日新录(10月4日 晴)

日新录(10月4日 晴)_第1张图片

Ancient China Inventions and Technology


      The Ancient Chinese were famous for their inventions and technology. Many of their inventions had lasting impact on the entire world. Other inventions led to great feats of engineering like the Grand Canal and the Great Wall of China.中国古代以他们的发明和技术而闻名。 他们的许多发明对整个世界产生了持久的影响。 其他的发明导致了像大运河和中国长城这样伟大的工程壮举。

      Here are some of the notable inventions and discoveries made by the engineers and scientists of Ancient China:以下是中国古代工程师和科学家的一些著名发明和发现:

      Silk - Silk was a soft and light material much desired by the wealthy throughout the world. It became such a valuable export that the trade route running from Europe to China became known as the Silk Road. The Chinese learned how to make silk from the cocoons of silkworms. They managed to keep the process for making silk a secret for hundreds of years.丝绸-丝绸是一种柔软轻盈的材料,全世界的富人都非常喜欢。 它成为如此宝贵的出口商品,以至于从欧洲到中国的贸易路线被称为丝绸之路。 中国人学会了如何用蚕茧制丝。 数百年来,他们一直设法保守丝绸生产的秘密。

      Paper - Paper was invented by the Chinese as well as many interesting uses for paper like paper money and playing cards. The first paper was invented in the 2nd century BC and the manufacture later perfected around 105 AD.纸张是中国人发明的,纸张也有许多有趣的用途,比如纸币和扑克牌。 第一种纸是在公元前2世纪发明的,后来在公元105年左右完善了制造工艺。

      Printing - Wood block printing was invented in AD 868 and then moveable type around 200 years later. This was actually hundreds of years before the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in Europe.印刷-木刻版印刷发明于公元868年,200年后又发明了活字印刷。 这实际上是在欧洲古腾堡发明印刷机之前的几百年。

      The Compass - The Chinese invented the magnetic compass to help determine the correct direction. They used this in city planning at first, but it became very important to map makers and for the navigation of ships.指南针——中国人发明了指南针来帮助确定正确的方向。 他们最初在城市规划中使用这种方法,但是它对于地图制作者和船舶导航变得非常重要。

      Gunpowder - Gunpowder was invented in the 9th century by chemists trying to find the Elixir of Immortality. Not long after, engineers figured out how to use gunpowder for military uses such as bombs, guns, mines, and even rockets. They also invented fireworks and made great beautiful displays of fireworks for celebrations.火药-火药发明于9世纪的化学家试图找到长生不老药。 不久之后,工程师们发现了如何将火药用于军事用途,如炸弹、枪炮、地雷,甚至火箭。 他们还发明了焰火,并为庆祝活动制作了美丽的焰火表演。

      Boat Rudder - The rudder was invented as a way to steer large ships. This enabled the Chinese to build huge ships as early as 200 AD, well before they were ever built in Europe.船舵——船舵是用来操纵大型船只的。 这使得中国早在公元200年就建造了巨型船只,远远早于它们在欧洲的建造。

      Other - Other inventions include the umbrella, porcelain, the wheelbarrow, iron casting, hot air balloons, seismographs to measure earthquakes, kites, matches, stirrups for riding horses, and acupuncture.其他发明还包括伞、瓷器、独轮车、铸铁、热气球、测量地震的地震仪、风筝、火柴、骑马用的马镫和针灸。

      Gunpowder, paper, printing, and the compass are sometimes called the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China.火药、造纸术、印刷术和指南针有时被称为中国古代的四大发明。

      Kites were first used as a way for the army to signal warnings.风筝最初被用作军队发出警告信号的一种方式。

      Umbrellas were invented for protection from the sun as well as the rain.人们发明雨伞是为了防晒和防雨。

      Chinese doctors knew about certain herbs to help sick people. They also knew that eating good foods was important to being healthy.中国医生知道某些草药可以帮助病人。 他们也知道吃好的食物对健康很重要。

      Compasses were often used to make sure that homes were built facing the correct direction so they would be in harmony with nature.指南针经常被用来确保房屋朝着正确的方向建造,这样它们就能与自然和谐相处。

      The Grand Canal in China is the longest manmade canal or river in the world. It is over 1,100 miles long and stretches from Beijing to Hangzhou.中国的大运河是世界上最长的人造运河。 它长达1100英里,从北京一直延伸到杭州。

      They invented the abacus in the 2nd century BC. This was a calculator that used sliding beads to help compute math problems quickly.他们在公元前2世纪发明了算盘。 这是一个计算器,使用滑动珠子,以帮助计算数学问题快速。

      A clear coating called lacquer was made to protect and enhance certain works of art and furniture.一种叫做漆的透明涂层被用来保护和增强某些艺术品和家具。

      Paper money was first developed and used in China during the Tang dynasty (7th century).纸币最早是在中国唐朝(公元7世纪)开发和使用的。

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