

I was born in Chicago.

Where were you born?

主要区别 be的形式: How many babies are born every day?


We gave the police the information.

They offered me the job.

We will give you plenty of time.

Has anybody shown you the new machine?

Somebody paid the men £200.

主动:I don't like people telling me what to do.

被动:I don't like being told what to do.

I remember being given a toy drum on my fifth birthday.

Mr Miller hates being kept waiting.

 We managed to climb over the wall without being seen.

get  有时可以代替 be:

There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt.

 I don't often get invited to parties.

I'm surprised Ann didn't get offered the job.

get  表示某人某物的客观遭遇,特别是事先没有设计或没有预料到的事情: 

Our dog got run over by a car.

get 只用在表示事情的发生及变化

Jill is liked by everybody.

He was a mystery man. Nothing was known about him.

get 用在口语中,be 可以用于一切场合

get 的一些短语:

get married    get divorced   get changed   get dressed  


Beethoven was born in 1770.

Galileo was born in 1564.

Elvis Presley was born in 1935.

Agatha Christie was born in 1890.

Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869.

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452.

Martin Luther King was born in 1929.

William Shakespeare was born in 1564.

I (Songwei) was born in 1989.


I was asked some difficult questions at the interview.

Janet was given a present when she retired.

I wasn't told that George was ill.

How much will you be paid?

I think Tom should have been offered the job.

Have you been shown what to do?

They went to the party without being invited.

Most people like being given presents.

It's dangerous city. People won't go out after dark because they are afraid of being attacked.

I don't like being asked stupid questions.

Few people are prepared to work without being paid.

Ted got stung by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

How did that window get broken?

These tennis courts don't get used very often. Not many people want to play.

I used to have a bicycle but it got stolen.

Last night I got stopped by the police as I was driving home.

How much did you get paid last month?

Please pack these things very carefully. I don't want them to get damaged.

People often want to know what my job is. I often get asked that question.
