






using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; public class EmojiTextComponent : Text { private const bool EMOJI_LARGE = true; private static Dictionary EmojiIndex = null; struct EmojiInfo { public float x; public float y; public float size; public int len; } void Start() { SetEmojiText("[0]这是一个支持表情系统[1]的Emo[2],运行时支持动态表情。这是修改后的效果"); } Dictionary emojiDic = new Dictionary(); public void SetEmojiText(string emojiText) { if (EmojiIndex == null) { EmojiIndex = new Dictionary(); string path = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/emoji.txt"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { string line; bool isTitle = true; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (isTitle) { isTitle = false; continue; } string[] strs = line.Split('\t'); EmojiInfo info; info.x = float.Parse(strs[3]); info.y = float.Parse(strs[4]); info.size = float.Parse(strs[5]); info.len = 0; EmojiIndex.Add(strs[1], info); } sr.Close(); } } emojiDic.Clear(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(emojiText, "\\[[a-z0-9A-Z]+\\]"); int lastSubIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { EmojiInfo info; if (EmojiIndex.TryGetValue(matches[i].Value, out info)) { var matchItem = matches[i]; info.len = matchItem.Length; if (lastSubIndex != matchItem.Index) { result.Append(emojiText.Substring(lastSubIndex, matchItem.Index - lastSubIndex)); } emojiDic.Add(result.Length, info); result.Append("正"); lastSubIndex = matchItem.Index + matchItem.Length; } } if (lastSubIndex != emojiText.Length - 3) { result.Append(emojiText.Substring(lastSubIndex)); } text = result.ToString(); } readonly UIVertex[] m_TempVerts = new UIVertex[4]; protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper toFill) { if (font == null) return; // We don't care if we the font Texture changes while we are doing our Update. // The end result of cachedTextGenerator will be valid for this instance. // Otherwise we can get issues like Case 619238. m_DisableFontTextureRebuiltCallback = true; Vector2 extents = rectTransform.rect.size; var settings = GetGenerationSettings(extents); cachedTextGenerator.Populate(text, settings); Rect inputRect = rectTransform.rect; // get the text alignment anchor point for the text in local space Vector2 textAnchorPivot = GetTextAnchorPivot(alignment); Vector2 refPoint =; refPoint.x = Mathf.Lerp(inputRect.xMin, inputRect.xMax, textAnchorPivot.x); refPoint.y = Mathf.Lerp(inputRect.yMin, inputRect.yMax, textAnchorPivot.y); // Determine fraction of pixel to offset text mesh. Vector2 roundingOffset = PixelAdjustPoint(refPoint) - refPoint; // Apply the offset to the vertices IList verts = cachedTextGenerator.verts; float unitsPerPixel = 1 / pixelsPerUnit; //Last 4 verts are always a new line... int vertCount = verts.Count - 4; toFill.Clear(); if (roundingOffset != { for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i) { int tempVertsIndex = i & 3; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex] = verts[i]; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position *= unitsPerPixel; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position.x += roundingOffset.x; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position.y += roundingOffset.y; if (tempVertsIndex == 3) toFill.AddUIVertexQuad(m_TempVerts); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i) { EmojiInfo info; int index = i / 4; if (emojiDic.TryGetValue(index, out info)) { int tempVertsIndex = i & 3; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex] = verts[i]; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position *= unitsPerPixel; if (tempVertsIndex == 3) { //可动态设置offset值对表情大小进行控制 float offset = 4; m_TempVerts[0].position = m_TempVerts[0].position + new Vector3(-offset, offset); m_TempVerts[1].position = m_TempVerts[1].position + new Vector3(offset, offset); m_TempVerts[2].position = m_TempVerts[2].position + new Vector3(offset, -offset); m_TempVerts[3].position = m_TempVerts[3].position + new Vector3(-offset, -offset); m_TempVerts[0].uv1 = new Vector2(info.x, info.y + info.size); m_TempVerts[1].uv1 = new Vector2(info.x + info.size, info.y + info.size); m_TempVerts[2].uv1 = new Vector2(info.x + info.size, info.y); m_TempVerts[3].uv1 = new Vector2(info.x, info.y); toFill.AddUIVertexQuad(m_TempVerts); } } else { int tempVertsIndex = i & 3; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex] = verts[i]; m_TempVerts[tempVertsIndex].position *= unitsPerPixel; if (tempVertsIndex == 3) toFill.AddUIVertexQuad(m_TempVerts); } } } m_DisableFontTextureRebuiltCallback = false; } }
