传统的工业机器人普遍采用电机 、齿轮减速器 、关节轴三者直接连接的传动机构,这种机构要求电机与减速器安装在机械臂关节附近,其缺点是对于多关节机械臂,下一级关节的电机与减速器等驱动装置成为上一级关节的额外负载 。这一额外负载带来的负面影响往往超过机械臂连杆等必要结构件,因此提高了对机械臂动力和驱动元件的要求,由此造成整体重量 、体积 、造价和内部消耗的增加,降低了机械臂对外做功的能力和效率。为了避免这一问题许多主动式医疗机器人采用绳驱动方式,使用柔性绳索远距离的传递运动和力矩。将驱动装置安装到远离相关关节的基座上,使得整个机械臂的结构紧凑 ,在减轻机械臂整体重量的同时提高了对外做功的能力。下图所示的就是达芬奇手术机器人的末端夹子,采用绳驱动方式可以在较小的机械结构内实现多自由度的灵活运动:
下面尝试在VREP中使用力反馈设备Phantom omni来控制医疗机器人的末端夹子。机构简图如下图所示,一共有5个自由度:其中移动自由度负责进给,一个整体旋转自由度,还有两个左右、上下弯曲的自由度,最后是控制夹子张合的自由度。
删除Solidworks CAD模型中的一些不必要特征,比如倒角、内部孔、螺纹孔等,导出成STL文件,再导入到VREP中。然后还需要进行继续化简,减少网格数量,当网格数减少到不影响几何外观就可以了。接下来在相应的位置添加关节,设置关节运动范围(软件限位),并将其设为Inverse kinematics模式。
设置Calculation Modules中的Inverse kinematics:

if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then -- Put some initialization code here targetHandle = simGetObjectHandle('ikTarget') end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_actuation) then -- Put your main ACTUATION code here end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_sensing) then -- Put your main SENSING code here -- Read the keyboard messages (make sure the focus is on the main window, scene view): message, auxiliaryData = simGetSimulatorMessage() if (message == sim_message_keypress) then if (auxiliaryData[1]==119) then -- W key local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) p[1] = p[1] - 0.001 simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) end if (auxiliaryData[1]==115) then -- S key local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) p[1] = p[1] + 0.001 simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) end if (auxiliaryData[1]==2007) then -- up key local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) p[3] = p[3] + 0.001 simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) end if (auxiliaryData[1]==2008) then -- down key local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) p[3] = p[3] - 0.001 simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) end if (auxiliaryData[1]==2009) then -- left key local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) p[2] = p[2] - 0.001 simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) end if (auxiliaryData[1]==2010) then -- right key local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) p[2] = p[2] + 0.001 simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) end end end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then -- Put some restoration code here end
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then -- Check if the plugin is loaded: moduleName=0 moduleVersion=0 index=0 pluginNotFound=true while moduleName do moduleName,moduleVersion=simGetModuleName(index) if (moduleName=='CHAI3D') then pluginNotFound=false end index=index+1 end if (pluginNotFound) then simDisplayDialog('Error','CHAI3D plugin was not found, or was not correctly initialized (v_repExtCHAI3D.dll).',sim_dlgstyle_ok,false,nil,{0.8,0,0,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1,1,1}) else -- Start the device: local toolRadius = 0.001 -- the radius of the tool local workspaceRadius = 0.2 -- the workspace radius if simExtCHAI3D_start(0, toolRadius,workspaceRadius) ~= 1 then simDisplayDialog('Error','Device failed to initialize.',sim_dlgstyle_ok,false,nil,{0.8,0,0,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1,1,1}) else CHAI3DPluginInitialized = true end end targetHandle = simGetObjectHandle('ikTarget') deltaPos = {0, 0, 0} counter = 0 ratio = 50 end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_actuation) then if buttonState ==1 then -- press the button local p = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1) -- get the target position -- add increment of the tool tip p[1] = p[1] + deltaPos[1] / ratio p[2] = p[2] + deltaPos[2] / ratio p[3] = p[3] + deltaPos[3] / ratio simSetObjectPosition(targetHandle, -1, p) -- move to the absolute position end end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_sensing) then if CHAI3DPluginInitialized then -- Read the current position of the cursor: local currentToolPosition = simExtCHAI3D_readPosition(0) -- Read the buttons of the device: buttonState = simExtCHAI3D_readButtons(0) counter = counter + 1 -- increase the counter if counter % 30 == 1 then -- keep the value prevToolPosition = currentToolPosition end if counter % 30 == 0 then -- calculate tool tip increment deltaPos[1] = currentToolPosition[1] - prevToolPosition[1] -- X-axis increment deltaPos[2] = currentToolPosition[2] - prevToolPosition[2] -- Y-axis increment deltaPos[3] = currentToolPosition[3] - prevToolPosition[3] -- Z-axis increment counter = 0 -- reset counter local info = string.format("CurrentPosition:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f DeltaPosition:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f", currentToolPosition[1],currentToolPosition[2],currentToolPosition[3], deltaPos[1],deltaPos[2],deltaPos[3]) simAddStatusbarMessage(info) end end end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then if CHAI3DPluginInitialized then -- Disconnects all devices and removes all objects from the scene simExtCHAI3D_reset() end end
将力反馈设备手柄移动到合适的位置之后就可以按住按钮开始操控机器人,松开按钮会停止控制。如果在VREP虚拟场景中添加其它物体(比如障碍物),则还可以模拟环境中的力(接触力、重力、摩擦力、弹簧力等)让操控着“感觉”到。如果实际机器人上装有力传感器,则在用Phantom omni控制机器人的同时也能读取力的信息,反馈给操作者。
下面是使用Phantom omni来控制机器人的动态图,黄色的轨迹为使用Graph记录的控制点的空间位置:
import math import numpy as np # link length L1 = 1 L2 = 1 gamma = 1 # step size lamda = 0.2 # damping constant (DLS-method) stol = 1e-3 # tolerance nm = 10 # initial error count = 0 # iteration count ilimit = 20 # maximum iteration # numerical method for inverse kinematics method = 'Pseudo Inverse' # 'Pseudo Inverse', 'DLS', ... # initial joint value q = np.array([0, 0, math.pi/2, 0]) # [theta1, d1, theta2, theta3] # target position target_pos = np.array([1, 0, 2]) # [x,y,z] while True: if(nm > stol): # forward kinematics: x = np.array([math.cos(q[0])*math.cos(q[2])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3]))+L2*math.sin(q[0])*math.sin(q[3]),\ math.cos(q[2])*math.sin(q[0])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3]))-L2*math.cos(q[0])*math.sin(q[3]),\ q[1]+(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3]))*math.sin(q[2])]) # compute error error = target_pos - x # compute Jacobian J11 = -math.sin(q[0])*math.cos(q[2])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3]))+L2*math.cos(q[0])*math.sin(q[3]) J12 = 0 J13 = -math.sin(q[2])*math.cos(q[0])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3])) J14 = L2*(math.sin(q[0])*math.cos(q[3])-math.cos(q[0])*math.cos(q[2])*math.sin(q[3])) J21 = math.cos(q[0])*math.cos(q[2])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3]))+L2*math.sin(q[0])*math.sin(q[3]) J22 = 0 J23 = -math.sin(q[0])*math.sin(q[2])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3])) J24 = -L2*(math.cos(q[0])*math.cos(q[3])+math.sin(q[0])*math.cos(q[2])*math.sin(q[3])) J31 = 0 J32 = 1 J33 = math.cos(q[2])*(L1+L2*math.cos(q[3])) J34 = -L2*math.sin(q[2])*math.sin(q[3]) J = np.array([[J11,J12,J13,J14],[J21,J22,J23,J24],[J31,J32,J33,J34]]) if method == 'Pseudo Inverse': # Pseudo Inverse Method J_pseudo = np.dot(J.transpose(), np.linalg.inv(J.dot(J.transpose()))) # compute pseudo inverse dq = gamma * J_pseudo.dot(error) if method == 'DLS': # Damped Least Squares Method f = np.linalg.solve(J.dot(J.transpose())+lamda**2*np.identity(3), error) dq = np.dot(J.transpose(), f) # update joint position q = q + dq nm = np.linalg.norm(error) count = count + 1 if count > ilimit: print "Solution wouldn't converge!" break else: # print result print 'theta1=' + str(q[0]*180/math.pi)+' d1='+str(q[1]) + ' theta2=' + str((q[2]-math.pi/2)*180/math.pi)+' theta3=' + str(q[3]*180/math.pi) print 'Current position: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f' %(x[0],x[1],x[2]) print str(count)+' iterations'+' err:'+str(nm) break