[大译] Google announced AMP for Email 谷歌宣布 AMP for Email_The Threshold 播客


news source 新闻来源: https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/26/google-makes-emails-more-dynamic-with-amp-for-email/

Google will help turn email into a dynamic, website-like experience by introducing AMP for Email. Users will be able to reserve bookings, fill out forms and browse store catalogs all while staying within the email. It's fairly straight forward for developers, especially if they already had experience with AMP. Google has brought on board a number of analytics and marketing platforms, such as SparkPost and Pinpoint.

通过 AMP for Email,谷歌将要让电子邮件变得更动态,更像网页。使用者将可以在电邮里订席位,填表格,逛网店。开发者适应起来也会相对容易,尤其是接触过AMP的。谷歌已经把一些做分析和市场的平台,如SparkPost和Pinpoint,拉到了自己这一边。

[大译] Google announced AMP for Email 谷歌宣布 AMP for Email_The Threshold 播客_第1张图片


Stay tuned for my podcast The Threshold this Saturday (Apr 13, 2019) where I will make discussions around this topic 本周六(2019年4月13日)我讲将在我的The Threshold博客里做相关的讨论:


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