In Chicago, officials warned about the risk of almost instant frostbite on what could be the city’s coldest day ever. Warming centers opened around the Midwest. And schools and universities closed throughout region as rare polar winds streamed down from the Arctic.
At the same time, on the other side of the planet, wildfires raged in Australia’s record-breaking heat. Soaring air-conditioner use overloaded electrical grids and caused widespread power failures. The authorities slowed and canceled trams to save power. Labor leaders called for laws that would require businesses to close when temperatures reached hazardous levels: nearly 116 degrees Fahrenheit, as was the case last week in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia.
This is weather in the age of extremes. It comes on top of multiple extremes, all kinds, in all kinds of places.
“When something happens — whether it’s a cold snap, a wildfire, a hurricane, any of those things — we need to think beyond what we have seen in the past and assume there’s a high probability that it will be worse than anything we’ve ever seen,” said Crystal A. Kolden, an associate professor at the University of Idaho, who specializes in wildfires and who is currently working in Tasmania during one of the state’s worst fire seasons.
Consider these recent examples: Heat records were toppled from Norway to Algeria last year. In Australia, a drought has gone on so long that a child in kindergarten will hardly have seen rain in her lifetime. And California saw its most ruinous wildfires ever in 2018, triggering a bankruptcy filing this week by the state’s largest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric.
Is it climate change?
Heat and drought extremes are consistent with scientific consensus: More greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere bring a greater likelihood of abnormally high temperatures. Also, broadly speaking, scientists say, a hotter planet makes extreme weather more frequent and more intense.
The real-life numbers bear out the climate models. Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in 800,000 years, and average global temperatures have risen. The last four years have been the hottest on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization,and the 20 warmest years on record have all come in the past 22 years. Ocean temperatures have broken records several straight years.
爱达荷大学的副教授Crystal A.Kolden说:“当有什么事情发生时,不管是寒流、野火、飓风,还是其他任何事情,我们都需要超越过去的想象,并假设这种情况很有可能比我们见过的任何事情都更糟。”他目前在塔斯马尼亚州的一个火灾最严重的季节工作。
考虑一下最近的例子:去年从挪威到阿尔及利亚的热记录都被打破了。在澳大利亚,干旱持续了这么久,幼儿园的孩子在她有生之年几乎看不到下雨。加州在2018年发生了有史以来最具破坏性的野火,本周,加州最大的公用事业公司太平洋天然气和电力公司(PacificGas and Electric)提出了破产申请。