the basic shape of the path.
corners A bitmask value that identifies the corners that you want rounded. You can use this parameter to round only a subset of the corners of the rectangle.
cornerRadii The radius of each corner oval. Values larger than half the rectangle’s width or height are clamped appropriately to half the width or height.
rect 这个矩形定义了路径的基本形状
corners 一个掩码值定义了你想要变成圆的角.你可以利用这个属性让矩形的四个角的其中一个或者几个变圆.
cornerRadii 每一个圆角的半径. 指定的值大于矩形宽度或者高度的一半被适当的夹持于宽度和高度的一半(啥玩意)???
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the rounded rectangular path.
This method creates a closed subpath, proceeding in a clockwise direction (relative to the default coordinate system) as it creates the necessary line and curve segments.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathWithArcCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object initialized with an arc of a circle.
根据圆的一段圆弧进行初始化,创建并返回一个新的UIBezierPath 对象
convenience init(arcCenter center: CGPoint,
radius radius: CGFloat,
startAngle startAngle: CGFloat,
endAngle endAngle: CGFloat,
clockwise clockwise: Bool)
- (instancetype)bezierPathWithArcCenter:(CGPoint)center
center Specifies the center point of the circle (in the current coordinate system) used to define the arc.
radius Specifies the radius of the circle used to define the arc.
startAngle Specifies the starting angle of the arc (measured in radians).
endAngle Specifies the end angle of the arc (measured in radians).
clockwise The direction in which to draw the arc.
center 指定圆的中心点(在当前的坐标系统)用来定义弧形.
radius 指定圆的半径用来定义弧形.
startAngle 指定圆弧的起始角度(按弧度).
endAngle 指定弧形的结束角度(按弧度).
clockwise 绘制弧形的方向.
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the specified arc.
This method creates an open subpath. The created arc lies on the perimeter of the specified circle. When drawn in the default coordinate system, the start and end angles are based on the unit circle shown in Figure 1. For example, specifying a start angle of 0 radians, an end angle of π radians, and setting the clockwise parameter to YES draws the bottom half of the circle. However, specifying the same start and end angles but setting the clockwise parameter set to NO draws the top half of the circle.
这个方法创建出一个开发的子路径.它创建的弧线处在指定圆的周边的边上.当在默认的坐标系统上绘制时,起始和结束的角度是基于单位圆,如 图-1 展示.举个例子,指定起始弧度是0,结束弧度是π,同时设置参数clockwise 是YES,绘制出的是一个圆形的下半部分.然而,指定相同的起始和结束角,但是设置参数clockwise为NO,绘制出的是圆形的上半部分.
Figure 1 Angles in the default coordinate system
图-1 在默认坐标系中的角度
After calling this method, the current point is set to the point on the arc at the end angle of the circle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathWithCGPath:
Creates and returns a new UIBezierPath object initialized with the contents of a Core Graphics path.
convenience init(CGPath CGPath: CGPath)
- (instancetype)bezierPathWithCGPath:(CGPathRef)CGPath
CGPath | The Core Graphics path from which to obtain the initial path information. If this parameter is nil, the method raises an exception.
CGPath | 核心图形路径从初始路径信息的获取???.如果这个参数为nil,这个方法将会发生异常.
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the specified path information.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- bezierPathByReversingPath
Creates and returns a new bezier path object with the reversed contents of the current path.
func bezierPathByReversingPath() -> UIBezierPath
- (UIBezierPath *)bezierPathByReversingPath
返回值(Return Value):
A new path object with the same path shape but for which the path has been created in the reverse direction.
Reversing a path does not necessarily change the appearance of the path when rendered. Instead, it changes the direction in which path segments are drawn. For example, reversing the path of a rectangle (whose line segments are normally drawn starting at the origin and proceeding in a counterclockwise direction) causes its line segments to be drawn in a clockwise direction instead. Drawing a reversed path could affect the appearance of a filled pattern, depending on the pattern and the fill rule in use.
This method reverses each whole or partial subpath in the path object individually.
Available in iOS 6.0 and later.
Constructing a Path
- moveToPoint:
Moves the receiver’s current point to the specified location.
func moveToPoint(_ point: CGPoint)
- (void)moveToPoint:(CGPoint)point
point | A point in the current coordinate system.
point | 在当前坐标系统的点.
This method implicitly ends the current subpath (if any) and sets the current point to the value in the point parameter. When ending the previous subpath, this method does not actually close the subpath. Therefore, the first and last points of the previous subpath are not connected to each other.
For many path operations, you must call this method before issuing any commands that cause a line or curve segment to be drawn.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- addLineToPoint:
Appends a straight line to the receiver’s path.
func addLineToPoint(_ point: CGPoint)
- (void)addLineToPoint:(CGPoint)point
point | The destination point of the line segment, specified in the current coordinate system.
point | 这个线段的终点, 在当前的坐标系中指定.
This method creates a straight line segment starting at the current point and ending at the point specified by the point parameter. After adding the line segment, this method updates the current point to the value in point.
You must set the path’s current point (using the moveToPoint:method or through the previous creation of a line or curve segment) before you call this method. If the path is empty, this method does nothing.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- addArcWithCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:
Appends an arc to the receiver’s path.
func addArcWithCenter(_ center: CGPoint,
radius radius: CGFloat,
startAngle startAngle: CGFloat,
endAngle endAngle: CGFloat,
clockwise clockwise: Bool)
- (void)addArcWithCenter:(CGPoint)center
center Specifies the center point of the circle (in the current coordinate system) used to define the arc.
radius Specifies the radius of the circle used to define the arc.
startAngle Specifies the starting angle of the arc (measured in radians).
endAngle Specifies the end angle of the arc (measured in radians).
clockwise The direction in which to draw the arc.
center 用来定义弧而指定的圆的中心点(在当前坐标系中)
radius 用来定义弧而指定的圆的的半径
startAngle 指定弧的起始角度(用弧度衡量)
endAngle 指定弧的结束角度(用弧度衡量)
clockwise 画弧的方向
This method adds the specified arc beginning at the current point. The created arc lies on the perimeter of the specified circle. When drawn in the default coordinate system, the start and end angles are based on the unit circle shown in Figure 1. For example, specifying a start angle of 0 radians, an end angle of π radians, and setting the clockwise parameter to YES draws the bottom half of the circle. However, specifying the same start and end angles but setting the clockwise parameter set to NO draws the top half of the circle.
After calling this method, the current point is set to the point on the arc at the end angle of the circle.
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
- addCurveToPoint:controlPoint1:controlPoint2:(重要)
Appends a cubic Bézier curve to the receiver’s path.
func addCurveToPoint(_ endPoint: CGPoint,
controlPoint1 controlPoint1: CGPoint,
controlPoint2 controlPoint2: CGPoint)
- (void)addCurveToPoint:(CGPoint)endPoint
endPoint The end point of the curve.
controlPoint1 The first control point to use when computing the curve.
controlPoint2 The second control point to use when computing the curve.
endPoint 曲线的结束角度
controlPoint1 计算曲线时使用的第一个控制点
controlPoint2 计算曲线时使用的第二个控制点
This method appends a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to the end point specified by the endPoint parameter. The two control points define the curvature of the segment. Figure 2 shows an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve given a set of initial points. The exact curvature of the segment involves a complex mathematical relationship between all of the points and is well documented online.
这个方法提供了一个从当前(起始)点开始到参数endPoint指定的结束点结束的立体贝塞尔曲线.两个控制点定义了(startPoint和endPoint连接起来的)线段的曲率(如图-2所示).图-2展示了一个近似贝塞尔曲线的一组初始点. 这个线段的曲率的精度如要想十分精确, 是和所有的点之间和更好的记录在线的目的有关联的, 所以涉及到一个复杂的数学关系.
Figure 2 A cubic Bézier curve
图-2 一个立体的贝塞尔曲线
You must set the path’s current point (using the moveToPoint: method or through the previous creation of a line or curve segment) before you call this method. If the path is empty, this method does nothing. After adding the curve segment, this method updates the current point to the value in point.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- addQuadCurveToPoint:controlPoint:
Appends a quadratic Bézier curve to the receiver’s path.
func addQuadCurveToPoint(_ endPoint: CGPoint,
controlPoint controlPoint: CGPoint)
- (void)addQuadCurveToPoint:(CGPoint)endPoint
endPoint The end point of the curve.
controlPoint The control point of the curve.
endPoint 曲线的结束点
controlPoint 曲线的控制点
This method appends a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to the end point specified by the endPoint parameter. The relationships between the current point, control point, and end point are what defines the actual curve. Figure 3 shows some examples of quadratic curves and the approximate curve shape based on some sample points. The exact curvature of the segment involves a complex mathematical relationship between the points and is well documented online.
这个方法添加一个从当前(起始)点到参数endPoint指定的结束点的二次方程式的贝塞尔曲线.当前(起始)点、控制点和结束点的关系是定义了曲线实际的形态.图-3展示了一些基于样本点绘制出的二次方程式曲线和近似曲线形状的例子. 这个线段的曲率的精度如要想十分精确, 是和所有的点之间和更好的记录在线的目的有关联的, 所以涉及到一个复杂的数学关系.
Figure 3 Quadratic curve examples
图-3 二次方程式的曲线的例子
You must set the path’s current point (using the moveToPoint: method or through the previous creation of a line or curve segment) before you call this method. If the path is empty, this method does nothing. After adding the curve segment, this method updates the current point to the value in point.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- closePath
Closes the most recently added subpath.
func closePath()
- (void)closePath
This method closes the current subpath by creating a line segment between the first and last points in the subpath. This method subsequently updates the current point to the end of the newly created line segment, which is also the first point in the now closed subpath.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- removeAllPoints
Removes all points from the receiver, effectively deleting all subpaths.
func removeAllPoints()
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.appendPath:
Appends the contents of the specified path object to the receiver’s path.
func appendPath(_ bezierPath: UIBezierPath)
- (void)appendPath:(UIBezierPath *)bezierPath
bezierPath | The path to add to the receiver.
bezierPath | 路径,添加到方法接收者中.
This method adds the commands used to create the path in bezierPath to the end of the receiver’s path. This method does not explicitly try to connect the subpaths in the two objects, although the operations in bezierPath might still cause that effect. 方法把用于创建bezierPath路径的命令添加到了方法接收者接收者的路径的最后. 这个方法不明确尝试连接两个对象的子路径,虽然在bezierPath上的操作可能依然导致这种影响.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
CGPath Property
The Core Graphics representation of the path.
var CGPath: CGPath
@property(nonatomic) CGPathRef CGPath
This property contains a snapshot of the path at any given point in time. Getting this property returns an immutable path object that you can pass to Core Graphics functions. The path object itself is owned by the UIBezierPath object and is valid only until you make further modifications to the path. 这个属性包含在任何给定时间的点上的快照. 获取这个属性并返回一个不可改变的路径对象,然后你可以把它传给核心图形的方法.这个路径对象是属于UIBezierPath对象的并且是有效的,直到你对路径做出进一步的修改.
You can set the value of this property to a path you built using the functions of the Core Graphics framework. When setting a new path, this method makes a copy of the path you provide.
你可以用核心图形框架(Core Graphics framework)中的方法给一条路径设置这个属性的值.当设置一条新的路径的时候,这个方法会对你提供的路径复制一份.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
currentPoint Property
The current point in the graphics path. (read-only)
var currentPoint: CGPoint { get }
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CGPoint currentPoint
The value in this property represents the starting point for new line and curve segments. If the path is currently empty, this property contains the value CGPointZero.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
参阅(See Also):
Accessing Drawing Properties
The line width of the path.
var lineWidth: CGFloat
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat lineWidth
The line width defines the thickness of the receiver's stroked path. A width of 0 is interpreted as the thinnest line that can be rendered on a particular device. The actual rendered line width may vary from the specified width by as much as 2 device pixels, depending on the position of the line with respect to the pixel grid and the current anti-aliasing settings. The width of the line may also be affected by scaling factors specified in the current transformation matrix of the active graphics context.
线宽度定义了方法接收者的描边路径(用笔画的,可以和fill填充相对着理解)的厚度.宽度为0的解释是可以在特定设备上呈现出来的最薄的线. 实际呈现出来的线宽度可能和指定的宽度有2个设备像素的不同, 根据线宽的基于像素网格的位置和当前的抗锯齿设置.线的宽可能还受到指定在当前活跃的图形上下文的变换矩阵中的缩放因素所影响.
The default line width is 1.0.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The shape of the paths end points when stroked. 当指定为描边(stroked)时,路径终点的形状
var lineCapStyle: CGLineCap
@property(nonatomic) CGLineCap lineCapStyle
The line cap style is applied to the start and end points of any open subpaths. This property does not affect closed subpaths.
The default line cap style is kCGLineCapButt.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.
var lineJoinStyle: CGLineJoin
@property(nonatomic) CGLineJoin lineJoinStyle
The default line join style is kCGLineJoinMiter.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The limiting value that helps avoid spikes at junctions between connected line segments.
var miterLimit: CGFloat
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat miterLimit
The miter limit helps you avoid spikes in paths that use the kCGLineJoinMiter join style. If the ratio of the miter length—that is, the diagonal length of the miter join—to the line thickness exceeds the miter limit, the joint is converted to a bevel join. The default miter limit is 10, which results in the conversion of miters whose angle at the joint is less than 11 degrees.
这个 ?斜接? 限制帮助你避免使用了kCGLineJoinMiter结点类型的路径的峰值. 如果这个 斜面 长度的比值, 斜面加入厚度的线的对角长度超过斜借接限制,该联结处被转成为一个斜面连接.默认的?斜接? 限制是10,其导致斜面在联结点处的角度在转换过正中小于11度.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The factor that determines the rendering accuracy for curved path segments.
var flatness: CGFloat
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat flatness
The flatness value measures the largest permissible distance (measured in pixels) between a point on the true curve and a point on the rendered curve. Smaller values result in smoother curves but require more computation time. Larger values result in more jagged curves but are rendered much faster. The default flatness value is 0.6. 平整度(flatness)值测量出在真实曲线上的点和呈现出曲线的点之间的最大允许的距离(以像素为单位). 值越小得到的曲线越平滑但是同时需要系统计算的时间也就更多. 值越大得到的曲线的锯齿状越多但是渲染的速度会变得非常快.默认的平整度(flatness)值是0.6.
In most cases, you should not change the flatness value. However, you might increase the flatness value temporarily to minimize the amount of time it takes to draw a shape temporarily (such as during scrolling).
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
A Boolean indicating whether the even-odd winding rule is in use for drawing paths. 应用在绘制路径上的 指示是否奇偶弯曲的规则 的一个布尔值.??? _
var usesEvenOddFillRule: Bool
@property(nonatomic) BOOL usesEvenOddFillRule
If YES, the path is filled using the even-odd rule. If NO, it is filled using the non-zero rule. Both rules are algorithms to determine which areas of a path to fill with the current fill color. A ray is drawn from a point inside a given region to a point anywhere outside the path’s bounds. The total number of crossed path lines (including implicit path lines) and the direction of each path line are then interpreted as follows:
For the even-odd rule, if the total number of path crossings is odd, the point is considered to be inside the path and the corresponding region is filled. If the number of crossings is even, the point is considered to be outside the path and the region is not filled.
第一种,even-odd ,判断某点在不在fill area,需要从这点起,向区域外某一点画射线,如果射线和奇数条path相交,那么这点是在fill area,反之,不在。
For the non-zero rule, the crossing of a left-to-right path counts as +1 and the crossing of a right-to-left path counts as -1. If the sum of the crossings is nonzero, the point is considered to be inside the path and the corresponding region is filled. If the sum is 0, the point is outside the path and the region is not filled.
第二种,也是画射线,根据path的顺时针和逆时针个数计算,如果和不为0,就是在fill area,反之,不在。
The default value of this property is NO. For more information about winding rules and how they are applied to subpaths, see Quartz 2D Programming Guide.
这个属性的默认值是NO.对于更多和弯曲的规则和如何在子路径上应用,请参阅Quartz 2D Programming Guide.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- setLineDash:count:phase:
Sets the line-stroking pattern for the path. 设置路径中的描边线条(line-stroking)的模式.
func setLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafePointer
count count: Int,
phase phase: CGFloat)
(void)setLineDash:(const CGFloat *)pattern
pattern A C-style array of floating point values that contains the lengths (measured in points) of the line segments and gaps in the pattern. The values in the array alternate, starting with the first line segment length, followed by the first gap length, followed by the second line segment length, and so on.
count The number of values in pattern.
phase The offset at which to start drawing the pattern, measured in points along the dashed-line pattern. For example, a phase value of 6 for the pattern 5-2-3-2 would cause drawing to begin in the middle of the first gap.
pattern 在这个模式里,一组 C-样式 的浮点值包含了线段和间隙的长度(用点来作计算). 数组中的值交替,是开始于第一个线段的长度,其次是第一个 间隙?? 长度,接着是从第二个线段的长度,以此类推.
count 处在patter中值的数量.
phase 在开始绘制这个模式时候的偏移量,是以虚线(dashed-line)模式上的点来测量的.举个例子, 对于5-2-3-2模式的相位值是6的话,会导致从第一个间隙的中间开始绘制.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.getLineDash:count:phase:
Retrieves the line-stroking pattern for the path.
func getLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafeMutablePointer
count count: UnsafeMutablePointer
phase phase: UnsafeMutablePointer
- (void)getLineDash:(CGFloat *)pattern
count:(NSInteger *)count
phase:(CGFloat *)phase
pattern On input, a C-style array of floating point values, or nil if you do not want the pattern values. On output, this array contains the lengths (measured in points) of the line segments and gaps in the pattern. The values in the array alternate, starting with the first line segment length, followed by the first gap length, followed by the second line segment length, and so on.
count On input, a pointer to an integer or nil if you do not want the number of pattern entries. On output, the number of entries written to pattern.
phase On input, a pointer to a floating point value or nil if you do not want the phase. On output, this value contains the offset at which to start drawing the pattern, measured in points along the dashed-line pattern. For example, a phase of 6 in the pattern 5-2-3-2 would cause drawing to begin in the middle of the first gap.
pattern 在输入端,可以填入一组 C-样式的浮点值,或者如果你不想要这个模式的值得话就填 nil.在输出端,这个数组包含了在模式中的线段和间隙的长度(按点来测量).在数组中的值交替,最先从第一条线段的长度开始,其次从第一个间隙的长度,接着从第二条线段的长度,以此类推.
count 在输入端,一个指针指向一个整数或者 如果你不想模式条目的数量(让其指向)nil. 在输出端,写入pattern的条目的数目.
phase 在输入端,一个指针指向一个浮点值或者如果你不想要这个阶段(phase)的话(可以让其指向)nil.在输出端, 这个值包含开始绘制模式的偏移量,并且按沿着虚线(dashed-line)模式的点测量.举个例子,5-2-3-2模式中的一个段6将导致从第一个间隙的中点开始绘制.
The array in the pattern parameter must be large enough to hold all of the returned values in the pattern. If you are not sure how many values there might be, you can call this method twice. The first time you call it, do not pass a value for pattern but use the returned value in the count parameter to allocate an array of floating-point numbers that you can then pass in the second time.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
Drawing Paths
- fill
Paints the region enclosed by the receiver’s path using the current drawing properties.
func fill()
- (void)fill
This method fills the path using the current fill color and drawing properties. If the path contains any open subpaths, this method implicitly closes them before painting the fill region.
The painted region includes the pixels right up to, but not including, the path line itself. For paths with large line widths, this can result in overlap between the fill region and the stroked path (which is itself centered on the path line). 已经涂抹完的区域包括像素到右边????, 但是不包括这个路径线本身.对于线的宽度很大的路径, 它能影响在填充区域和描边路径(自身集中在路径线上)之间.
This method automatically saves the current graphics state prior to drawing and restores that state when it is done, so you do not have to save the graphics state yourself.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- fillWithBlendMode:alpha:
Paints the region enclosed by the receiver’s path using the specified blend mode and transparency values.
func fillWithBlendMode(_ blendMode: CGBlendMode,
alpha alpha: CGFloat)
- (void)fillWithBlendMode:(CGBlendMode)blendMode
blendMode The blend mode determines how the filled path is composited with any existing rendered content.
alpha The amount of transparency to apply to the filled path. Values can range between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque). Values outside this range are clamped to 0.0 or 1.0.
blendMode 混合模式用来确定如何用任意现有的已经渲染的内容合成描边路径.
alpha 应用在描边路径上的透明度的值.取值范围是0.0(透明)到1.0(不透明)之间. 边界值是0.0或者1.0.
This method fills the path using the current fill color and drawing properties (plus the specified blend mode and transparency value). If the path contains any open subpaths, this method implicitly closes them before painting the fill region.
The painted region includes the pixels right up to, but not including, the path line itself. For paths with large line widths, this can result in between the fill region and the stroked path (which is itself centered on the path line). 已经涂抹完的区域包括像素到右边????, 但是不包括这个路径线本身.对于线的宽度很大的路径, 它能影响在填充区域和描边路径(自身集中在路径线上)之间.
This method automatically saves the current graphics state prior to drawing and restores that state when it is done, so you do not have to save the graphics state yourself.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- stroke
Draws a line along the receiver’s path using the current drawing properties.
func stroke()
- (void)stroke
The drawn line is centered on the path with its sides parallel to the path segment. This method applies the current drawing properties to the rendered path.
This method automatically saves the current graphics state prior to drawing and restores that state when it is done, so you do not have to save the graphics state yourself.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
- strokeWithBlendMode:alpha:
Draws a line along the receiver’s path using the specified blend mode and transparency values.
func strokeWithBlendMode(_ blendMode: CGBlendMode,
alpha alpha: CGFloat)
- (void)strokeWithBlendMode:(CGBlendMode)blendMode
blendMode The blend mode determines how the stroked path is composited with any existing rendered content.
alpha The amount of transparency to apply to the stroked path. Values can range between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque). Values outside this range are clamped to 0.0 or 1.0.
blendMode 混合模式用来确定如何用任意现有的已经渲染的内容合成描边路径.
alpha 应用在描边路径上的透明度的值.取值范围是0.0(透明)到1.0(不透明)之间. 边界值是0.0或者1.0.
The drawn line is centered on the path with its sides parallel to the path segment. This method applies the current stroke color and drawing properties (plus the specified blend mode and transparency value) to the rendered path.
This method automatically saves the current graphics state prior to drawing and restores that state when it is done, so you do not have to save the graphics state yourself.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
Clipping Paths
- addClip
Intersects the area enclosed by the receiver’s path with the clipping path of the current graphics context and makes the resulting shape the current clipping path.
func addClip()
- (void)addClip
This method modifies the visible drawing area of the current graphics context. After calling it, subsequent drawing operations result in rendered content only if they occur within the fill area of the specified path.
If you need to remove the clipping region to perform subsequent drawing operations, you must save the current graphics state (using the CGContextSaveGState function) before calling this method. When you no longer need the clipping region, you can then restore the previous drawing properties and clipping region using the CGContextRestoreGState function.
如果你需要移除正在裁剪的区域然后执行随后的绘制操作,那么在调用这个方法之前,你必须保存当前的图形上下文的状态(使用CGContextSaveGState方法).当你不再需要这个裁剪区域的时, _然后? 你可以恢复以前的绘制属性
同时 裁剪区域使用CGContextRestoreGState方法.
The usesEvenOddFillRule property is used to determine whether the even-odd or non-zero rule is used to determine the area enclosed by the path. usesEvenOddFillRule被用来确定是否为奇偶(even-odd),或者用作确定被路径闭合区域的非零(non-zero)规则.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
Hit Detection
- containsPoint:
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the area enclosed by the receiver contains the specified point.
func containsPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool
- (BOOL)containsPoint:(CGPoint)point
point | The point to test against the path, specified in the path object's coordinate system.
point | 测试在 指定的路径对象的坐标系中,.
返回值(Return Value):
YES if the point is considered to be within the path’s enclosed area or NO if it is not.
如果点被哦按段在路径闭合的区域,那么返回值为YES.反之,则为 NO.
The receiver contains the specified point if that point is in a portion of a closed subpath that would normally be painted during a fill operation. This method uses the value of the usesEvenOddFillRule property to determine which parts of the subpath would be filled.
方法接收者包含一个指定的点,如果这个点事在一个封闭子路径上,那么这个点在一个填充操作的时候通常会被绘制. 这个方法使用属性usesEvenOddFillRule 的值来判断子路径的哪一部分将被填充.
A point is not considered to be enclosed by the path if it is inside an open subpath, regardless of whether that area would be painted during a fill operation. Therefore, to determine mouse hits on open paths, you must create a copy of the path object and explicitly close any subpaths (using the closePath method) before calling this method.
一个点 如果路径它是里边是开放子路径,不管是否该区域在执行填充操作,都是不被判定在围住的范围之内的.因此,为了判断在开放路径中的鼠标点击,你必须在调用这个方法之前,创建一个路径对象的拷贝和明确地关闭任何子路径(使用closePath方法)
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
A Boolean value indicating whether the path has any valid elements. (read-only)
var empty: Bool { get }
@property(readonly, getter=isEmpty) BOOL empty
Valid path elements include commands to move to a specified point, draw a line or curve segment, or close the path. Thus, a path is not considered empty even if all you do is call the moveToPoint: method.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The bounding rectangle of the path. (read-only)
var bounds: CGRect { get }
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CGRect bounds
The value in this property represents the smallest rectangle that completely encloses all points in the path, including any control points for Bézier and quadratic curves.
这个属性的值表示完全 包含路径上所有点,包括任意贝塞尔曲线和二次曲线的控制点的 最小的矩形.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
Applying Transformations
- applyTransform:
Transforms all points in the path using the specified affine transform matrix.
用 仿射变换矩阵(the specified affine transform matrix) 改变所有在路径上的点.
func applyTransform(_ transform: CGAffineTransform)
- (void)applyTransform:(CGAffineTransform)transform
transform | The transform matrix to apply to the path.
transform | 应用在路径上变换矩阵.
This method applies the specified transform to the path’s points immediately. The modifications made to the path object are permanent. If you do not want to permanently modify a path object, you should consider applying the transform to a copy.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The corners of a rectangle.
struct UIRectCorner : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt)
static var TopLeft: UIRectCorner { get }
static var TopRight: UIRectCorner { get }
static var BottomLeft: UIRectCorner { get }
static var BottomRight: UIRectCorner { get }
static var AllCorners: UIRectCorner { get }
enum {
UIRectCornerTopLeft = 1 << 0,
UIRectCornerTopRight = 1 << 1,
UIRectCornerBottomLeft = 1 << 2,
UIRectCornerBottomRight = 1 << 3,
UIRectCornerAllCorners = ~0
typedef NSUInteger UIRectCorner;
The top-left corner of the rectangle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.UIRectCornerTopRight
The top-right corner of the rectangle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.UIRectCornerBottomLeft
The bottom-left corner of the rectangle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.UIRectCornerBottomRight
The bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.UIRectCornerAllCorners
All corners of the rectangle.
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
The specified constants reflect the corners of a rectangle that has not been modified by an affine transform and is drawn in the default coordinate system (where the origin is in the upper-left corner and positive values extend down and to the right).
指定的常数反映了一个没有被仿射变换修改和已经在默认坐标系上绘制的矩形的所有角.(原点在左上角和 扩散的值(positive values) 向下延伸到右边).
导入声明(Import Statement)
import UIKit
@import UIKit;
Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
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