经济学人精读 [62上] The Economist | Public pushback

经济学人精读 The Economist [62]

选自 | January 27 2018 | China | 板块










Data privacy[数据隐私]


Consumers and tech firms are taking privacy more seriously. The government is not[消费者和科技公司更加严肃地对待隐私。政府并没有]

XUYUYU was a poor 18-year-old student from the coastal province of Shandong when, on the eve of going to university in 2016, she was defrauded of the savings that her family had painstakingly[悉心地,精心地]accumulatedfor her[徐玉玉是来自沿海省份山东省的一名18岁的贫困学生,2016年在她要上大学的前一晚,她的家庭悉心为她积攒的学费被骗走了]. She died of a heart attack that was caused, a court said, by the fraud[法院说,她因受到诈骗而引起心脏病发作,导致死亡]. MsXu’s fate sparked an impassioned[热烈的]debatein China about data privacy because the scammer, Chen Wenhui, had paid a hacker for stealing her personal details[徐女士的遭遇在中国引发了有关数据隐私的激烈争论,因为诈骗人陈文辉向黑客付钱盗窃了她的个人详细资料]. Hewas sentenced to life in jail for theft of private information[他因盗窃个人隐私信息被判无期徒刑]. 

China has a reputation for lax[不严格的,不严厉的]controls over the gathering, storage and use of digital data about individuals[中国在个人电子数据的搜集、储存和使用方面有着管理松懈的名声]. But sensitivities about such matters are growing, and not just when information is stolen[但是,对这类事件的敏感程度在增加,并且不仅仅是在信息被盗窃的时候]. 

This month a court in the eastern city of Nanjing agreed to hear a case brought by a government-controlled consumers’ group against Baidu, China’s largest search engine[这个月,在东部城市南京的一家法院同意审理由政府控制的消费者团体起诉百度的案件,百度是中国最大的搜索引擎]. The group claims that a Baidu app illegally monitors users’ phone calls without telling them[这个团体声称百度手机应用在没有告知他们的情况下非法监控使用者手机通话]. At the same time, Ant Financial, the financial arm of Alibaba, the country’s largest e-commerce group, apologised for a default setting on its mobile-money app that automatically enrolled customers in a credit-scoring scheme, calledSesame Credit, without users’ consent[与此同时,中国最大电子商务集团阿里巴巴的金融部门蚂蚁金融,为其手机移动应用软件的默认设置道歉,该设置未经用户同意自动将用户注册到叫做芝麻信用的信用评分系统中]. The third of China’s big three internet firms, Tencent, also dealt with a storm of criticism after the head of one of China’s largest car firms said Pony Ma, Tencent’s founder, “must be watching” all messages on WeChat, the firm’s popular social-media app, “every single day”[中国三大互联网公司的第三个企业腾讯,也在处理大量的指责,因中国最大汽车企业之一的老板的说腾讯创始人马化腾“一定在看”微信上“每一天”所有的信息,微信是腾讯最受欢迎的社交媒体软件]. 

Consumers in China have good cause to worry[中国消费者有充分的理由担心]. Data collected through one medium can often end up in another[通过一个媒介收集到的数据通常会出现在另一个媒介]. Aman who talked on his mobile phone one day about picking strawberries said that when he used his phone the next day to open Toutiao, a news aggregate driven by artificial intelligence (AI), his news was all about strawberries[一位男士有一天在他的手机中谈论了有关采摘草莓的信息,当第二天他用手机打开头条时,他的新闻全部都是有关草莓的,头条是一个用人工智能驱动的新闻网络信息整合平台]. His post on the experience went viral in January[1月份,他发布的这个经历受到的广泛关注]. Toutiaodenied it was snooping but conceded[承认], blandly, that the story revealed a growing public “awareness of privacy”[头条否认它在窥探,但是,温和的承认了这个古树揭露了大众“隐私意识”的增强]. 


Anxiety about it is indeed growing, but from a low base[关于这一点的焦虑确实在增长,但是起点很低]. The Chinese word for privacy,yinsi, has a negativeconnotation[隐含意义]ofsecrecy[中文中的“隐私”有不好的秘密隐含意义]. Things that in the West aretaboo[忌讳的]in conversation betweenstrangers—for example, asking about the other person’s salary—are often discussed in China[]. 

Such traditions inform behaviour in the digital world[比如,询问其他人的薪水,在西方国家陌生人对话中忌讳的东西,在中国是经常被谈论的]. TheBoston Consulting Group says that in a dozen countries it surveyed in 2013, three-quarters of respondents outside China stated that caution was necessary when sharing personal information online[波士顿咨询公司称声,2013年其调查的十几个国家中,中国之外四分之三的回复者认为在网上分享个人信息时是需要引起注意的]. But only half of those polled in China agreed[但是,在中国仅有一半的人这么认为]. In2015Harvard Business Review, a journal, tried to estimate what value people in different countries attached to personal data[2015年哈弗商业评论期刊尝试估计不同国家的人对个人数据的持以什么样的重视程度]. It found that Chinese would pay less to protect data from their government-issued identification cards and credit cards than people from America, Britain andGermany[结果发现,中国人相比于美国人,英国人和德国人,对政府发行的身份证件和信用卡数据的保护最少]. Morethan 60% of respondents in a large survey conducted byChina Youth Daily, a state-owned newspaper, said that the default settings in their mobile apps allowed their personal information to be shared with third parties[国有报刊中国青年报的一项大型调查中发现,超过60%的回复者说他们手机应用中的默认设置允许他们的个人信息被第三方分享]. Chinese law did not define what counts as personal information until a cyber-security bill took effect last year[直到去年网络安全法案生效,中国法律才开始定义什么算作是个人信息]. 

Jan29 | 553 words





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