我眼中的英国 England in my eyes


当你们在酷热难耐的教室里奋笔疾书地做着化学试卷的时候,我已经到了韩国的Incheon International Airport;当你们早已进入梦乡的时候,我已经在英国的Healthrow International Airport安全着陆。七小时的时差,你们的深夜是我们的黎明,但我知道你们根本没睡,考完试,通个宵,爱你不怕,那一点时差——题记

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等了一小会就登机了,一点也没有晚点,天气好的要命,I haven't taken the plane for so long time.just a little excited.飞机的加速带来的推背感,起飞那一瞬间升力带来的失重感,一切都是那么新奇,让你激动,好像从来没有做过飞机似的。

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electronic screen

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Incheon Airport

land safely at the incheon international airport in seoul .


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mocca coffee

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electronic products


看电影,玩游戏,看书,睡觉,当你用尽浑身解数去消磨时光的时候,你就会发现,还有四个小时,你能做的只有睡觉,我已经15个小时没有正经的睡上一会儿,北京时间21:38,it's time to go to sleep,but we still have 4-hour flight,4 hours,you think 4 hours is over, no!absolutely not,because when we arrive there ,it's only 6 in the afternoon,we have to wait for sleep for another 3 hours,yeah,that's time difference.very impressive.


在飞机上看不到那些芬达,美年达之类的带色的,因为那些都是打着可口,百事的牌子,在中国研发的,怪不得国外没有,每种都会有可口可乐 中国 或百事可乐 中国的字样。飞机上的咖啡难喝的要命,还是可乐雪碧来的直接些。

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sleepy and exhauted kid


when we arrive ,it will be the next day.

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toy story


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sea of clouds

最低零下55度,美丽的冰花ice crystals

随着速度的降低,我们渐渐逼近云层,在云层上空盘旋数周,缓缓降落,we can see the lakes ,green grass,small buildings, lots of cars running on the highway.England,here we are.

when I land safely on the ground of England,I think I am supposed to change the chanel into English one.

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Healthrow Airport

This is our plane,which we have taken for more than 12 hours

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British taxi

I always see this kind of taxi in some British films

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the driver is on the right,but he has to drive on the left of the roads

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when we arrived,it was midnight .But in weihai,it was 7:00 am in the morning.time difference.I could not wait to take some sleep.

D2 -7.13

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mini room

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mini room

I brushed the teeth ,washed the face ,and then went to sleep. the first day in England, began with a 6 -hour  sleep ,it is nice isn't it.

The timetable says that we are supposed to get up at 7,00am in the morning and then  have breakfast half an hour later.

but the boys are so lively and excited that we all get out of the buildings at 7,00am.

enjoy the fresh air and slighty morning of the town.

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lead to dining room

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wonderful environment

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delicious breakfast

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fresh fruit

breakfast,just like the western restaurant.

meat,egg,fruits and so on.

after the breakfast,we gonna go to school to find out what we will do next.

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school gate

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long hall

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inside the school

Here is one  classroom of the school,we are sitting on the ground,we will be divided into many groups and led by different teachers,some of us will do a test,the other will do some activities,luckily we are chosen to do some activities~walk around the town and go shopping.

on the way to the shopping center,we saw a lot .

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flowers everywhere

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father and son

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rotary island

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expensive taxi

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telephone booth

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amusement park

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double decker

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Aston Matin

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beautiful park

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municipal government

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shopping mall

After that,we had a detour and went back to school.

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nutritious lunch

In the afternoon,we had a written test,and then waited for the final test,during the long waiting,I played games called (the wolf the man and the woman )with the Italian friends,we had a wonderful time together .At last,we had the oral test,asking and answering the questions

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school view

During the rest,I found  the differences between the chinese kids and the foreign kids,the Chinese kids were playing phones alone,without saying anything,and the foreign kids,outgoing, were speaking loudly,communicating  with other foreigners.

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puzzle game

In the evening, we played some puzzle games on the mobile phone. It's a wonderful day isn't it? meaningful.

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chat room

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chat room

After going back to the dormitory, some of my Italian friends came downstairs,played some Italian music in a quiet working area.I also met the girl who taught me how to play the card in English and the “little sun”,a Italian boy who has  bright curly orange hair,just like the burning sun.

It is nearly 22:00,the friends went back to own room,took a shower and then went to sleep,waiting for another wonderful day.


It is a nice day again ,isn't it?We have got used to the room we live,the meals we eat,the friends we meet,everything is great here.

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christ church

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This morning,my mom and I went jogging and did some exercise,enjoying the fresh air.I found villas everywhere,with a big garden full of flowers.独具匠心

we are not sure what we are going to do next,go traveling or  go to the classrooms,that makes us a little bit excited.

luckily,we are going  traveling this morning,nice!

9:30 we started at school, on the way to the view,on the bus I saw a French boy who I met yesterday,and he told me how to play game,we talked a lot,shared the video game we play,so cool.

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Chinese restaurant

Around 10:00,we arrived at the shakespeare's birthplace英国小镇斯特拉德Stratford,which is the birth place of shakespeare(1566-1616,English poem )

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the house  he used to live in

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the sculpture of Shakespeare

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street singer

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we just walked around the small town,seeing some of the views.After that,we made a detour and went back to our origin.I bought some things,and we only had 25 min to choose what to buy.

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books written by Shakespeare

I bought some gifts

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telephone booth

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unluckily,both of them are made in china

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made in China

when we went back to school,it was already 1:30 in the afternoon.

l was really hungry, I ate a lot.

In the afternoom,we had our first class,du,wang and I were in the same class,with some French and Italians.we talked to each other,introduced ourselves,played games, I can not understand all the words they say,but some main words can help me to understand what they mean.Introduction included name, hobbies and someting else,then,the teacher told us some rules and matters we need to attention.It was funny that the teacher use more body language and pictures to let us understand easier,last but not least,the teacher let us talk with in pairs,different topics,one girl said she wanted to be an actress in the future,and she is really beautiful too,just a little nervous, I think.

we had 2 classes, After a rest , we went to another class to litsen to a new teacher's class.The content is cooking.

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huawei phone

a French friend of mine uses the huawei p8,huawei,facing the world

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After dinner, our destination  was the playground, next to the church to play games.we really had a great time.

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play football

the foreigners are so energetic,they love soccer and electronic music ,especially the rap I think,soccer is the soul of England,that's true,all of the boys from the European countries play the soccer well.they try to play that when they are young,just like the Chinese we learn at birth.

rap,electronic music,some French and Italian songs, I only know 2,both of them are Justin Bibber's songs ,one is 2u,another is despicacuto,a French song.

when you go inside another room,just like going to the bar or some amusement areas,that 's cool for the teenagers,but it is safe because they don't do anything illegal.

it is time to go to sleep,the alarm of the church has knocked for 11 times.


In the morning, all kinds of activities

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We played a new game called 闪传球,it means the guys will be divided into two groups,catch 3balls in the middle of the playground,and then uses the ball to hit the people from another group,if you are hit by another group,it means you are another team's member,you have to hit your original group's person and then you can go back .when one of the two groups of people die out ,game is over ,the big group will win.

In the afternoon,classes.

we need to work with our partners,work with each other and solve some problems.

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big screen

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tools we have

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my work

In the evening, interesting game--the zombies

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zombie and humans

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be careful,do not be caught by the zombies.


A long trip to Oxford

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British coins

on the way to the Oxford,I sat beside the French friends,communicated,talked about the games,oh he broke my record.he is good.

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French friends

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sleeping girls

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five-star hotel

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Bridge of sigh

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Bodelean library

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boat trip
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Christchurch college

There is a dining hall,the moive Harry Poter got view from here.

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photo challenges

After Lunch,we went to the Queen Street,we gonna do some activities and finish the things on the paper.we have 17 things to do like running man

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and this is the map,but do not worry,we have the Google map, too

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human pyramid

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in the phone box

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marriage proposal

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international food

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flowers everywhere

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selfie with a tourist

It was a nice day in Oxford,a whole day in oxford,when we came back home,it was late in the evening.come on guys,it was time to go to sleep.

D6 7.17

we gona do some activities this morning,we chose badminton.

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do you like my new T-shirt,my friends from Italy konw this city,it's their hometown.

In the afternoon,we have English class as usual

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foreign teacher-Alex

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interesting class

it is a quite simple day,I mean a little bit boring,but this night,funny fashion show.

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D7 7.18


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just like basketball,but you can only hand the ball and move two steps only,then you have to throw the ball to your teammates,then into the net.

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I like disco, although I can't dance well, the important thing is to try it.

D8 7.19

Today all of students have to go for class except us,because we are going to meet someone very famous,the mayor of Cheltenham.Weihai and Cheltenham have been friendly cities since 1987.

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ask for signature

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talk with mayoress

We sat like a circle,the mayoress talked a lot ,because we are the friendly city,and we asked some questions,a girl always query if the city is safe or not,it is a quite simple question,but l do not like that,because every mayor of a city,the most important mision is to keep people safe,if you query,just like query their abilities.

Guess what question I asked,haha,why did  the UK break out of the EU,the mayor' s explanation is the EU has a lot of problems,but she does not want to break out of the EU.

After a short communication,the mayoress had something to do,and we had 2 hours to go to Wilson Gallery.

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hare and cow
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a church across from gallery

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fountain plaza

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beauty and beast

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In the afternoon, we went swimming in the school swimming pool.I swim the fastest.

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Toningt, I think is the deepest impressive night,activity and team works,first we have to build a building with spaghetti.

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pentagonal building

we did it well,but another was bigger than ours, so we just got the third,get one point.

next,use the paper to build a long bridge,as long as you can,we are the best ,others' bridges just cares about the length,we are not the longest,but without doubt,we are the strongest,so we won the first,get 3 points

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the last,make a plane with paper,who can fly the farthest,who will get 3pionts.we got 2points.

in the end ,we won the first prize,one pizza.


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paper plane
D9 7.20

morning classes,we are talking about films

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check some information

I am the director,and photographer,small du head and lin is the main character.that is great.

In the afternoon,exhausted, we ran so quickly and so much.

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In the evening,we walked a long way to the Pittville park.

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a new shirt I bought

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a girl from Hongkong

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pump room

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children's slide

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full view

the most exhausted day,run much,walk long.but we are happy.

say byebye to the sun and say hello to the bed.

D10 -7.21

morning classes,we did some test,we are good,matt likes food,in his class always food,food around the world,the most impressive is the game,the teacher will write some words on the board,one person from each group can not see the word,the other members have to explain and one person has to guess,we lost at first,but we won at last,the lost group has homework,more than 20 different food in English.


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French frirnds

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sisters sing a song

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spanish dance

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piano with 4hands

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push up

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all flash lights on

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2-meter teacher

I was just an audience because I had a bad cough.very sorry,no chinese song on the stage.


How time  flies! we have only 3days left,I love this place,my friends,and I miss my families ,too.

today,a little bit boring, as usual.nothing new. thats all.

D12 -7.23

today,we gonna go to London,the capital of England.

we were asked to get to the common room at 8,00,but the bus was half an hour late,that was terrible.

finally,the bus came,it took us 2hours to get to london.

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statue of  Prime Minister

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big ben

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police and horses

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Buckingham Palace

the guide told me that if the flag is over there,it means the queen is not home.

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Falun dafa

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British museum

here we are,but the time is quite short,only 45mins,oh we have to be fast.

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I do not konw what they are,just try to take more photos because we have less time.

So my mom bought an autograph book to look through later.

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autograph book

at 17:00, we had to leave London.

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seeing the write cloud and blue sky,the UK use 50years to make the environment better,when  can we see the blue sky in beijing?I hope I can see that day.

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candle,good night.

no,the night party just started

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we won the game,so we have pizza and can stay up late.

party time.


D13 -7.24

what did we do last day?

dance again,say byebye to our friends.

and we gonna come back home the day after tomorrow.

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princess hall

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princess hall

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group photo

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my certificate

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my report card

the last mornimg class tommorw.

so exciting.

D14 7.25

tommorw,we gonna leave.

I love this place,love the good environment,fresh air and clean water.love the teachers,friends all around the world,friendly,kind,out going,I love the food here,I love the classes,you can sit on the desk,feel free to go outside if you ask the teacher's permission .Classrooms everywhere,garden,theater and so on.I love the things my miniroom,dormitory,parks,big trees,playground,we play all kinds of sports,we dance,be the prisoner of the rhythum.we stay up late,high with our friends.

I love all the things here,I will miss this place.miss my friends,see you again.

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rain,why?cry?because we gonna leave?

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my room

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say goodbye

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egg and salmon

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bill including fee

nice(last breakfast in the UK)

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pack luggage

in the afternoon,we will go to London.

on the way to London,listening to the songs around the world, I seem to just wake up,oh l gonna leave England.

we will get on the plane at 8:50

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Healthrow airport

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D16- 7.27

Time difference, in England,it is 10:55 in the morning,but in Incheon,korea,is 17:55 in the afternoon.


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The end.

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