11.20-On Writing Well

20 The Sound of Your Voice

If you’re smitten by the urge to try the breezy style, read what you’ve written aloud and see if you like the sound of your voice.

smite的过去分词  smitten   1. ~ (with / by sb / sth) (especially humorous) suddenly feeling that you are in love with sb 突然爱上的

From the moment they met, he was completely smitten by her.


2. ~ with / by sth severely affected by a feeling, disease, etc. 痛感;备受…的煎熬

He was smitten by deep remorse.他陷入深深的自责之中

But finally taste is a mixture of qualities that are beyond analyzing: an ear that can hear the difference between a sentence that limps and a sentence that lilts,

lilt  1. the pleasant way in which a person's voice rises and falls (说话声的)抑扬顿挫

»Her voice had a soft Welsh lilt to it.她讲话的声音柔和而抑扬顿挫,有些威尔士口音。

2. a regular rising and falling pattern in music, with a strong rhythm


Why are weexalted by the words of Wilbur Cross and anesthetized by the speeches of most politicians and public officials who ply us with oratorical ruffles and flourishes?

ply sb with sth    to offer or give (something) to (someone) repeatedly or constantly

»He plied me with questions from the moment he arrived.他一到就不断地向我提问题。


Don’t alter your voice to fit your subject.

Finding a voice that your readers will enjoy is largely a matter of taste.

Taste is an invisible current that runs through writing, and you should be aware of it.

Clichés are the enemy of taste.

Go with what seems inevitable in your own heritage. Embrace it and it may lead you to eloquence.

The Sound of Your Voice这一章的voice,taste这两个词出现最多了。







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