#30天专注橙长计划# 大风吹 day13

Day 13 每日金句:Care and diligence brings luck.

#30天专注橙长计划# 大风吹 day13_第1张图片

算不上Happy Sunday,起了大早去海淀参加佛山顺德区人才招聘会,接近一点只吃了一个单层吉士汉堡,好在比预想的提前一个多小时结束,回来订外卖大吃了一顿,完成了第二个见面咨询的生涯报告,概念的阐述多余具体问题的分析,看来还是要多多练习,跟咨询者多聊了些谈到了最近看到古典分享的传统职业体系的 行业*企业*职业,已经渐渐失效而变成了以个人时代的 圈子*能力*特色 海洋体系,所以要建立弱联系,扩大自己的影响力,提升自己的差异化能力,以及持续放大自己的特色。昨天观赏了但丁密码 也算情节紧凑的美国电影,品尝了华丽小资的花厨餐厅,大风吹啊吹

#30天专注橙长计划# 大风吹 day13_第2张图片

自我管理之BEC备考口语 Corporate Culture

Company culture is shared values and norms of the organization. It affects employees and guides the day-to-day operation of the company.The leader and management team profoundly shapes the culture and practices of the organization. What they emphasizes,rewards and punishes can tell you what is really important. Culture should be adaptive,be aligned to the business goals,outperform the competitors and achieve success. Shaping culture: leadership plays a critical role/Team spirit/work environment:encouraging and supportive  Values innovation,creativity and trust among each other. Breeds loyalty and motivation/Enhance job satisfaction/Team spirit/Fair system/mutual respect

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