


you are going to die in there. 你们会死在那里

shut your mouth,or we're gonna kick your ass!给我闭嘴,否则有你好看。(ass:屁股,驴子、蠢人)

you're gonna regret it。 你么会后悔的。[gonna:将要,等于going to ]

i'm just trying to get control of my body again,after what happened

i'm offering you something to help you get that back.(我就是为帮助你达成这点才提出此建议的)

i'm not a house.(我不是栋房子)

what are you so afraid of ?/你在害怕什么/be afraid of 害怕某件事情

what's the address?

we are sending a patrol car. please hurry,please. 我们马上排巡逻车过去

the light is different right there. 那边的光线很不一样

you can stop sneaking cigarettes,and jusk start taking deep breaths.你可以不用偷偷的吸烟了,开始深呼吸吧

i need to go to the bathroom.我得去一下洗手间

we are almost there.- i need to go. 我们快到了  -我现在就要去

it's a freeway.这里是告诉公路

where do you want me to pull over?你要我在那里停车/pull over 停车

bet if baby had to shit,you'd find sometwhere. 要是小狗要拉屎,你肯定会停车找地方。

i hate that word ,unless  i'm saying it. 除非我说,不然我讨厌这词。


it's funny. come on , you gotta admit it's funny.挺有趣的,拜托,你得承认这很有趣。/gotta adv 得 ==have got to 

i mean, it looks even better than it did online.他比网上看还棒。 online 在网上

yes,it's interesting.

is not this place amazing?这个地方很棒吧

Do you cook?

i got here cooking lessons a few years ago. 几年前我给她安排去上厨艺课

you said something on the phone about there being a study that i could use  as a home office.


i'm planning on seeing patients here,so i can spend more time with my family.


what are you yapping at? 鬼叫些什么?/yap 狂吠,哇啦哇啦地瞎说 vt. 瞎讲 n. 狂吠声;废话;笨蛋

speaking of the last owners?说到上一任房主

full disclosure requireds that i tell you about what happened to them。


They did not die in here or anything. did they?他们不会死在这里吧。

yes,actually,both of them.是的,事实上,两位都是

i sold them the house too. 当初也是我卖给他们房子的

they were just the sweetest couple.他们本来是一位甜蜜的夫妇。

you never know, i guess. 

it's half the price of every other house in the neighborhood,i guess.这栋房子的价格是这片区域其他住宅的一半。

i do have a very nice mid-century ranch(农场) ,but it's in the valley,and you are going to get a third of the house for twice the price. where did it happened? 他们当时死在那里.

the basement.地下室。(basement:地下室,地窖) 

we'll take it.我们买下了

i am a little worry about tom.you know,these kids are very different.

i do not know if she can handle another year of not fitting it.不知道她能不能度过又一年的离群生活

can not believe this place does'nt freak you out a little bit.//freak out 使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃

this is your professional advice.

come on ,let me give you a little love.来吧,让我给你一点爱抚。

moving here,buying this house was the exact right thing to do for us and the family.

it's good things.

i appreciate that you're trying, i am trying too,

who are you? what are you dong here?你是谁?来这里干嘛?

you can not tell the difference.你看不出来区别。

your neighbor from next door,and this is my girl Tony.

that girl is a monster.i love here and i am a good Christian.

how'd you get into my house?你是怎么进来的

you left your back door open.你家后门没有关

Although i have to tell you, addy will always find a way in.

she has a bug up her ass about this house,always has. 她一直对这间房子情有独钟,一直都是

i run a little kennel out of my house。(kennel:狗屋)

i used to have a diamonds like that.different pair for every day of the week.一周里,每天都不一样

Did your husband give them to you?

They always do when you are young and pretty.男人们总是趁着你年轻的时候献殷勤。

i came out here to be a movie star,did the screen tests and everything ,but nudity was the big deal then.

it has been so greate to meet you,i was not prepared for guests at all.我还木有准备好接待客人。

i am goona. 我马上走

oh,i brought you this, you know, a little ,um,housewarming?一点点的乔迁贺礼

help get rid of some of than bad juju.帮你摆脱恶灵

i do not remember your name. -right no,i never got a chance to tell you my name.

let me know if you need any help with that pup.如果狗狗需要帮忙,记得告诉我

i am glad you're getting rid of that wallpaper.  (be get rid of :处理掉),真庆幸你把那张墙纸撕掉了。

Too many bad memories in there.这里有太多糟糕的过往。

that's not funny. 一点都不好笑。

i think you would look good in it.我感觉你穿着它肯定很漂亮

watch the steps。小心台阶

i prepare for the nobel war.我在准本一场圣战

i am calm, i knoew the secret.我很淡定,我知道一些秘密

i know what is coming and i know no one can stop me,including myself.

Do you target people who have been mean to you or unkind?你的目标是那些对你很刻薄或者不友好的人么?

i kill people i like.我随性杀人

i do not feel anything.我什么感觉都木有。

it's a filthy world we live in.我们生存在一个肮脏的世界。[filthy:肮脏的,污秽的]

Honestly, i feel like i'm helping to take tem away .说实话,我感觉自己帮助他们拜托了。

i am helping to take them somewhere clean and kind.我带他们去一个干净而仁爱的世界

you think i'm crazy?你觉得我疯掉了么?

i think you are creative.我感觉你富有创造力

i think you have a lot of pain you are not dealing with.你有很多自己无法排解的痛。

my mother worried about me. right?

she is a cocksucker.她是一个吹箫的(也有混蛋的意思)

my dad found out ,and he left.这件事情败漏后,我爸爸就离开我们而去。

he left me alone with a cocksucker.

how sick is that? 多恶心啊

i have heard a lot worse.我听过很多更加恶心的事情.

can you tell me some, i like stories.

the world is a filthy place。这个世界污秽不堪

there are so much pain,you know?

if you are trying to kill youself ,cut vertically。如果你想自杀,就竖直的割下去

they can not stitch that up。他们就缝合不了了. stitch,缝合。

how did you get in here?你是怎么进来的

what are you doing?

i am the housekeeper.这件房子的女管家

i did not know the house came with a housekeeper.我不知道这个房子还配了个管家。

i work monday through thursday,我周一到周四工作。

that was the deal with the last fellows.和上一位房主商量好的

i am sorry, i am not just sure that we are gonna need a housekeeper.  对不起,我还不确定

you do not have to wear the housekeeper's uniform.你可以不用穿管家服的

i do not like cleaning people's houses in my own clothes./ like doing something

you just always surprise me.你总是带给我惊喜

you are gonna have to forgive me one day.总有一天你会原谅我的

you mind if i tape this?不介意我录下来吧。

i was taking them at night,but they kept me up.我晚上吃药,但是一直失眠

start taking them in the morning.

when i was in medical school.

you think i am lying to you?你觉得我在骗你么?

if you love someone,you should never hurt them.

the worst part is that six monthes earlier,my mom had,like,this brutual miscarriage.

the baby was seven month old and we had to have this macabre funeral. macabre:可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的

have you ever seen a baby coffin?/coffin :棺材

why are you seeing my dad?

Do not ask question you already know the answer to.

you are smarter than that.你没有这么蠢

he should not be in here and i think you know that--please.

what's that thing you think i am afraid of ?

fear of rejection?害怕回绝

stay away from him.离他远一点

why are you in my house?为什么要溜进我的家

i want you stay out of my house.我希望你别以后擅入我家

Do you understand?

can i smoke in here? -No. 我能在这里抽烟么?-不行

she says that to everybody.

can i pet your dog?我能摸摸你的狗么

i want you to stop coming in here without permission.我希望你以后别擅入我家。

time to go.该走了。

she should not have done that.她不该这么做

you touch my kid one more time and i will break your goddamn arm.

may i clean in here?

it's not a good time.

something horrible happened between to us.and we handled it even more horribly.

but, this place is our second chance.

i promise you, you will never be bothered by her again.

that's where i come in.这个事情交给我。

i thought i told you to throw that thing away.

you really want to go for round two?

now is not your time.还木有轮到你

go bakc to bed.

so this is the coke whore。这就是那个嗑药的婊子么

who the hell are you ?你他妈的是谁。

what is going on?这是在干什么

i do not think she will be bothering you anymore.我想她是绝对不会再找你麻烦了

she must have run into a wall or something.

No,i saw something.

Get out, i never want to see you again!

i thought you were not afraid of anything!

who are you and why are you following me?你是谁,为什么跟着我

your family is in danger.你的家人有危险

what happened to you?你怎么弄成这个样子

you have to get out of that house.你必须马上搬离那栋房子

peeking in people's windows is  still a crime.站在窗外偷看别人也是犯法的

they are not gonna put me back into jail.他们不会把我送回监狱的

i have brain cancer.

i was in that house for six months before i started hearing voices。我在那个房子住了6个月就开始幻想了。

My wife thought i was workign too hard.我妻子以为我是工作累的

my daughter angie was six.

i do not know how i put myself out.我不知道我是怎么把自己身上的火给扑灭的

have you been sleepwalking?你最近有没有梦游过。

Leave my family alone? Do you hear me?

that place is evil./evil 邪恶的

You almost gave me a heart attack.你差点把我的心脏病吓出来

this is her house,not yours.这是她的房子,不是你的

i would be nervous if i were you,too.如果我是你,估计也会紧张

when things go missing.一旦丢东西

they always blame the new maid.主任肯定会怪到新的佣人头上

i would move if i were you.我是你的话,我就乖乖的让开。

Do not make me kill you again.别在逼我杀你一次。

what do you want for dinner?晚饭想吃什么。

whatever you want.你想吃什么,我就吃什么。



