Debenu Quick PDF Library(PDF编程开发工具)提供一套全方位的 PDF API 函数,帮助您快速简便地处理 PDF 文件。从文档属性的基本操作到创建您自己的 PDF 查看器和 PDF 编辑器,这款软件满足您的所有需求。Quick PDF Library是一款供 PDF 开发人员使用的 SDK,功能强大、无需版税,其中包括超过500个函数,可用于 Delphi、C、C#、C++、ASP、VB6、VB.NET、VBScript、PHP、PowerBASIC 等,使用 ActiveX、DLL、LIB 或 Delphi 版本的库
接着把DebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111.dll、DebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111.pas 添加到Delphi项目中
程序记得uses DebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, SynPdf, StdCtrls, DebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111; type TForm1 = class(TForm) btn1: TButton; edt1: TEdit; edt2: TEdit; lbl1: TLabel; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} // 读取pdf文本内容以及图片 function ReadPdf(const fileName, saveImagePath: string; var text: string; var imageFiles: string): string; var rPdf: TDebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111; imageCount, i, j, num, keyStatus, FH, PR: Integer; begin Result := ''; num := 0; if Trim(fileName) = '' then begin Result := 'Path cannot be empty'; Exit; end; if (Trim(saveImagePath) <> '') and (not DirectoryExists(saveImagePath)) then begin ForceDirectories(saveImagePath); // 创建目录 end; rPdf := TDebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111.Create('DebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111.dll'); // 库 keyStatus := rPdf.UnlockKey('**********'); // 密钥 秘钥可以购买或者找我要 if keyStatus <> 1 then begin Result := 'The library cannot be loaded or unlocked fails'; Exit; end; try rPdf.LoadFromFile(Trim(fileName), ''); // 以直接访问模式打开文件并存储文件句柄 FH := rPdf.DAOpenFile(fileName, ''); for i := 1 to rPdf.DAGetPageCount(FH) do begin rPdf.SelectPage(i); // 选区页 text := text + rPdf.GetPageText(8); // 获取文本 8:更准确的文本提取算法 if Trim(saveImagePath) <> '' then begin imageCount := rPdf.GetPageImageList(0); // 获取图片 for j := 1 to rPdf.GetImageListCount(imageCount) do // 遍历当前页中的所有图片 begin rPdf.SaveImageListItemDataToFile(imageCount, j, 0, saveImagePath + '\' + IntToStr(num) + '.png'); imageFiles := imageFiles + saveImagePath + '\' + IntToStr(num) + '.png ; '; inc(num); end; end; end; finally rPdf.Free; end; end; // 写pdf function WritePdf(const fileName, text: string): string; var wPdf: TDebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111; num, wStatus: Integer; begin Result := ''; if Trim(fileName) = '' then begin Result := 'Path cannot be empty'; Exit; end; try wPdf := TDebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111.Create('DebenuPDFLibraryDLL1111.dll'); // 库 try wStatus := wPdf.UnlockKey('*************'); // 密钥 if wStatus = 1 then begin num := wPdf.AddTrueTypeSubsettedFont('FangSong', text, 0); wPdf.SelectFont(num); wPdf.DrawWrappedText(50, 750, 500, text); wPdf.SaveToFile(fileName); end else begin Result := 'The library cannot be loaded or unlocked fails'; end; finally wPdf.Free; end; except on e: Exception do Result := e.Message; end; end; procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var text, imageFiles: string; begin text := ''; imageFiles := ''; // showmessage(WritePdf(edt1.Text,edt2.Text)); ShowMessage(ReadPdf(edt1.text, edt2.text, text, imageFiles)); lbl1.Caption := text; ShowMessage(text); ShowMessage(imageFiles); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //readAndWritePDf(); end; end.