
salmon sushi三文鱼寿司

shrimp sushi富贵虾寿司

grilled fat liver sushi火炙肥肝寿司

grilled crab claw sushi火炙蟹钳棒寿司

mango and cheese shrimp roll芒果芝士虾卷

tuna sushi金枪鱼寿司

eel sushi鳗鱼寿司

fish roe sushi飞鱼子寿司

salmon sashimi三文鱼小刺身

sweet shrimp sashimi甜虾刺身

mashed potato salad土豆泥色拉

three kinds of cooked sushi and three kinds of sushi combination三生三世

classic six kinds of cooked sushi platter经典熟拼六件

mixed jellyfish with sauce中华海蜇

potato salad土豆沙律

sea grass salad中华沙律

sesame octopus芝麻八爪

spicy squid辣味鱿鱼仔

grilled salmon belly盐烧三文鱼腩

deep fried potato salad绿结薯

edamame bean with salt water盐水枝豆

mashed potato salad土豆泥色拉

fruit and vegetable,salad果蔬沙拉

salmond and crab roe sushi鮭之恋

grilled salmon belly sushi三文鱼腩寿司

arctic shellfish sushi北极贝寿司

scallop sushi带子寿司

pomelo black pepper and tuna sushi柚子胡椒金枪鱼寿司

octopus sushi八爪鱼寿司

hamachi sushi 狮鱼寿司

tuna sushi金枪鱼寿司

sweet shrimp甜虾寿司

King prawn sushi虎头虾寿司

shrimp sushi富贵虾寿司

scallion tuna sushi京葱金枪鱼寿司

scallion sushi帆立贝寿司

herring sushi西鲮鱼寿司

grilled crab stick sushi蟹棒寿司

green shreds avocado salmon sushi加菜牛油果三文鱼寿司

green shreds salmon sushi加菜三文鱼寿司

crystal shrimp sushi水晶虾寿司

spicy tofu sushi辣金稻荷寿司

corn tofu sushi玉米稻荷寿司

tofu skin sushi豆腐寿司

eeg sushi玉子寿司

scallion hamachi sushi京葱狮鱼寿司

Sashimi 金抢鱼刺身Tuna 章红鱼刺身YELLOW TAIL FISH 海胆刺身Sea urchin 醋青鱼刺身Vinegar mackerel 鲷鱼刺身Red snapper 章鱼刺身Octopus 三文鱼刺身Salmon 鱿鱼刺身Squid 刺身拼盘Fresh seafood of sashimi Sushi 金枪鱼Tuna fish 章红鱼YELLOW TAIL FISH 海胆Sea urchin 鲷鱼Red snapper 章鱼octopus 三文鱼Salmon 鱿鱼Squid 寿司拼盘Fresh seafood of sushi Set meal 生鱼片套餐Sashimi course 寿司套餐Su shi course 炸鸡块套餐Deep fried chicken course 吉利炸鲷鱼套餐Deep fried snapper course 吉利炸生蚝套餐Deep fried oyster course 吉利炸大虾套餐Deep fried prawn course 什锦天妇罗套餐Mixed tempura course 吉利炸汉堡套餐Deep fried burger course 炸鸡排套餐Deep chicken steak course 炸猪排套餐Deep fried pork chop course 炸暑饼套餐Deep fried hash Brown course 鸡肉山椒烧套餐Sautéed chicken chili course 猪肉生姜烧套餐Sautéed pork w/ginger course 烧肉套餐Stewed meal set meal 盐烧青花鱼套餐Grilled mackerel fillet course 盐烧三文鱼套餐Grilled salmon set meal 烤秋刀鱼套餐Grilled saruty fish course 照烧银鳕鱼套餐Braised cod fish set meal 烤开边鱼套餐Grilled Hokkaido fish set meal 酱烤鳗鱼套餐Japanese grilled Eel course 味噌煮青花鱼套餐Miso boiled mackerel fish set meal 日式东 坡肉套餐Sautéed pork Japanese style set meal 土豆烧肉套餐Boiled meat with potato course 豆腐煮肉套餐Boiled pork meat with bean curd course 猪肉炒泡菜套餐Sautéed pork with sour vegetables course 炒蔬菜套餐Sautéed vegetables course 古老肉套餐Sautéed pone with soured sugar sauce course 涮牛肉火锅套餐Rinse beef hot pot course 煎牛肉火锅套餐Pan-fried beef hot pot course 海鲜火锅套餐Sea food hot pot course 泡菜牛肉火锅套餐Sour cabbage beef hot pot course 泡菜猪肉火锅套餐Sour cabbage pork hot pot course 三文鱼火锅套餐Salmon hot pot course 鸡肉火锅套餐Chicken hot pot course 咖喱鸡饭Steamed rice with Curry sauce course 咖喱汉堡饭套餐Curry burger course 咖喱炸鸡块饭套餐Deep fried chicken with curry sauce course 咖喱鱼排饭套餐Fish steak with curry sauce course 咖喱炸虾饭套餐Fried prawn with curry sauce course 咖喱土豆饼饭套餐Fried hash brown with curry sauce course 拉面套餐Japanese ramen noodles set dish 锅烧乌冬面套餐Pot udon course 天妇罗渣乌冬面套餐Tempura udon course 油豆腐乌冬面套餐Bean curd udon course 茶荞麦面套餐Cha soba course 炒乌冬/荞麦面套餐Fried udon/soba course 韩国风炒面套餐Fried noodles Korean style course 冷乌冬/荞麦面套餐Cold udon/soba course 牛肉乌冬/荞麦面套餐Beef udon/soba course 天妇罗乌冬/荞麦面套餐Tempra udon/soba course 冷素面套餐Cold noodles with bopping sauce course 中华冷面套餐Cold noodles Chinese style course 面炒饭套餐Noodles fried rice course 泡菜炒饭套餐Pickles fried rice course 三文鱼炒饭套餐Salmon fried rice course 什锦炒饭套餐Mix fried rice course 鸡蛋猪排饭套餐Deep fried pork with egg course 天妇罗盖浇饭套餐Tempura course 鳗鱼饭套餐Broiled Eel course 鸡肉鸡蛋盖浇饭套餐Boiled chicken with egg course 牛肉饭套餐Beef course 什锦盖浇饭套餐Mixed rice course Rice 咖喱饭Curry rice 汉堡咖喱饭Burger curry rice 炸鸡块咖哩饭Deep fried chicken curry rice 鱼排咖喱饭Fish steak curry rice 炸虾咖喱饭Deep fried prawn curry rice 土豆咖喱饭Potato curry rice 茶泡饭Boiled Cha rice 饭团Rice boll 日式粥Japanese congee 鸡蛋猪排饭Deep fried pork chop rice with egg sauce 天妇罗盖浇饭Tempura rice 鳗鱼饭Eel rice 鸡肉鸡蛋盖浇饭Chicken with egg sauce 牛肉饭Beef rice 什锦盖浇饭Mixed rice 泡菜炒饭Fried rice with Pickles 三文鱼炒饭Fried rice with salmon fish 什锦炒饭Mixed fried rice Noodles 日式拉面Japanese ramen noodles 蛋黄乌冬面Egg York udon 锅烧乌冬面Fried udon with hotpot 天妇罗渣乌冬面Tempura udon 油豆腐荞麦面Soba with bean curd 茶荞麦面Cha soba noodles 炒乌冬面/荞麦面Fried udon/soba 韩国风炒面Fried noodles Korean style 冷乌冬/乔麦面Cold udon/soba 牛肉乌冬/荞麦面Beef udon noodles/soba 天妇罗乌冬/荞麦面Tempura udon/soba 素冷面Cold noodles with dipping sauce 中华冷面Cold noodles Chinese style Sushi Roll 什锦卷Mixed sushi 鳗鱼卷Eel sushi 纳豆卷Temented soy beans sushi 黄瓜卷Cucumber sushi 金枪鱼卷Tuna sushi 酱菜卷Pickles sushi Hand Roll Sushi 鳗鱼手卷Eel hand roll 纳豆手卷Temented soy bean hand roll 金枪鱼手卷Tuna hand roll 黄瓜手卷Cucumber hand roll 三文鱼手卷Salmon hand roll 沙律手卷Salad hand roll 酱菜手卷Pickles hand roll Salad 蔬菜沙律Fresh vegetable salad 洋葱沙律Onion salad 萝卜沙律Radish salad 土豆沙律Potato salad 蕃茄沙律Tomato salad 粉丝沙律Rice noodles salad 三文鱼沙律Salmon salad 金抢鱼沙律Tuna fish salad 蟹籽沙律Crad seed salad 大虾沙律Fresh prawn salad 什锦沙律Mixed salad Hot pot 涮牛肉火锅Rinse beef hot pot 煎牛肉火锅Pan-fried beef hot pot 海鲜牛肉火锅Sea food hot pot 泡菜牛肉活锅Sour vegetables beef hot pot 三文鱼火锅Salmon hot pot 鸡肉火锅Chicken hot pot 牛肉鸡蛋葱饼Beef andegg cake 日式煎饼Japanese pan-cake 土豆培根饼Potato and bacon pan-cake 章鱼丸Octopus ball 猪肉炒泡菜Sautéed pork meat with sour vegetables 韭菜炒猪肝Sautéed pig livers with leeks 韭菜炒鸡蛋Sautéed egg with leeks 炒蔬菜Sautéed vegetables 菠菜炒培根Sautéed Spanish with bacon 黄油炒菠菜Sautéed Spanish with butter 蕃茄炒蛋Sautéed egg with tomato 芝士虾仁Sautéed prawn with cheese 古老肉Sautéed pork meat with sour sugar sauce 八宝菜Mixed vegetables 芦笋炒培根Sautéed asparagus with bacon 明太子炒粉丝Fired rice noodles with fish spawn 炒茄子Sautéed eggplant 麻婆茄子Hot&spicy eggplant 麻婆豆腐Hot&spicy tofu Deep fry 天妇罗拼盘Tempura platter 大虾天妇罗Tempura prawn 蔬菜天妇罗Tempura vegetables 鱿鱼脚天妇罗Tempura squid feet 喜鱼天妇罗Tempura crucian 星鳗天妇罗Tempura eel 炸鸡块Deep-fried chicken 炸鱿鱼脚Deep-fried squid feet 炸章鱼Deep-fried octopus 炸老虎鱼Deep-fried tiger fish 炸多春鱼Deep-fried spring fish 吉利炸鱿鱼圈Deep-fried squid ring 吉利炸鲷鱼Deep-fried snapper 吉利炸芋艿Deep-fried taro 吉利炸生蚝Deep-fried oyster 吉利炸大虾Deep-fried prawn 海苔炸竹轮Deep-fried sea sedge with fish roll 海苔炸山药Deep-fried sea sedge with Chinese yam 海苔炸大虾Deep-fried sea sedge with prawn 海苔炸纳豆Deep-fried sea sedge with fermented soy beans 炸汉堡Deep-fried burger 炸鸡排Deep-fried chicken steak 炸猪排Deep-fried pork cutlet 炸土豆饼Deep-fried potato cake 炸油豆腐Deep-fried bean curd 油炸茄子Deep-fried egg plant 炸莲藕夹肉Deep-fried lotus with meat 芝士炸竹轮Deep fried fish roll with cheese 串炸Deep –fried skewer (大虾、猪肉、鸡、鹌鹑蛋)(Prawn pork chicken quail’s egg) Grilled 鸡肉山椒烧Chicken and sour chili 酱烤鸡肉Grilled chicken with teriyaki sauce 煎饺Pan fried gyozai 生姜煎猪肉Sautéed pork meat with ginger 烤酸肉Braised sour beef 炒牛肉Sautéed beef meat 烤香菇拌明太子Grilled oyster mushroom with fish spawns 烧小鱼饼Braised fish cake 黄油炒菌菇sautéed mushroom with Butter 黄油煎土豆Pan-fried potato with butter 石烧牛排Stone grilled beef steak 黄油炒芦笋pan-fried asparagus with Butter 黄油煎三文鱼Pan-fried salmon with butter 银雪鱈鱼黄油烧Grilled cod fish with butter 银鱈鱼味噌烧Grilled cod fish with mtso Grilled fish 盐烤青花鱼Grilled mackerel fillet 盐烤三文鱼Grilled salmon 烤秋刀鱼Grilled saruty fish 照烧银鱈鱼Grilled cod fish 烤鱿鱼Grilled squid fish 烤鱿鱼须Grilled fried calamany 烤开边鱼Grilled Hokkaido fish 酱烤鳗鱼Japanese grilled eel 多春鱼Grilled spring fish 串烧鸡肉丸串烧Chicken meat ball skewer 鸡腿肉串烧Chicken leg skewer 鸡肫串烧Chicken liver skewer 鸡翅串烧Chicken wing skewer 牛舌串烧cou tone skewer 香菇串烧Oyster mushroom skewer 青椒串烧Blue pepper skewer 鸡肉长葱串烧Chicken leek skewer 鸡皮串烧Chicken skin skewer 大蒜串烧Garlic skewer 芦笋培根串烧Asparagus bacon skewer 煮物 煮鱼头Boiled fish head 味噌煮青花鱼Boiled mackerel with miso 梅酱煮沙丁鱼Boiled sardin with prunes mume 煮鲷鱼头Boiled head of red snapper 东坡肉Sautéed pork meat with sour &sugar sauce 土豆煮肉boiled meat with potato 牛肉煮菌菇Boiled beef with mixed mushroom 豆腐煮肉Boiled pork with bean curd 芋艿煮鱿鱼Boiled squid with taro 煮芋头Boiled Chinese taro 煮海草茎Boiled sea grass 鱼头萝卜Turnip w/yellow tail head 梅肉煮鸡肉Boiled chicken with pickles plums 蒸物 蒸文蛤Steamed clam 蒸蛋Steamed egg custard 土瓶蒸 Cold Dish 萝卜泡菜Radish pickles 韩国泡菜Korean pickles 冷豆腐Cold bean curd 纳豆Fermented soy beans蛋黄纳豆Fermented soy bean with yolk 萝卜泥纳豆Turnip-Pouder fermented soy beans 泡菜纳豆Pickles fermented soy beans 鱿鱼纳豆Squid fermented soy beans 金枪鱼纳豆Tuna fermented soy beans 什锦纳豆Mixed fermented soy beans 日式蛋卷Sweet egg roll 鳗鱼蛋卷Eel roll 大虾蛋卷Prawn egg roll 梅酱拌黄瓜Cucumber and pickles plums with a thick sauce 味噌黄瓜Miso cucumber 明太子拌豆腐 bean curd with fish spawns 滑子菇萝卜泥Hua zi gu grated radish 明太子萝卜泥Grated radish with fish spawns 杂鱼萝卜泥Mixed fish grated radish 酱煮莲藕Boiled lotus 酱煮牛蒡Boiled gret burdock Vinegared dish 黄瓜群带菜醋物Vinegared cucumber kumu 黄瓜小鱼醋Vinegared cucumber fish 黄瓜银鱼醋物Vinegared cucumber white bait 髪菜醋物Vinegared nostol flageuiforme 章鱼醋物Vinegared octopus
