If something isongoing, it is currently inaction/currently happening.
Synonyms: current
It warned investors it wouldstruggle to sell MTS and that such a sale would harm itsongoingbusiness.
Often in news reports, referencewill be made to an ongoing investigation because the police are in the midst ofit at the moment of reporting.
If your teachers say that therewill be ongoing testing throughout the year, you won't be done with it untilyou get out of school.
2.a perpetual struggle
continuing forever orindefinitely
Use the adjective perpetual todescribe something that never ends or changes.
The perpetual fireswhich maintain her world are suddenly cooling.
3.Driven by human curiosity
decide by reasoning; draw orcome to a conclusion;
We reasoned that itwas cheaper to rent than to buy a house
think logically;
The children must learn to reason
5.Lay foundations for much ofthe work that has followed
6.put forward
insist on having one's opinionsand rights recognized
Republican governors inDemocratic-leaning states are especially vulnerable if policies putforward by Trump and the GOP Congress are disruptive in the states.
7.pick holes
To falsify is to alteror mangle something, like a message or document, in a way that distorts themeaning.
Three executives also wereindicted on charges that they falsified test reports.
He was convicted of falsifying healthcare records and spent nine months in prison in 2014.
prove false
falsify the theory
Toorbitis to follow a circular or elliptical path around a
central body.
Their work helped put John Glenn
He saw Putin steadily remove
non-intelligence personnel from hisorbit.
(n) a point located with respectto surface features of some region
The victory guaranteed White
River aspotin the quarterfinals.
catch sight of
ShespottedSam when he landed from his flight that December andimmediately leaped to embrace him.
Speculativedescribesvery risky and unproven ideas or chances/ not based on fact or investigation.
By deciding not to get too
close, Harrigan effects a tentative advance toward greater, if stillspeculative, understanding.
a turning aside (of your courseor attention or concern)
adeflectionfrom his goal”
Adetectoris a machine that responds to particular substances in a
consistent way.
He wants to learn about malwaredetectorsand how to protect his computer from viruses.
14.to their astonishment
Bounceis a word for an up and down movement or recovery — like a
ball's bounce on the pavement or the stock market's rise after a crash.
He is looking tobounceback after hitting
He said in the past year, Purintonbouncedfrom one menial job to the next and was sometimes
drunk by mid-morning.
Compellingmeans attractive, or irresistible, or really, really convincing.
new andcompellingevidence
The statistics are undeniably
grotesque, yetcompellingin their rigid judgment.
Aparticleis a small piece of anything.
having the earth as the center
Every culture has leaped to thegeocentrichypothesis.
(Middle Ages) one of the four
fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and
physical state
a medium that was once supposedto fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves
But the famous Michelson-Morley
experiment demonstrated that such anaetherdoes not exist.
equipment designed to serve aspecific function
(anatomy) a group of body partsthat work together to perform a given function
Trump’sapparatusis also skillfully deploying subterfuge in order to
diminish public confidence to the point where it becomes impossible to
differentiate truths from lies.
the Harvardapparatus
The firm makes anodes andcathodesthat are used to purify and treat water.
n the 1990s, the Chinese
government spent vast sums building a television industry, only forcathoderay tubes to become outdated.
Have you ever seen aneclipse? That's when the sun, earth or moon cross paths
and cover each other up temporarily.
Americans will also get to watch
their own soon enough.
Greek philosopher andmathematician who proved the Pythagorean theorem; considered to be the firsttrue mathematician (circa 580-500 BC)
the largest island in theMediterranean; the Italian region on the island of Sicily
a bowl-shaped depression formedby the impact of a meteorite or bomb; a bowl-shaped geological formation at thetop of a volcano
Vehicles can’t move through most
streets because of debris and bombcraters.
Immortaldescribes what will never die.
For many years, Cubans regarded
him as something close toimmortal.
the largest inland sea; betweenEurope and Africa and Asia
Navigationis all about figuring out how to get somewhere.
a star that explodes and becomesextremely luminous in the process
n the future, they hope to
capturesupernovaat even earlier stages, within an hour or less of
the explosions happening.
Somethingingeniousshows creativity and inventiveness. If someone compares you to
Einstein, they're implying that you, too, areingenious.
the process of purifying aliquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors
cutting so as to separate intopieces
the act of burning something
Discreditmeans to cause mistrust or cast the accuracy of something into
doubt. If you say that schooling is important to you, but you never study, your
actionsdiscredityou and your words.
the earth science that studiesfossil organisms and related remains
The research is published in the
lacking in schooling
The point seemed to be to remind
Americans that Mr. Trump can be crude, nasty anduntutored.
When you translate a message
from symbols or code into language, youdecodeit. British code breakers worked during World War II todecodeGermany's coded messages.
But at age 20, she was mature
enough to complete Carmen’s sentences anddecodehis facial expressions.
Achromosomeis a strand of DNA that is encoded with genes. In most cells,
humans have 22 pairs of thesechromosomesplus the two sexchromosomes(XX in females and XY in males) for a total of 46.
discouraging through fear
Somethingdauntingcan scare you off. If you have a lot of studying to do, it may
seem like adauntingtask.
The winner will face thedauntingtask of rebuilding the party and appeasing voters
who want a political war against Mr. Trump.