Flipping on any news channel today, you are likely to see a number of stories that make you look at the world and think “what is this world coming to?” We see terrorist attacks on a regular basis, racial controversies, and politicians acting like children. Our world is in chaos, but the United States seems to have an internal chaos and it is coming to its boiling point.
The United States was a country built on the ideology of uniting people, but all I can see now is a country that seems to be more divided than ever. We pit Republicans against Democrats, whites against blacks, and Christians against Muslims. The media is filled with bias and only encourages chaos and division by blaming the opposing political party for all of our problems. We have lost the ability to solve these problems because we have lost the ability to have a respectful conversations with people who have an opposing view. We refuse to sit down with the intention of listening and understanding the views of someone who disagrees with us. We have divided ourselves into groups that only express the same views as our own, unable to tolerate people who have contradicting views. We have become a selfish nation and it’s about time we turn things around and get back to our roots.
The Founding Fathers had a multitude of opposing views, but they believed that a successful representative government required individual personal interests to be set aside for the common good. They respected each other’s views and had healthy discussions until they came to a resolution that they believed was best for everyone. They didn’t believe politics should be about competition or disagreements, but that rational and logical discussions should take place in order to come to an agreement that was best for society.
We are human beings and we will never agree on everything but we need to learn to accept that there is no black and white when it comes to political matters; your opinion is not necessarily better or worse than any other person’s opinion. What is clear is that we cannot accomplish anything if we can’t listen to and respect another person’s opinion. Many times, we have opinions that we feel overwhelmingly passionate about and we believe our opinion is logical and justified. Then, when someone has an opposing view they feel strongly about, we feel the need to attack them for it. I encourage you to listen to them with an open mind, engage them in conversation explaining the facts and rationale behind both opinions. If we can do this in a respectful manner, without calling each other names, blaming each other for all of our problems, and discrediting a person’s opinion solely because they are of the opposing political party, we can finally work together to find a balance. Maybe you persuade them, maybe they persuade you, and maybe you walk away still in disagreement. But you will have had a healthy, respectful, and productive political conversation.
Most importantly, educate yourself on what is going on in the world and in our country. Educate yourself on the issues before posting uneducated opinions on social media. As a college student, I cannot tell you how many people mindlessly share biased articles or opinions that are not supported by facts. This does not accomplish anything besides dividing our country further and spreading biases. Politics has an important role in our lives and in our future, it is not something to blatantly disregard. Politicians today are horribly corrupt and that turns people away from getting involved. But that is exactly why you need to get involved. That is why we have a democracy. As a country, we need to appreciate the fact that we are free to have opposing opinions by initiating the conversations out political leaders refuse to have, rather than letting it tear us apart.
Our country was founded by people who held many opposing views, but they respected each other, and that's how they got things accomplished. That's how they founded such a great country. Unfortunately, we have fallen away from that. As divided of a country as we are right now, the future of the United States can go one of two ways. We can continue dividing ourselves and refusing to work together, inevitably leading to another civil war. Or we can come together to make this country the great nation it was intended to be.
Worley is a student at Missouri State University.