

package bridge


type DisplayImpl interface {
    rawOpen() string
    rawPrint() string
    rawClose() string

type StringDisplayImpl struct {
    str string

func (self *StringDisplayImpl) rawOpen() string {
    return self.printLine()
func (self *StringDisplayImpl) rawPrint() string {
    return "|" + self.str + "|\n"

func (self *StringDisplayImpl) rawClose() string {
    return self.printLine()
func (self *StringDisplayImpl) printLine() string {
    str := "+"
    for _, _ = range self.str {
        str += string("-")
    str += "+\n"
    return str

type DefaultDisplay struct {
    impl DisplayImpl

func (self *DefaultDisplay) open() string {
    return self.impl.rawOpen()
func (self *DefaultDisplay) print() string {
    return self.impl.rawPrint()

func (self *DefaultDisplay) close() string {
    return self.impl.rawClose()

func (self *DefaultDisplay) Display() string {
    return self.open() +
        self.print() +

type CountDisplay struct {

func (self *CountDisplay) MultiDisplay(num int) string {
    str := self.open()
    for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
        str += self.print()
    str += self.close()
    return str

package bridge

import "testing"

func TestBridge(t *testing.T) {
    d1 := DefaultDisplay{&StringDisplayImpl{"AAA"}}
    expect := "+---+\n|AAA|\n+---+\n"
    if result := d1.Display(); result != expect {
        t.Errorf("Expect result to equal %s, but %s.\n", expect, result)

    d2 := CountDisplay{&DefaultDisplay{&StringDisplayImpl{"BBB"}}}
    expect = "+---+\n|BBB|\n+---+\n"
    if result := d2.Display(); result != expect {
        t.Errorf("Expect result to equal %s, but %s.\n", expect, result)

    expect = "+---+\n|BBB|\n|BBB|\n+---+\n"
    if result := d2.MultiDisplay(2); result != expect {
        t.Errorf("Expect result to equal %s, but %s.\n", expect, result)
